Want to make creations as awesome as this one?


Next you’ll find some frameworks for you to ‘rate yourself’ as well as areas for you to stop and ask yourself some reflective questions – It’s important to take the time to think about what you’ve learnt and the progress your making, in order to cement your learning and realise all the progress being made along the way.

Once you’re training stage is complete - click the ‘manager sign off’ button to flag you’re ready for your skills to be checked! Happy Cooking!

You will also see tiles to book yourself onto theKitchen Productivity and Food Quality workshop for two days at our Skills Academy, and other online modules to support your learning.

Your training starts with STAR, and all of the STAR courses that you need to bolster your on-job training can be accessed through the links below. Don’t worry, if you’ve already done some of these, your completed training has already been mapped through, and you can work out which of the remainder you need to complete by having a STAR catch up with your KM and using the ‘start and finish here’ modules in the usual way.