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More about Spanish fiestas

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  • Nochevieja in Spain is similar to New Years Eve in the UK.
  • Families often gather together to share a meal before going out into the street to welcome in the New Year.
  • Many towns have a spectacular display of fireworks.
  • The Spanish have a unique tradition of eating twelve grapes at midnight, in time to the chiming of the clock.

  • The festival of Los Reyes takes place in early January and celebrates the arrival of the Three Kings at the stable where Jesus was born.
  • Parades take place all over the country in which the Three Kings make their way through the towns throwing sweets into the crowds.
  • People often sing Christmas carols at this time.
  • The Kings bring presents to the children’s houses, similar to Father Christmas in the UK.

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  • La Feria de abril - the April Fair takes place in Seville where a large fairground is set up.
  • People wear traditional clothes and enjoy activities like dancing Sevillanas (a typical dance of the region), playing the guitar and eating traditional Spanish food such as churros.

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  • El Boloencierro takes place in a small town near Madrid.
  • People run away from a giant ball made of polystyrene that rolls down the street.
  • El Boloencierro means ‘the running of the ball’ and is supposed to resemble other Spanish festivals involving bulls. However, this festival is much safer.

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  • La Tomatina is a festival that takes place during August in Buñol, Valencia.
  • People throw tomatoes at each other in the world’s largest food fight.

  • El Corpus, short for Corpus Christi, is celebrated in many parts of the world by creating flower carpets in the street.
  • The town of Sitges in Catalonia is particularly famous for its flower carpets.
  • Local people draw patterns with chalk on the ground then fill them with colourful flower petals.

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