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Sextortion scam advice and prevention for young people who are above 18s.


Cyber Dependent Crime Unit

Staying safe online

We work alongside partner agencies across the UK & abroad. These include Law enforcement and other agencies.

  • Prevent
  • Protect
  • Pursue

CDCU Overview

HackersViruses/ Trojans/Stressor/booters/ Scripts

Social Media TakeoversOver 51% of Cyber incidents reported

Dark Web We carry out investigations into the Dark web & Crypto

What we investigate



A sextortion scam is when a criminal attempts to blackmail someone, usually by email.


What is sextortion

The criminals behind these attacks do not know if you have a webcam, or know if you've visited adult websites. They are attempting to scare their victims into paying a ransom, and will send millions of emails in the hope that someone will pay.

Sextortion Email sent to victims with Password Information of that victim which will have been obtained from paste bins / Dark Web etc., – This is done in an attempt to make the scam look legitimate and trick the victim into believing that they have actually been videoed through the webcam – Demand for payment, usually in Bitcoin.

They will threaten to share images / videos with them unless payment is made

images / Videos are normally shared, first by suspect and then they request victim to replicate – Once this is done this is where the threat / demand is made – Suspect at this stage has already performed Open Source Research on the victim and identified a list of friends / family.

Suspect will engage the victim on dating site / Social media site, then move the chat / interaction onto another platform (Kik / Whatsapp / Messenger) this is where the conversation turns sexual.

  • Evidence can be valuable for legal purporses/reporting the crime.
  • Record any communication related.
  • Save messages

1 Preserve evidence:

what to do if you've recieved an email that's trying to blackmail you.

Stop all communication


them on all platforms to prevent further manipulation or harassment.

Stop all communication with anyone who is blackmailling or threatening you.

3 Do not pay any money

you might be targeted with future scams,

They will likely continue to ask more payments

if you are tempted to pay the ransom,

as criminals will know they have a "willing" customer.

or meet any further demands,

Speak to us, if you need support now.

If you've been the victim of a scam, fraud or online crime (cybercrime) you can report it to Action Fraud: online. on 0300 123 2040 (Monday to Friday 8am to 8pm).

Action fraud

'If you've already paid the ransom?

- visit Action Fraud for further advice

  • Ensure you have up-to-date internet security software loaded and switched on, to avoid the possibility of someone remotely controlling your webcam

Tips to avoid falling victim to sextortion

  • Don’t respond to blackmail threats
  • Don’t take your clothes off or perform intimate acts in front of your webcam
  • If a compromising photo or video appears on a website or social media site, report the images and ask for them to be removed


Click here to read the story- man installed malware on victim's computers to spy on them through webcams

You can use haveibeen pwned.com to check if your email address has been involved in a data breach.

Check your email here...


Dictionary words or phrases

Passwords Hacks

Computer tries to guess digit by digit.

Brute Force

Create profile of you, family names, pets, favourite team

Target Attack

Stored list of top 20,000 passwords - NCSC website

Rainbow Attack

Dictionary Attack


2 BILLION years


5 Months


14 seconds

Password Monster


0.19 Seconds

Report & Remove

We recommend contacting the Revenge Porn Helpline - 0345 6000 459 | Revenge Porn Helpline. They are supporting:

  • Intimate images shared without consent
  • Threats to share intimate images
  • Images recorded without consent (Voyeurism)
  • Webcam blackmail(sextortion)
  • Upskirting

StopNCII.org is operated by the Revenge Porn Helpline which is part of SWGfL, an international charity that believes that everyone should benefit from technology, free from harm. Founded in 2000, SWGfL works with a number of partners and stakeholders around the world to protect everyone online.

Stop Non-Consensual Intimate Image Abuse


Online dating/romance scams/pig butchering scam, crypto investment/blackmailling ...

Who are you really talking to on dating apps?

What is "pig butchering"scam

  • When 25-year-old Divya joined Tinder.
  • She connected with "Jerry"-a charismatic young man
  • Jerry has an interest in cyptocurrency trading.
  • The two quickly built a realtionship online..
  • Jerry convinced Divya to send her recent inheritance to his trading partners.
  • She started with $10,000. Then $86,000.
  • Then 6 transfers-all went into Jerry's special investment platform.
  • Jerry and the money vanished.

Crypto-romance scams story:

Any Questions?


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