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Christmas & New Year

Whilst many of our customers enjoy gambling and the festive period, unfortunately for some it increases their vulnerability.

Compliance Over

This could be down to number of reasons: • Increased anxiety over the festive period • Amplified money concerns • More free time • Lack of work Some customers may turn to gambling or increase their spend and/or time gambling to ease these concerns. Over the festive period, it is just as important as ever to be alert to changes in customers spends/behaviours and key indicators of problem gambling. Should you identify either, a meaningful interaction should take place, making the customer aware of safer gambling tools available to them: • Worried About Your Gambling Leaflet including problem gambling severity index. • Betfred and MOSES self-exclusion. • Voluntary time and spend limits. • Track your spend via Betfred membership. Following an interaction taking place, it is vital that all the information is logged as Social Responsibility Reports (SRRs) via the portal, including as much information as possible. Reporting & Recording Compliance > Social Responsibility Report > Customer Interaction & Problem GamblingShould you have any serious concerns regarding a customer’s gambling, please raise with your Area Team.

Some customers may take the start of a new year as an opportunity to address their gambling, reducing their time/spend or complete a self-exclusion. We should support any customers wishing to do so, provide all the relevant information and log accordingly.

Over the festive period you will see an increase in footfall due to the increase in sporting events. Remain vigilant and remember Think 21!

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Yearfrom the Compliance Team.