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French Teachers

Useful teaching websites for creating interesting lessons

Beginner French to B1 Intermediate levelinclude vocabulary, game, grammar, song etc

Beginner A1/A2 Intermediate B1/B2 and Advanced C1/C2FLE dialogues and audios for all levels and topics

French dialogues

Reading and listening comprehension beginner to intermediate easy to understand grammar and vocabulary

French reading

Ready made lessons

French for Kids

Engaging lessons for children

Discover over 1000 French children stories for kids short stories, tales and classics, picture books, bedtime and nursery rhymes,

Children stories for ages 3-12 (subscription)

Make your own interactive games using vocabulary learnt in class

interactive game maker

Basic lesson topics for kids includes word lists, flashcards and practice games for testing your learning progress.

French kids lessons and games

Team Rellie