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What type of information does the video contain?







Video sharing




Public data is freely available and does not require any special security measures. As its name implies, public information can be openly shared with anyone without the need for additional precautions.

Intended for use within an organisation, it can include things like the employee handbook, company policies, and certain company-wide communications. Though it should remain private, if this type of information were to be made public, the repercussions would be minimal.

Confidential data must be kept within the organisation and should only be accessed by authorised personnel. It can include information like pricing details, promotional materials, or contact information. If this type of data were to be disclosed, it could damage the company or brand.

Restricted data requires the highest level of protection and access must be limited to necessary personnel. Often protected by a Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA), restricted data can include trade secrets, credit card details, medical records, and personally identifiable information (PII)—which is especially important in the context of privacy.

Okay in rare cases (such as eShadowing) with strict adherence to the steps to mitigate the risk outlined in the best practice document.

Only upload with extra privacy settings.

Okay in rare cases (such as eShadowing) with strict adherence to the steps to mitigate the risk outlined in the best practice document.