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Security & Data Protection quiz


You received a call from a guest, reservation is IVR verified


I ask for the name of the booker

I ask for the name of the caller

I ask for the confirmation number and the name of the caller


Next Question

I received a call from a partner, and he has a reservation related request


I should ask for the caller's name, the property name, and the reservation number

I should ask for the property name, the caller name and his position, the reservation number and the name of the guest

I should ask for the property ID, the caller name and his position, the reservation number and the name of the guest


Next Question

I have verified the caller with the confirmation number and PIN. At this point, can I confirm to them which number or email address we have on file for that reservation, in order to call/contact them back?



I can confirm the email address and the phone number since the caller is fully verifued

I can Confirm the last four digits, domain name or part of the email address

I cannot confirm anything


Next Question

The Guest wants to be contacted to a different phone number than the one stored for their reservation. Can I proceed?



I need to call back the guest first

Yes I can note down a different phone number to contact them on

No I cannot note down a different phone number as it is considered as Data protection Breach


Next Question

If the guest contacted us via Messaging and asked about another reservation (providing sufficient information to identify the booking), can we discuss the other booking?



No, the guest needs to provide the confirmation number, and pin code

If the reservation can be found in the Guest Page, it is considered as verified

No, the guest needs to send us a message from the needed reservation


Next Question

If I've successfully verified the caller's identity with the first reservation, do I need to go through the security protocol again if they need help with a second reservation or if they want me to list other reservations they might have?

6/ 13

I need to ask the guest to call us back and ask for someone else to help


Yes I need to ask for the confirmation number and the pin code before I can confirm the existence of the reservation

Since the guest was fully verified from the beginning, the confirmation number is sufficient


Next Question

Can I use leading questions during security verification? Example: are you the husband of the booker? Am I speaking to James?



No, I should not ask leading questions

Yes, I can help the guest to identify themselves


Next Question

I have verified the caller's first and last name. The caller is not the booker, but their name appears on one of the rooms in the reservation. Do I need to verify the relationship to the booker?



No. If the guest’s name appears on the reservation details, there is no need to additionally capture the relationship to the bookerNo. If the guest’s name appears on the reservation details, there is no need to additionally capture the relationship to the booker

As part of the security check, I need to ask for their relationship to the booker


Next Question

The caller provides enough information for us to find the reservation in the system, but is not able to answer our security questions. Am I allowed to confirm there is a reservation?



No, it is not allowed to confirm that a reservation exists.

Since I have found the reservation following the information provided, I can confirm that the reservation exists


Next Question

The guest contacted us asking for our assistance to cancel a reservation free of charge because they have Covid-19, Can I disclose this information with the partner, or in our internal notes?


No, I cannot share this information with the partner or write it in my notes as this is considered as a Data Protection breach

Yes, I can share this information as it might help with the decision of the free cancellation


Next Question

The partner contacted us asking for the email address of the guest to be able to send him an invoice


I advise the partner to send us the invoice, and we will forward it to the guest

I cannot provide the guest email address, but I can provide the email alias instead

I can provide the email address of the guest to make sure they will receive the invoice right away


Next Question

The guest contacted us asking to change the check-out date to be the 20th of December instead of the 24th due to a death in the family, can I disclose this information with the partner?


No, I cannot disclose such an information as it will be considered as a Data Breach

Yes I can share this information as it might help in reaching a positive outcome


Next Question

A guest contacted us to follow up on an incorrect charge complaint where they shared their full CC number, can I share this with the partner?


No, I cannot share any financial data, and I will need to contact the Guest support line to delete the attachment as it goes again the Personal Data Protection Rights

I can share it with the partner to ensure that they have all the needed data to issue a refund correctly


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