Want to make creations as awesome as this one?



Solution 4

Solution 6

Solution 3

Solution 5

Solution 1

Financial Fortress

Bear Necessities

Serenity Sanctuary

Creative Studios

Travel Buds

Gourmet Delights

Solution 2

You can find the correct answers in the debrief!

We’ve heard about cost-effective cloud-based platforms that streamline processes, from order fulfilment to inventory tracking, without extensive infrastructure management.Can you give us some advice?

Hey, we're Gourmet Delights! Our deli was born from a passion for the delicious food found on our travels around Italy, France and Spain. We're a super small business and we specialise in gourmet cheese, wine and deli snacks. We want to open an online storefront to reach a wider customer base and share our love for fine food with more people! As a micro business, we still want to focus on our core business activities when we open our online store, without the burden of managing complex IT infrastructure. We also want to ensure a seamless online shopping experience for customers.

Gourmet Delights

We need a tool to help us coordinate projects better and streamline our processes. Can you help?

Hi! We're Creative Studios, a content agency specialising in multimedia projects. We're a diverse group of talented individuals, each contributing a unique skill set to projects. The challenge, however, is that our graphic designers, animators, and sound engineers are spread across different locations, making working together on large multimedia projects a complex process.Coordinating these changes and ensuring that everyone has access to the latest version of a project has become a logistical nightmare. Our creative flow is disrupted, and deadlines are being jeopardised.

Creative Studios

Cloud collaboration refers to the use of cloud computing technologies and platforms to facilitate and enhance teamwork, communication, and information sharing among individuals or groups located in different geographical locations. This collaborative approach leverages the capabilities of cloud services to enable real-time collaboration, document sharing, and communication over the Internet.Some key aspects of cloud collaboration include:

Cloud Collaboration

Real-time Document Editing: Collaboration platforms allow multiple users to edit and collaborate on documents, spreadsheets, and presentations simultaneously. Changes made by one user are instantly visible to othersFile Sharing and Storage: Cloud collaboration provides an easily accessible location for storing and sharing files. Users can upload, download, and collaborate on files from any device with internet access.Communication Tools: Cloud collaboration often integrates communication tools such as instant messaging, video conferencing, and voice calls. These tools facilitate real-time communication and help team members stay connected.

SaaS is a cloud computing model that delivers software applications over the internet on a subscription basis. Instead of purchasing and installing software on individual computers or servers, users can access the software and its features through a web browser. In a SaaS model, the software provider hosts and maintains the infrastructure handles software updates and ensures security. Users typically pay a recurring subscription fee, which often includes maintenance, support, and updates.

Software as a Service (SaaS)

Key characteristics of SaaS:Accessibility: Users can access SaaS applications through a web browser, eliminating the need for local installations. Cost-Effective: SaaS eliminates the need for businesses to invest in and maintain physical hardware, software licenses, and infrastructure. Instead, they pay a subscription fee, making it a cost-effective option, especially for smaller businesses with limited budgets.Specialised Functionality: Many SaaS solutions are specialised and tailored to specific business functions. SaaS applications can cater to unique needs, such as e-commerce platforms, customer relationship management (CRM), or inventory management systems.

Auto Scaling

Cloud auto-scaling is a feature provided by cloud computing services that allow applications to automatically adjust their capacity to handle varying levels of workload or demand. This process of scaling resources dynamically in response to demand is often referred to as elasticity. It allows applications to handle varying workloads without manual intervention. The goal of auto-scaling is to ensure that the application can efficiently utilize resources during periods of high demand and reduce resource usage during periods of low demand. This dynamic adjustment helps to optimise performance, maintain responsiveness, and manage costs effectively.

