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Attended a leadership event, what after that?

Missing an inter-generational online space to connect?

We welcome you to join.......


Leadership Alumni Network

The network is an open inter-generational online community of individuals who are alumni of a leadership programme or event but is not restricted to them only.

Purpose of the Community

Focus of the community is on....

Leadership practices

Peer-to-peer support

Collaborative learning

Offering mentoring opportunities

‘Unleashing the Power of Digital Sisterhood: Connecting, Inspiring and Empowering (Girls & Women) Worldwide’

Our Vision

A thriving online community fosters a sense of belongingness amongst members of WAGGGS, leading to their increased engagement in our events and activities. It is also a great place to identify and connect with thought leaders and use them as internal resources.

What does the community want to achieve for WAGGGS?

This community will help us to stay close and connected to our members and know more about their life's trajectories.

What does the community want to achieve for WAGGGS?

We will have an already established community where we can facilitate origination of innovative ideas. Example- We can crowd source the JLS logo from within the community.-

What does the community want to achieve for WAGGGS?

This community will be a good platform to organize virtual events, webinars, Q&A sessions providing additional value and fostering engagement.

What does the community want to achieve for WAGGGS?

They get the access to a wealth of information and knowledge shared by others within community.

What does the community members get out of it?

They get to connect with like-minded people or those with similar interests. This networking could lead to valueable relationships and opportunities.

What does the community members get out of it?

Communities create an environment conducive to learning. Members can enhance their skills through discussions, tutorials and collaborative projects with others. They will get the opportunity to experience shared leadership.

What does the community members get out of it?

This community will be a platform for them to voice their opinions, share ideas and contribute to discussions. This empowerment can be personally fulfilling.

What does the community members get out of it?

Date of launch party of network

Proposed dates 20th or 21st January 2024


Launch party & Induction challengeJan-24


Leadership outcome challengeFeb-May 24




Online projects (4 to 6 months each)June-24 onwards

Rota for content sharingJuly-24 onwards


Projects in different phases ranging from 4-6 months

Leadership outcome challenges every 15 days

Induction challenge as self-paced

Engagement and Content strategy...


  • Rota of content sharing

  • Community champions leaderboard

  • Online digital safety and digital literacy trainings



Engagement and Content strategy...

This online community will strive to serve as a powerful catalyst for personal growth, community impact and global sisterhood, contributing to the development of confident, compassionate and empowered leaders.


Areas on which specific discussions are required in today's meeting:



  • Proposed names
  • Alumni network or a broader community
  • Possibility of separate email ID
  • Overlapping Aims & Objectives
  • Engagement strategies