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  1. Barthens Provisions
  2. Stonehill Inn
  3. Smithy
  4. Shrine of Luck
  5. Townmaster's Hall
  6. Lionshield Coster
  7. Phandalin Miners exhange
  8. the Sleeping Giant
  9. Tresendar Manor
  10. Edermath Orchard











Barthen's Provisions: The biggest trading post in Phandalin, which stayed open from sunup to sundown. It was run by Elmar Barthen Barthen's Provisions also served as a trading hub. Clerks Ander and Thistle would unload and load carts of goods and resources that came into, or were to go out of, Phandalin via wagon.[1] Barthen also brokered deals for large sales of livestock and similar goods, bringing together local sellers from as far south as Leilon with buyers as far afield as Waterdeep Kauppias (ja omistaja) Elmar Barthen (hoikka kaljuuntuva keski-ikäinen ihmis mies miellyttävät tavat. kauppa-apulaiset Ander ja Thistle

2. Stonehill Inn Tavernanpitäjä ja omistaja(t): Toblen Stonehill ja puoliso Trilena Stonehill heidän lapsensa Pip Stonehill Barmaid (gossipy) Elsa

9. Tresendar Manor, Seikkailijoiden tukikohta, seikkailijat (Curan, Kolmonen ja Finno)

7. Phandalin Miner's Exchange kiltamestari Halia Thorton

3. Smithy Paikallinen seppä Alger Frakk (mies, kääpiö), hoitaa sepän pajaansa oppipoikansa Maza Fieldsalderin avustuksella. Maza Fieldsalder (mies, ihminen) on jo vahva ja taitava sepän oppipoika joka kehittyy Algerin opissa.

4. Shrine of Luck. Sister Garaele (Sister Garaele is an female elf cleric who lives in Phandalin. She is a worshiper of Tymora, and spent much time caring for the Shrine of Luck in town)

5. Townmaster's Hall. A building that served as the seat of the town government. It also housed a small, but serviceable jail in the cellar. A noticeboard near the front door displayed bulletins and information for residents and newcomers to town, some offering rewards for certain tasks the Townmaster's Hall is the office of Townmaster Harbin Wester, although he was known to also conduct official business from his personal home nearby. Harbin is a corpulent middle-aged banker and politician. He is the wealthiest resident of Phandalin and its biggest landowner, and he tended to dress in clothes that communicated his wealth.

6. Lionshield Costner Kauppiasmestari Linene Graywind The Lionshield Coster , also called the Lionshields, is a merchant company based in the fortified city of Yartar. The merchant company's symbol was a image of a lion's head placed upon a wooden or metal shield. In some instances the lion was colored blue, while in others it was emblazoned over a blue background Linene Graywind is described to be sharp-tongued. She works tirelessly to keep her business running smoothly regardless of whether times were good or bad and is grateful to anyone that could aid her in times of need She is a reliable source for gossip.

8. Sleeping Giant The Sleeping Giant: A rundown, dirty, and dangerous watering hole. It was known for being frequented by a bandit group untill adventurers (Kolmonen, Curan Finno) drove them away. The building is located at the end of the main street to the east of Phandalin, which ended in Tresendar Manor.It was marked as a tavern by a sign depicting a prone giant and by its porch, which had several empty barrels of ale on display. The Sleeping Giant is owned by a surly dwarf named Grista Kettlecopp, whose rude demeanor reflected the quality (or lack thereof) of the pub itself. It was the favored watering hole for cruder folk, and catered mostly to dwarf and human miners and ruffians.[1][2] The bar was filthy and poorly maintained,[2] and townsfolk were known to dissuade visitors from going there.

10. Edermath Orcahard. An orchard field with the simple cottage of a silver-haired half-elf named Daran Edermath. Daran is a retired marshal in the lands of the Dragon Coast. When he retired, he returned to the Neverwinter region, which was his original home, to grow apples and make cider.The orchard operates year-round, and thus always smelled strongly of apples. In the warmer months, the orchard produces fresh fruit and juice, while in the winter, fruit was processed into cider and other products. The orchard counted both visiting merchants and local food and drink establishments as customers