Hey, we're Travel Buds, a travel agent with a twist! Travel Buds was the result of a friendship between two surf enthusiasts who met at a hostel in Koh Samui, Thailand. 10 years later, we're creating personalised travel itineraries for fellow modern nomads and sun seekers. Following the lifting of COVID-19 travel restrictions, the demand for Travel Buds grew, and more people are using our platform; we're handling more client data and processing more payments than ever! We're worried about the security of our current multiple cloud set-up and fear it could introduce additional vulnerabilities and risks to the payment data stored in the cloud.

Travel Buds

With the increasing sophistication of cyber threats, we need to up our security measures to ensure the integrity and confidentiality of payment information and prevent fraudulent activities. Can you help us stay protected against the evolving landscape of cyber threats?

Cloud Data Protection

Encryption: It involves encoding data in a way that can only be accessed or deciphered by authorised users with the appropriate decryption keys. Data Loss Prevention (DLP): DLP technologies help prevent unauthorised access, sharing, or leakage of sensitive data. These tools monitor and control the movement of data within and outside the cloud environment, enforcing policies to mitigate the risk of data breaches.Backup and Recovery: Cloud data protection strategies include regular data backups and establishing recovery mechanisms. This ensures that in the event of data loss, corruption, or a security incident, organisations can restore their data to a previous state.

Cloud data protection refers to the set of practices, technologies, and policies employed to safeguard data stored, processed, and transmitted in cloud computing environments. The goal of cloud data protection is to ensure the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of data, as well as compliance with privacy regulations and industry standards. Here are some key components and considerations related to cloud data protection:

We need your help incorporating cloud services to streamline our operations; can you help us?

Hey! We're Bear Necessities, an online toy shop specialising in plush teddy bears. After going viral on TikTok, visitors from all corners of the world are bringing traffic to our website. However, success has brought its own set of challenges.As we have gained popularity, we've encountered a recurring issue keeping our tech team on their toes – unpredictable spikes in website traffic, especially during highly anticipated sales events. These sudden surges in visitors would strain our existing infrastructure, causing slow loading times, occasional downtime, and frustrated customers.

Bear Necessities

Our clients rely on us to protect their assets and sensitive data. We can't afford to fall behind.Can you help us?

Hey, we're Financial Fortress, and we provide wealth management solutions to help clients grow and protect their financial assets over the long term.Amidst the ever-growing concerns about data breaches and the tightening grip of industry regulations, we find ourselves at a crossroads. We're determined to maintain our reputation as a trusted financial institution, but the complexity of compliance requirements is overwhelming.We need a solution that ensures compliance and enhances the security of our financial transactions.

Financial Fortress

Multi-Cloud Security is a robust security service offered by Fujitsu with cyber security built-in by design. Typically, multi-cloud security solutions aim to provide a comprehensive set of features to address the complexities and challenges associated with securing data and applications across multiple cloud environments.Some key aspects of Multi-Cloud Security include:

Multi-Cloud Security

Identity and Access Management (IAM): Ensuring secure access to resources by managing user identities and permissions across multiple cloud platforms.Network Security: Securing network communications within and between cloud environments, often through the use of firewalls, intrusion detection/prevention systems, and virtual private networks (VPNs).Threat Detection and Prevention: Utilising advanced threat intelligence and detection mechanisms to identify and mitigate security threats in real-time.

We need a comprehensive cloud computing solution, one that ensures the security of client data and the accessibility required for efficient, holistic care.

Hey! We're Serenity Sanctuary, and we provide personalised consultations that consider an individual's lifestyle, emotions, and physical health to create holistic wellness plans.The growth of digital records and the increasing reliance on data for health insights means that we need help to secure the handling and processing of large volumes of sensitive client data. The volume of data is staggering; traditional data storage and management methods are no longer sufficient to meet the demands of modern healthcare.

Serenity Sanctuary

Compliance Services

Cloud compliance services refer to the set of tools, practices, and measures implemented by cloud service providers to help organisations meet regulatory requirements, industry standards, and legal obligations when operating in cloud environments. These services are designed to ensure that organisations can use cloud computing resources while adhering to specific rules and regulations related to data security, privacy, and governance.