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Prophet Sulaymaan (AS)

Black Magic

True or False

Sulaymaan's (AS) intelligence in the grape vine story

The father of Prophet Sulaymaan (AS)

What powers did Allah give Prophet Sulaymaan (AS)?

About the Prophet Sulaymaan (AS)


  • Prophet Sulaymaan (AS) was one of the prophets that came after Prophet Shu'ayb (AS).
  • Prophet Sulaymaan (AS) was appointed to be the king after his father Dawood (AS).
  • Allah gave him many powers and bounties such as controlling the wind and being able to talk to animals/jinns.
  • He was a humble servant of Allah and he was also very intelligent as shown in the story of the grape vine owner.
  • He ruled justly like his father Prophet Dawood (AS) and is regarded as one of the greatest rulers of all time.

About the Prophet Sulaymaan (AS)

Black Magic

True or False

Sulaymaan's (AS) intelligence in the grape vine story

The father of Prophet Sulaymaan (AS)

What powers did Allah give Prophet Sulaymaan (AS)?

About the Prophet Sulaymaan (AS)


  • The father of Sulaymaan was called Dawood (AS) and he was also a prophet of Allah.
  • Allah commanded the mountains and birds to do tasbeeh and du'aa for him.
  • Prophet Dawood (AS) had a special skill which allowed him to make armour out of iron as said in the Quran surah Al-Anbiya verse 80.
  • He was a humble servant of Allah (he sought the repnetance of Allah consitently despite him having a kingdom and power)
  • He was a fair and just ruler who always sided with the truth.

The father of Prophet Sulaymaan (AS)

Black Magic

True or False

Sulaymaan's (AS) intelligence in the grape vine story

The father of Prophet Sulaymaan (AS)

What powers did Allah give Prophet Sulaymaan (AS)?

About the Prophet Sulaymaan (AS)


  • The prophet could travel very quickly to places because he could control the wind- he could travel a months journey in just half-a-day.
  • He was in control of the jinns and he could speak to them and because of this they would constuct buildings for him as shown in Surah Al-Anbiya, verse 82. This is shown in real life as the Al-Marwanin Mosque (Sulaymaan's Mosque) in Jerusalem was constructed by jinns because the stones are too big for humans to ever construct them!
  • He also knew the language of the animals and jinn and still remained a pious servant of Allah.

The powers of Prophet Sulaymaan (AS)

Black Magic

True or False

Sulaymaan's (AS) intelligence in the grape vine story

The father of Prophet Sulaymaan (AS)

What powers did Allah give Prophet Sulaymaan (AS)?

About the Prophet Sulaymaan (AS)


  • One day a subject of Dawood (AS) came to him and complained that some goats had trampled his grape vines.
  • Dawood (AS) decided that the flock of goats should be given to the owner of the grape vines.
  • However, Sulaymaan (AS) advised to give the grape vines to the flock owner so he can grow them back to their original state. In the meanwhile the grape vine owner can have the flock of goats for provision.
  • Allah gave the ability to be intelligent and have deep understanding.

The Grape Vine story

Black Magic

True or False

Sulaymaan's (AS) intelligence in the grape vine story

The father of Prophet Sulaymaan (AS)

What powers did Allah give Prophet Sulaymaan (AS)?

About the Prophet Sulaymaan (AS)


  • After Sulyamaan (AS) passed away his people started becoming corrupt and going astary.
  • They started attributing him with black magic which was making them revert to their old ways of polythesism.
  • Allah told the Jews that Sulaymaan (AS) never committed kufur, but that the Shayateen were kufur by teaching black magic to the people as said in Surah Al-Baqarah, verse 102.

Black Magic

Black Magic

True or False

Sulaymaan's (AS) intelligence in the grape vine story

The father of Prophet Sulaymaan (AS)

What powers did Allah give Prophet Sulaymaan (AS)?

About the Prophet Sulaymaan (AS)


True or False

The mosque that the jinns built was called Al-Marwanin

Prophet Sulaymaan's father is Prophet Ayyub (AS)

Prophet Sulaymaan (AS) couldn't talk to animal

JazakAllah for Listening!


False...it was Prophet Dawood (AS)

False...he could talk to animals