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ConstructiveAlignment &Effective Assessment Strategies

Objectives:1. Discuss how constructive alignment can be used to develop effective learning objectives that link to impactful assessment for learning.2. Plan 1x piece of curriculum using constructive alignment.Developing LO's, linked assessment and effective TLA activities.

22:02 AM

Why are we discussing constructive alignment?- PFI visits/TLA walks/Drop in's...- Students are 'busy' with activities...- Lack of focused progress being made in lessons...- Students struggled to articulate what they were doing or why they were doing it...- LO's seen were not student focused...

22:04 AM

Discuss Biggs model for constructive alignment...Key focus on developing objectives and assessment strategies first...Majority of lessons seen have TLA's... but lack effective assessment due to misaligned ILO's

Biggs& Tang(2015)

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Command Words - Specifications- Briefs- You!!

22:04 AM

Ask the group/swhich is the most common occurring command word or verb they use day in day out - or most common in their assignments e.g. describe, explain?SLIDO creates a wordcloud^^ can be used to make ILO's later on if level of the group is low*Alternative- BOARD BLAST Q&A


Group Discussion

What command words/action verbs do you use in your lessons?

Creating Effective ILO's:- What do you WANT/NEED the students to be able to DO/SHOW you before they leave - that day/that week?- Incorporate effective VERBS/COMMAND WORDS e.g. Describe, Explain, Identify, List, Demonstrate, Create, Analyse, Discuss...*AVOID objectives with 'Understand'... or 'Complete'...**These can often be seen as OUTCOMES in specifications but they are not student centered OBJECTIVES...

STUDENT A:"OK... how would you like me to DO that?"

TEACHER:"You can't understand this yet!? We havn't even started it!? Prove it!?"

STUDENT A:"I understand this already... can I go?"...

TEACHER:"Ok everyone here are today's objectives"...'Understand the force'

*CHALLENGE - choose an exciting assessment optionAvoid - report, poster, leaflet or presentation...

1 ILO's -> 2 ASSESSMENT -> 3 TLA ACTIVITIES1. Design or choose an objective for students to work towards... using effective verbs/command words2. Select an appropriate method of assessing students progress towards that LO...*Formative... NOT summative...3. Design and select effective TLA activities that allow the students the opportunity to be assessed effectively...


^^^^^^^^^^^^^*Worksheets with all 3x departments:IT, CC and HsC- an example from each spec- in small teams get staff to constructively align a piece of curriculum- alternative:Work through examples on screen all together with department e.g. IT supporting/leading

Objectives:1. Discuss how constructive alignment can be used to develop effective learning objectives that link to impactful assessment for learning.2. Plan 1x piece of curriculum using constructive alignment.Developing LO's, linked assessment and effective TLA activities.

22:02 AM

Next Steps:1. TLA WalksCM/AP's to come and see 'aligned' LO's -> Assessment -> TLA Activites2. Formal ObservationsInvite an AP in to see Constructive Alignment process in full - 45mins & Feedback discussion

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Formal Observations:Book now!

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