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Lets talk about animals


What can animals do?

  • crawl
  • fly
  • jump
  • sting
  • bite
  • sing
  • swim
  • run
  • jump

Body Parts

  • Insects
can fly ✈🐞
  • Reptiles
lay eggs 🥚 and cold-blooded 🩸❄
  • Mammals
give live birth 🤰, feed with milk 🍼
  • Fish
live only under the water
  • Birds
lay eggs 🥚, can fly ✈
  • Amphibians
live on land 🏝 and in the water💦

Body Parts

  • paws
  • wings and feathers
  • fur
  • sting
  • horns
  • whiskers
  • beak
  • shell
  • scales
  • tail
  • tusks and trunk
  • paws
  • wings and feather
  • fur
  • sting
  • horns
  • whiskers
  • beak
  • shell
  • scales
  • tail

Body Parts

body parts

where live 🌍

A cobra
A mosquito
A dove
A whale
A rhinoceros
A turtle
A tortoise
A walrus


what are they

what can do

  1. Cheetahs are mammals, they don`t lay eggs 🥚, they give live birth and feed their babies with milk 🍼.
  2. They live 🌍 mostly in Africa and North America.
  3. They live on land 🏝 / in the water 💦.
  4. They eat meat / grass or plants.
  5. They have got thick colourful fur, long legs and tail, sharp teeth and big paws.
  6. They can run very fast and see very well! They are really good hunters.
  7. They are very strong and beautiful.
Name some animals. Then classify them. Name their body parts.

body parts

*live |laɪv| - живой live |lɪv| - жить


where live 🌍

what are they

what can do