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Module Intro

Welcome to Module 1.

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The Introduction to the Company

Module 1 consists of the following lessons:

  • Lesson 1 History
  • Lesson 2 Mission
  • Lesson 3 Values

Learning Outcomes: Remember the company’s History, Mission and Values

Module 1

Intro to Lesson 1: History

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This lesson about the company’s history is divided into 2 topics:Topic 1: The inspiration behind setting up the company and Topic 2: The key events and successes.

There will be an activity following Topic 2.

Module 1

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Topic 1: The inspiration behind setting up the company

SEC was created in 2002 by one of the local entrepreneurs Mr Jack Jones. He was inspired by a TV programme about young unemployed girls and boys in the region who dreamed about setting up their own businesses. This is how the idea of advising on entrepreneurship was born. Click on the video button to watch a short film based on programme that inspired Mr Jones.

Lesson 1 - The Company's History

Module 1

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Topic 2: The key events and successes

The big launch of SEC took place in October 2002 in Guildford. The first customer who benefited from the entrepreneurial advice at SEC was an 18-year-old student Anna Green. She set up her successful business in 2003 and still is going strong. Other key dates and events include:

  • 2004 - SEC reached a milestone and provided advice to the first 100 Clients.
  • 2005 - The company welcomed their first Learning and Development Specialist.
  • 2006 - SEC expanded from 10 to 25 employees.

Lesson 1 - The Company's History

Module 1

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Thank you for participating in the Lesson 1 – The History of SEC. Setting up a new company is not easy but being able to help out those who are unemployed is worth taking the risk.As for 2024 we have over 30 qualified members of staff and over 22 years managed to bring closer to entrepreneurship over 6,000 clients. We believe that this fact can motivate you to help out others and prevent long term unemployment. Reminder of the key facts:1. The company was established in 20022. The first CEO of the company was John Jones. 3. The first Client established a business in 2003.

Lesson 1 - Summary

Module 1

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You are now ready to take part in the quiz. Enjoy! This is a true or false quiz. Please choose one answer per question.

Lesson 1 - The activity