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The News 12 January 2024 - St Bede's

Dear Parents,We have had a splendid start to the term this week and it has been especially wonderful to welcome Georgia from Australia who is joining us for 3 weeks as part of our exchange programme. We also welcomed a new member of residential staff to St Bede's, Amelia Wright, who is a new Pastoral Graduate speciallising in Netball support. The girls performed well in the House Cross Country on Wednesday with special mentions to Amelie, Clemmie and Poppy for their outstanding performances. Lucy has been busy preparing a team for the House swimming gala on Sunday, whilst Year 10 eagerly await their Parents' Weekend. Our first netball fixture is on Saturday and we wish our girls the best of luck as they start their season. The Schola have a busy weekend with Schola Mass, Mass at Wesminster Cathedral on Saturday and our School Mass on Sunday. We are always grateful for their loyal commitment and service to the College - it really enriches our liturgy. Year 12 are sleeping out on Saturday evening to fundraise for our partner organisations who support the homeless so do a say a prayer for them and look out for fundraising links. Thank you so much for your support with the girls' dress code - they have been exceptionally well dressed this week and I am sure this is in part responsible for the mature and committed approach I have seen to their academic lessons and punctuality over the past few days. Look forward to seeing you soon, and thank you as ever for your support of all in St Bede's.

House Cross Country

House Cross Country

House Cross Country

Memories of last year's House Swimming!

Year 10s beautifully dressed and ready to learn!

Georgia with the House Team in Bede's!

Ski Trip to Austria for some of our Girls before the Christmas Holiday

Ski Trip to Austria evening social

Early birds getting ready for morning prayers

Keep up to date with House events: on Facebook and Twitter.@Amp_CollStB