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Release of questions, due dates, word limits, essay-writing tips, how many sources to use, which font to use, extensions & mitigating circumstances

Tips for writing an essay plan, rules for essay plan submission, optionality of essay plan

Essay Plans

Which referencing system to use, referencing help, where to find more readings

Office Hours

Bookings versues drop-in, location, times

Referencing & Further Reading

Catching up after absence, registering absence, attending a different seminar group, switching seminar groups

PHIL1444: Answers to frequently asked questions

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Timetables & Attendance

When will the essay questions be released? By the end of Week 2 What is the essay due date? Coursework submission dates for all PRHS modules can be found in the Assessment Section of the PRHS Organisation on Minerva. (Note: these dates may only be released in the second week of semester.) To find the PRHS Organisation, click the ‘Organisations’ tab in the main Minerva menu, and then search for ‘Philosophy, Religion and History of Science’. All students enrolled on PRHS modules should have access to the PRHS Organisation. If you don’t, please contact helpdesk@leeds.ac.uk Is the word limit plus or minus 10%? No. For example: if it says the word limit is 2,000 words, then that's the word limit. The limit is not 2,200 words. We stop reading at the point where you exceed the limit. Does the bibliography count towards the word limit?In-text references count towards the word count--for example: (Jones 2020, p.1)--but the bibliography does not.Any tips on writing essays?Please look under 'Assessment and Feedback' section of our Minerva Room. You'll find mini-lectures that provide tips on writing a good philosophy essay thereHow many sources do I need to include in my essay?There's no magical number--sorry! Some helpful tips, though: 1 - It's highly advisable to conduct research beyond the module's required readings, and to draw upon this further research in your essay. 2 - All else equal, it's more important how you use your sources than how many sources you use. An essay that engages in-depth with ideas from four articles will tend to do better than an essay that has ten articles in the bibliography, but only touches upon ideas from each very quickly and superficially (e.g., a quote or a few sentences here and there).Which font should I use?We'd recommend a size 12, easy to read font. (Examples: Times New Roman, Calibri, Arial, Garamond, Cambria.) We'll trust you to use common sense here! As long as you don't (e.g.) submit an essay in size 16 Comic Sans, you should be fine.What are the policies on extensions & mitigating circumstances?Please go to the PRHS Organisations area and familiarise yourself with the 'Code of Practice and Assessment' document. All relevant information can be found there. To find the PRHS Organisation, click the ‘Organisations’ tab in the main Minerva menu, and then search for ‘Philosophy, Religion and History of Science’. All students enrolled on PRHS modules should have access to the PRHS Organisation. If you don’t, please contact helpdesk@leeds.ac.uk

I want to attend a different seminar this week. Do I need to ask permission?No--just rock up! If it's just a one-time thing, then you don't need to ask the seminar leader's permission. The module timetable can be found at this link:https://timetable.leeds.ac.uk/teaching/202324/reporting/Individual?objectclass=module&idtype=name&identifier=PHIL144401&&template=SWSCUST+module+Individual&days=1-7&weeks=1-52&periods=1-21I want to change my seminar slot for the semester. How do I do this?If you cannot make your allocated seminar slot (for example, perhaps you have a work shift at that time each week, which cannot be changed), then please contact Student Services at prhs@leeds.ac.uk I am going to be absent from class. What do I do?Please see this link for information about how to register your absence: https://students.leeds.ac.uk/info/10108/attendance_and_absences/659/absencesHow do I catch up if I've been absent?Unfortunately, seminars aren't recorded for this module, and neither are lectures (since they're discussion-based). So my advice would be to read the lecture notes, to do the required reading and also consult the reading notes, and to ask a classmate if they have any notes they're willing to share from the seminar.I need help sorting out a problem with my timetable. What do I do?Please email Student Services at prhs@leeds.ac.uk

Dr Jessica IsserowOffice hours: 12pm-2pm Wednesdays, Room 2.05 Botany HouseJess's Office Hours are by appointment only. You can see availability and book by using this link:https://outlook.office.com/bookwithme/user/46913ba823eb44aaada64283c3c161a2@leeds.ac.uk/meetingtype/KyGhbjY9aU27rmLP55aAHA2?anonymous&ep=mLinkFromTileDr Benedikt BuechelOffice hours: 10-11am Tuesdays and 3-4pm Thursdays, Baines Wing LG 13

Do you have advice on writing an essay plan?Yes. This can be found under the 'Assessment and Feedback' section of our Minerva room.What is the policy for submitting an essay plan?You have the option to submit one essay plan and to then receive written feedback on it--provided that certain ground rules are adhered to. Please see the 'Assessment Submission and Feedback' section of our Minerva room for details about these ground rules (the 'Assessment Information' document in particular). Any plans that don't adhere to these rules won't receive written feedback.You're also always free to receive verbal feedback on any essay ideas during our office hours that are held every week during the teaching semester! This can be in addition to or instead of written feedback on a written plan.How do I submit an essay plan?By email. Please send it to the instructor who leads your seminar on either Thursday or Friday.Can I submit more than one essay plan?No. You can only submit one essay plan for this module.Do I have to submit an essay plan?No. Submitting an essay plan is entirely optional.

Which referencing system do I need to use?Harvard Referencing For a guide to Harvard Referencing, see: https://library.leeds.ac.uk/referencing-examples/9/leeds-harvard For a tutorial on Referencing, see: https://resources.library.leeds.ac.uk/referencing-made-simple/#/page/5d89d7456d1334036d871cfa For a tutorial on Academic integrity, see: https://desystemshelp.leeds.ac.uk/student-guides/assessment/the-academic-integrity-tutorial-and-test/Where can I find references for texts mentioned in the lectures?On the very last lecture slide(s)Do I need to provide page numbers?Yes--every time you're quoting directly or referring to something specific that someone has said (a specific claim or a particular example, for instance).