Want to make creations as awesome as this one?


It's a school project in which teachers and students freely get involved in different degrees

South Wing


Top north wing

Bottom north wing

+ Short history

Getting organized

Salinas'Kitchen Garden

What there is in Dec 23 and some of our short-term plans

Then, we went there, took pictures, wrote down notes and discussed what we saw.

Visited the KG to observe flora, fauna and needs

4 mixed teams for 4 sections

First, we formed the teams, gave ourselves a name and chose an area to look into.

Finally, we created a google doc and shared our findings.

We saw an insect hotel made of pieces of wood that can be improved by tying up bunches of twigs and bring them into the insect hotel. Next to the wall, we would like to carry out last year's plan of starting up a section of flowers that adapt easily to our climate.

Enhancing pollination


We can breed them so they come and eat up pests like aphids.We saw:an earthworm. some placards, chard and calendula.some mushrooms, whose name is Melanoleuca.some strawberries growing. It’s scientific name is Fragaria Vesca.some daisiessome plants that were covered with plastic bottles, so that they would not freeze.

Farming ladybirds

South wing

They keep the area green and the second can be used to keep aphid away from our crops and to create shelter fro insects.We dug some steps straightaway to make the area safer to walk through.

Occupied by wild plants some of which we have identified

Top north wing

We observed that broad beens grow in a spiral climbing around bamboo sticks. Patato and tomato plants are growing in autumn instead of in whats their typical time to grow, springtime. They are inside recycled tyres painted with blue and pink sprays. We have also seen garlic shooting in other wheels, something which is suitable for this time of the year.

Our crops: some on time, others not

Bottom north wing

From isolatated action to part of a local network

  • 19-21: 4 beds, a few boxes, a scarecrow in the south wing and first murals
  • 21-22: 5th bed, 3 storage boxes, a 50x50x60cms greenhouse, a composter in the south wing and cleaning, leveling and painting of new murals in the north wing
  • 22-23: in the north, 4 network's new beds, 2 new furrows and structures of two outdoor classes; a drip irrigation system for both wings; leveling of 4 new beds without watering system in the north wing; installation of stairs at the entrance; and removal of a useless and dangerous long pipe in the south wing

We became part of a local city network only 2 months ago, while the first steps towards it's creation were taken little before the Covid19 lockdown, in the autumn of 2019. Since then, it has been growing along in the following way: