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Retail Academy

AffordabilityTrainingArea Managers

The company introduced an affordability strategy on the 10th October 2022 to protect our customers from gambling beyond their means and being at risk of gambling harms.Since then, the affordability strategy has evolved with new technologies introduced to automate the process as has our understanding and awareness of affordability concerns. Inter shop communication is key to successfully navigating the affordability process – all shop team members will need to be aware of a customer who has reached a trigger in order to carry out the relevant action on their next visit. Today we will run through the training shop teams have received, that provides a comprehensive guide to the affordability process. This will equipt you to support shop teams through the affordability process and deal with any queries. Any changes or introduction of new triggers will not take effect until at least February 2024


Retail Academy

Retail Academy

Learning Objectives

Understanding the importance of getting to know our customers

What is Money Laundering and how it effects the business

Monitored Customer process

The importance of meaningful Customer Interactions (Identify, Interact, Evaluate)

What are the Affordability Triggers and the actions required

AML Triggers and the actions required

Colleague support available

Retail Academy

Why is it important to get to know our customers?

What information about our customers would be useful?

Back to Basics

Getting to know your customers

Retail Academy

"Money laundering is the illegal process of making money, which has been generated by criminal activity, look to have come from a legitimate source"

Back to Basics

Money laundering

Retail Academy




Back to Basics

Money laundering

Placement is the first stage of money laundering where criminals use various methods like gambling, blending of funds, currency smuggling, etc., to introduce proceeds of crime into financial system.

Layering is essentially the use of placement and extraction over and over again, using varying amounts each time, to make tracing transactions as hard as possible.

Integration in money laundering is when criminals introduce illegally obtained funds into the economy through seemingly legitimate transactions - making the dirty money appear clean. ‍But it's important to remember this: The money is still not clean.

Retail Academy

How might a customer attempt to Launder Money at Betfred?

What are we looking out for?


Back to Basics

Money laundering

Retail Academy

"Unrecognised Crime"

Case Study:Regular customer, who owns the very popular fish and chip shop in the village, is losing approx. £300 on the FOBT’s on 3 / 4 nights a week. This money will potentially be coming straight from the till in the restaurant, therefore hasn’t been declared as income, and meaning that no tax will have been paid on it. This equates to £46k - £62k a year of tax evasion. Think about the customers in your shop who may have similarities to the case study above.

Back to Basics

Money laundering

Retail Academy

Back to Basics

Money Laundering

What do shop teams do if they identify it?

For a customer to be managed through the affordability process they must be a monitored customer. N.B a new monitored customer should only be created if they place a betting slip with a total stake of £500 or more, or they place a £100 bet on a Freds Pushes. Once a new monitored customer has been created all bets regardless of stake should be monitored moving forward. There are no other reasons to create a new monitor customer profile. If a customer is already monitored within your shop, then you must continue to monitor all of their bets regardless of stake value. By following this process we are identifying the customers that could potentially be at risk of gambling harm, this allows us to analyse their gambling, identify betting behaviours and allows us to interact at key stages during their gambling.

Monitored Customers

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Customer Interactions

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A customer interaction is our opportunity to converse with a customer regarding their current gambling activity.

Trigger Email

Change in Spend/Behaviour




Customer Interactions

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TriggersLosesIncreased stakesStakes

Change in behavioursNot enjoying gamblingAgitationHygiene

Increased time gamblingIncreased stakesCustomer asking for helpChasing losses

Customer Interactions


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Once you have completed the interaction with the customer it must be logged via the SRR page on the compliance portal. It is best to do this whilst the conversation is fresh in your mind. You should detail as much of the conversation as you can, paying particular attention to the information you have provided to the customer and the safer gambling tools they were made aware of, as well as the customer’s response to this. Always have in the back of your mind that someone who has never met yourself or the customer, will be reading the interaction, and trying to assess the customer based on what you have written.

Customer Interactions

SRR Logs

Retail Academy


When receiving any Affordability alerts it would be prudent to see if any interactions have previously been logged for the customer in question. This may better prepare you for an interaction you know you need to perform with a customer. There 2 ways you can check to see historic SRR logs for the customer.

Customer Interactions

SRR Logs

Retail Academy



Customer Interactions

SRR Logs

Retail Academy

Retail Academy

Customer Interactions

SRR Logs

Retail Academy

SRR Logs

Customer Interactions

When receiving any Affordability alerts it would be prudent to see if any interactions have previously been logged for the customer in question. This may better prepare you for an interaction you know you need to perform with a customer. There 2 ways you can check to see historic SRR logs for the customer.

Retail Academy

Customer Interactions

SRR Logs



Retail Academy

Customer Interactions

SRR Logs

Retail Academy

Customer Interactions

SRR Logs

Retail Academy

Elon Gates

Customer Interactions

SRR Logs

The evaluation of an interaction can be carried out directly after the interaction and/or over the coming days and weeks after the interaction has taken place. You are evaluating the customer’s behaviour / betting patterns following your interaction.

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Customer Interactions


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Customer Interactions


A customer who usually stakes £10 a race increases their stakes to £50 a race and is becoming noticeably agitated, you would speak with the customer and point out that you have noticed an increase in their spend and ask them if everything is ok. You could also make them aware of safer gambling tools that are available to them. If on the back of this interaction the customer acknowledges their increased spend and reverts back to their usual staking pattern, this would be your evaluation.

Retail Academy

Customer Interactions

By taking the time to detail the conversations you have with your customers you then allow the Compliance Analysts to build a picture of the customers journey with Betfred to best enable them to support you in identifying customers who may require further intervention. If you complete an interaction with a customer, it is good practice to make your team members aware of this so that they can continue to observe the customer in your absence and conduct further interaction as required.

Disposable Income

Income and Expenditure

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Affordability Triggers

We will now cover the triggers in more depth, there has been some changes to some of them. These changes will not become live until the training roll out is complete

Retail Academy

This is known as an early interaction. If one of your monitored customers loses £1000 or more in a rolling 7-day period, you will receive an automated Email the following day prompting you to complete an interaction prior to the customer placing another bet. This interaction is extremely important in drawing the customers attention to their losses during the past 7 days. This will allow the customer to reflect on their previous activity. Within the automated email you receive, will be a link that takes you to the Social Responsibility Report (SRR) page on the portal. Only once you have completed the interaction, it is important that you then follow the link, this takes you to the SRR for the automated trigger. Following these steps and logging the interaction before accepting any further bets will prevent exceptions being received the following day.

£1,000 Trigger

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What does the customer need to know?

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What does the customer need to know?

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£1,000 Trigger

Following the 3 example interactions you are about to see, we will discuss the SRR based on that interaction

Retail Academy

• Identify – Customer has lost £1,000 over a rolling 7 days • Interact – Customer came into the shop today following the alert being received yesterday. I spoke to customer when she came in and asked if she was comfortable with her losses over the last 7 days. Customer said she did not realise she had lost that much and seemed taken back. I offered customer a Worried about your gambling leaflet and explained the content of the leaflet and told customer if she needed any further information we are here to help. • Evaluation – Customer left the shop after our conversation, but mentioned she would keep a closer track on her spending. As you can see from the above interaction the customer was unaware of their losses, and this made it necessary to offer further support in the form of an advice leaflet. The evaluation is key to this as it shows the interaction had a positive impact on the customer as the customer will monitor their spend more closely in future.

Retail Academy

£1,000 Trigger

SRR Logs

Retail Academy

• Identify – Customer has lost £1,000 over a rolling 7 days. • Interact – Customer came in the shop this morning after the alert was received, I spoke to customer informed him of his losses in the last 7 days, Customer said he was fine with this and did not seem phased by the amount. • Evaluate – Customer placed his normal bets had a brew with the regulars and left as normal.This is a good example of a customer who is aware of their losses and is happy to continue gambling. Although the customer is happy, we must still interact with the customer at each stage as this could change if their losses increase. This had a positive outcome as it showed that the customer was aware of their losses and in control.

Retail Academy

£1,000 Trigger

SRR Logs

Retail Academy

• Identify – We had an email to interact with customer on his next visit. • Interact – Customer came in today. I told him that he has lost over £1,000 in the last 7 days. He told me to mind my own business and to leave him be. I explained to him that I respect his privacy, I just wanted to check in and see if he was comfortable with his losses.• Evaluate - Customer didn’t seem interested in what I had to say, but when he was placing his bets I let him know we have more information should he ever want it. This interaction is a good example of a customer who is aware of their level of spend and is dismissive of your interaction. However, whilst the customer does not wish to engage, we are required to make the customer aware of their losses and the help available to them. This interaction still had a positive outcome as the customer was made aware of their losses and is now aware help is available if he needs it.

Retail Academy

£1,000 Trigger

SRR Logs

What does the customer need to know?

Retail Academy

£1,000 Trigger


How often is an interaction alert received?

£1,000 in 7 days – a customer is eligible to receive an automated interaction alert once every 30 days

How long do we receive reminder emails?

£1,000 in 7 days – reminder emails last 30 days

This is known as an enhanced interaction If one of your monitored customers loses at least £3,000 in a rolling 30 day period. You will receive an automated email the following day prompting you to complete an interaction prior to the customer placing another bet.This interaction is integral in the customer’s journey. This is where you must make the customer aware of the control measures available in shop and where to get additional support should they require it.

£3,000 Trigger

Retail Academy

Worried about your gambling leaflet.

Self Exclusion Leaflets

QR Code

When completing this interaction, you should record a comprehensive account of the conversation you have had with the customer, clearly detailing the information you have provided and received. The level of detail recorded is key to documenting the customer’s journey. This is known as the narrative and the more detail contained within the interaction the better equipped the compliance analysts are to assess the customers exposure to potential gambling harms.

£3,000 Trigger

Retail Academy

What does the customer need to know?

Retail Academy

Retail Academy

£3,000 Trigger

Following the 3 example interactions you are about to see, we will discuss the SRR based on that interaction


Retail Academy

Identify: Customer has had £3,000 of losses in a 30 day period and email alert received.• Interact: Customer came into the shop and walked over to the counter. I asked her for a chat in a private area. I explained that she had lost £3,000 in the last 30 days. Customer was aware that she had lost £3000 and that she has had a bad week gambling. I advised that if she ever needed a break that we offer the Self-Exclusions agreements and gave her a self-exclusion leaflet. I went through the ‘Worried about your gambling?” and advised her of the questionnaire.• Evaluate: Customer thanked me for the interaction and said she would give the Self-Exclusion some thought. Placed a few bets at her normal level and then left the shop.This interaction is a good example of identifying that a customer may potentially need extra help in a certain area, in this case information on the Self-Exclusion schemes we offer.

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£3,000 Trigger

SRR Logs

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- Identify: Received a £3,000 loss in a month email alert.- Interact: Customer came into the shop, and I asked if I could have a word. Customer was aware of their losses and advised me that they had, had a big win from another bookies. I have advised that we can only concentrate on his losses with Betfred. I showed customer the Safer Gambling leaflets we offer and explained about SE’s.- Evaluate: I don’t think Customer took much notice of what I had advised but thanked me for my concern. This example highlights a customer that bets with other operators. We can only focus on what we know to be true about the customer and an interaction should always take place if prompted to do so. This had a positive effect as the customer is now aware of their losses.

Retail Academy

£3,000 Trigger

SRR Logs

Retail Academy

- Identify: Received a £3,000 loss in a month email alert.- Interact: When Customer came into the shop I asked her if we could chat in private. I advised her that she had lost £3,000 in the past 30 days. Customer was not shocked by this news that she had lost this amount. She advised me that she could afford to lose this amount but she was unhappy that she had spent her pot for Cheltenham. I asked her to go through the ‘Worried about your gambling’ leaflet with me and also explained about Self-Exclusion. Customer also plays on the FOBT’s so I also explained about the safer gambling help on the machines.- Evaluate: Customer was really happy with the advice I gave her and advised me she would reduce her spending after her run of bad luck.This is a good example of a customer being able to afford their losses but not being happy about it. The customer was made aware of all Safer Gambling help but was also offered help in another area. This interaction had a positive outcome as the customer has decided to reduce their spending.

Retail Academy

£3,000 Trigger

SRR Logs

What does the customer need to know?

Retail Academy

£3,000 Trigger


How often is an interaction alert received?

£3,000 loss in 1 month – one alert every 30 days, but this alert can happen at any point after the £1,000 trigger email - i.e. 3 days later

How long do we receive reminder emails?

£3,000 loss in 1 month – reminder emails last 30 days

If a customer loses £6,000 in a rolling 365-day period, you will receive an automated email notifying you that you will need to carry out the following actions on the customers next visit prior to any gambling taking place. • Offer the customer a Self-Certification Leaflet explaining the benefits of completing. . Explain to the customer that this is voluntary.• It is important that when issuing a Self-Cert to the customer that you take time to explain fully the benefits of completing the form. By providing the information honestly and accurately this may prevent the need to ask for formal financial documentations to prove income or wealth (SOI – SOW – SOF). • Complete and log details of the conversation you have with the customer.

£6,000 Trigger

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What does the customer need to know?

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What does the customer need to know?

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What does the customer need to know?

What does the customer need to know?

Retail Academy

£6,000 Trigger


How long do we receive reminder emails?

£6,000 loss in 12 months – 60 days

This trigger is activated when a monitored customer loses £12,000 or more in a rolling 365 day period. You will again receive an automated email this time instructing you to request Photographic ID on the customers next visit, that provides proof of address and date of birth. This must be done and logged prior to any further gambling taking place.When asking the customer to provide ID you should complete an interaction and make the customer aware of the safer gambling measures available to them. It is important to note that the customer is averaging losses of at least £1,000 a month at this stage. When completing this interaction, you should record a comprehensive account of the conversation you have had with the customer, clearly detailing the information you have provided and received. The level of detail recorded is key to documenting the customer’s journey. This is known as the narrative and the more detail contained within the interaction the better equipped the compliance analysts are to assess the customers exposure to potential gambling harms. On the day the identification is requested, customer can gamble in one single transaction, up to the value of £1,000. Following that, no further bets to be taken until ID is supplied.

£12,000 Trigger

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What does the customer need to know?

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£12,000 Trigger

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ID Requests

Think of 2 Customers.Completely different in demeanour.How would you ask these customers to provide us with ID?


What does the customer need to know?

Retail Academy

£12,000 Trigger


How long do we receive reminder emails?

£12,000 – in 12 months – 60 days

If one of your monitored customers loses £15,000 or more in a rolling 365 day period, and did not complete a satisfactory self certification at the £6,000 trigger your shop will receive an automated email.Attached to the email will be a Source of income / self certification letter. You will need to print the letter and include a self certification form placing both in a sealed envelope ready for the customer on their next visit to the shop. Each letter has a unique reference number that relates directly to the customer, it is imperative that only the letter sent is issued to the customer for whom it is intended. Where staffing levels allow the customer should be handed the letter in a discreet way, you should explain to the customer that it is a request for documentation to allow us to ensure their gambling is in keeping with their level of affordability. (Source of income / funds) The letter will explain to the customer they have two options for supplying information for review:

£15,000 Trigger

Retail Academy



What does the customer need to know?

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Retail Academy

What does the customer need to know?

Penny Payne

Penny Payne

£15,000 Trigger

When approaching a customer, where possible you should speak to the customer in a discreet way explaining the two options available to them.If the customer opts to complete the self certification form, you should inform them that once it has been completed it will be reviewed by the compliance team. Once reviewed the customer, shop team and area team will be emailed by the compliance department informing them if it has been accepted or not.If it is accepted then the customer can continue to gamble, if it is not accepted the customer will be requested to send in source of income documentation as outlined in option 2 (physical documents), again the customer, shop team and area team will receive the outcome from the compliance department once a decision has been made.On the day the identification is requested, customer can gamble in one single transaction, up to the value of £1,000. Following that, no further bets to be taken until Source of Income has been verified from the Compliance Team.

Retail Academy

Retail Academy

£15,000 Trigger

SOI Requests

Think of 2 Customers.Completely different in demeanour.How would you ask these customers to provide us with Source of Income?


What does the customer need to know?

Retail Academy

£15,000 Trigger


How long do we receive reminder emails?

£15,000 – in 12 months – 60 days

Safer gambling tools available for conducting customer interactions can be found below • Worried about your gambling leaflet – This includes a Problem Gambling Severity Index (PGSI) questionnaire, that the customer can complete should they feel it is of benefit to them. • A Quick Response (QR) code that takes the customer directly to the GamCare website. • Self-exclusion leaflets • FOBT Alerts – these consist of voluntary set limits and in play session alerts. • Player Protection Measures – Betfred members will receive automated safer gambling messaging via SMS. • Track your spend – If the customer has a Betfred membership they are able to track their current spend via the terminal and website.

Retail Academy

Safer Gambling Tools

There are two ways in which a customer can reach the £5k in a day ID request. 1. A customer wishes to place a single bet with a minimum stake of £5,000. This would require you to request ID from the customer prior to accepting the bet, if not already acquired and logged correctly.2. A customer places a series of bets (OTC, FOBT and SSBT) on the same day totalling or exceeding £5,000 in stakes. This customer must be asked for ID before any further bets can be taken, if not already acquired. Once a customer has staked £5,000 in a day, you must then request ID prior to accepting any further bets from the customer. When asking the customer to provide ID you should then log the full details of the interaction on the SRR page making the customer aware of safer gambling measures available to them. Once ID has been provided full details should be logged under the customer ID on the portal. The level of detail recorded is key to documenting the customer’s journey. This is known as the narrative and the more detail contained within the interaction the better equipped the compliance analysts are to support you in assessing the customers exposure to potential gambling harms.

£5k Stakes in a day

Retail Academy

To satisfy an ID request the customer must be able to provide photographic ID along with the following information: • Full Name • Address • Date Of Birth To log a customer’s ID, you should go onto the Shop Portal > Compliance > Reporting and Recording Compliance > Customer ID.When logging the customer’s ID, you are asked to select the customer’s “Monitored Customer” name from the drop down. By doing this, it will link the customer’s ID to their monitored customer profile in the till. This means if the customer goes on to reach a £12,000 trigger ID request you will not receive an automated email prompting you to request ID again. Making the process smoother for both your shop and customer.

£5k Stakes in a day

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When a customer is identified as having staked a minimum of £125,000 in a rolling 365 day period, the customer will be required to provide us with proof of their Source of Income / wealth / funds. Your shop will receive an automated email. Attached to the email will be a Source of income (SOI) letter. You will need to print the SOI letter and place it in a sealed envelope and issue to the customer on their next visit to the shop. Each letter has a unique reference number that relates directly to the customer, it is imperative that only the letter sent is issued to the customer for whom it is intended. Where staffing levels allow, the customer should be handed the letter in a discreet manner. You should explain to the customer that it is a request for documentation to allow us to ensure their source of funds is in keeping with their current level of gambling. Be confident in letting the customer know this is now standard practice amongst all high street bookmakers. The letter explains to the customer they have two options for supplying documents:

Retail Academy


£125k Stakes in rolling 365 days


It is important that you do not take any documentation from the customer in the shop or send on behalf of the customer.Under no circumstances should pictures be taken of customers documents and/or be stored on personal devices by any employees as this would be a potential breach of the company’s Data Protection Policy. You will also see on the shop gantry a customer facing video informing them that from time to time we may have to ask for documentation. On the day the customer is issued with the SOI letter they can stake a maximum of £1,000 in one single transaction. This can be made up of multiple bets or one single bet totalling £1,000. After this, the customer cannot place any more bets until their documentation has been supplied and accepted.

Retail Academy

£125k Stakes in rolling 365 days

What does the customer need to know?

Retail Academy

£125,000 Trigger


How long do we receive reminder emails?

£125,000 – in 12 months – 60 days

Where the £15,000 loss occurs in a day, the customer should be informed at this point that no further bets can be accepted on the day, this includes customers who have previously provided a satisfactory SOI. Your shop will receive an email the following day with a Source of Income request letter to be issued to the customer when they return. If the customer has previously provided satisfactory SOI you will not receive an Email but you will have been previously contacted by the compliance team directly. If you believe a customer’s losses are reaching £15,000 you can follow the steps below to check and be confident that no more bets should be accepted. Using the till for customer figures, customers profit or loss position can be found in the Monitored Customer Summary Section on the finsoft till following this process:

Retail Academy

£15k loss in a day

This report will allow the duty manager to review which customers are approaching the £15,000 loss in a year or on the day. Once a bet is accepted, until the bet is settled the stakes on the bet are classed as losing stakes. Further bets cannot be accepted if the customers unsettled bets run over £15,000 loss. e.g. Customers running losses on the day are £13,500 if the customer places a further bet of £1,500 their losses at this point are £15,000 and no further bets should be accepted. Where you identify a customer approaching £15,000 loss in a day, to assist managing customer expectations explain to them that if their next bet stake takes them over £15,000 loss, then no further bets will be accepted win or lose.

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£15k loss in a day

Customer Interactions

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A Card:IdentifyWhy are we interacting?

B Card:What we know about the customer

C Card:Customers reaction

How would you interact with this customer?

Exceptions are created when one of the 5 affordability alerts are not completed correctly prior to a customer gambling.


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What are Exceptions?

How do I avoid Exceptions?

By following the processes outlined within today’s training


How do Exceptions Occur?

£15,000 & 125k

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What impact do exceptions have?

• They distort the figures used to report the effectiveness of our affordability process to the Gambling Commission and other regulatory bodies. • It affects your areas KPI for the outcome of alerts. • It prevents us from being able to correctly follow a customer journey and could affect decisions made on trading the customer moving forward.

Retail Academy

Customers Returning

As we pass the 12-month mark of affordability alerts being introduced to the business, we are seeing more and more customers who had SOI requested from them but failed to provide returning to the business and providing documents to allow them to continue gambling. You will start to see a shift in customer behaviour, as customers move between competitors and become more accepting of affordability checks in retail betting. Affordability checks have now become common place throughout the industry and are there to protect the customer from harm to ensure that they can gamble safely and within their means.

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The most efficient way to contact the compliance team is via “Ask the Compliance Team a question” on the portal. Once your message has been received, a Compliance Analyst will call you at your shop at the earliest opportunity. When sending your message it is important to include the details for what you wish you discuss so that the analyst can have any necessary information available for the call. If you believe you have an urgent compliance concern, you should always seek guidance from your Area Team in the first instance. If your question relates to the Affordability process, you should first refer to the training documents on the portal to see if your question is answered. If not, you should select “Affordability trigger Alert” from the drop down when completing your question. If you believe you have a compliance emergency, then your Area Team should always be your first port of call for help and advice.


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Where you have identified an indicator of potential harm caused by problem gambling, it is important we interact with these customers in a supportive way. This is where your knowledge about the customer will allow you to determine how to approach the interaction. If you do not know the customer you should apply knowledge about the average customer to determine your next step.

  • Listen to the customer and try not to talk over or argue with them.
  • Build rapport through empathy.
  • Put yourself in the customer's shoes.
  • Lower your voice. If the customer gets louder, start speaking more slowly and in a lower tone.
Your calm demeanour will reflect on them and will help them to settle down. Never get angry or upset, if the customer is swearing or being verbally abusive never take it personally.Remember to utilise the Safer Gambling tools available in your shop to provide information to the customer and support your interaction. Your safety is paramount and you should only ever interact if you feel safe to do so. If you do not feel it is safe, in this situation you would still complete an SRR and select "A concern about a customers gambling but no interaction made.

Staying Safe

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I have a customer who has had 7 bets today totalling £5,800

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Photographic ID including their name, address and date of birth

You must request ID from the customer before any further bets can be accepted.

You must complete an interaction with the customer, logging details provided in the £1000 loss email.

You must complete an enhanced interaction with the customer, via the link provided in the £3,000 email. This interaction must include making the customer aware of the safer gambling tools available to them.

This customer has reached the £15,000 daily large bet policy, no more bets should be accepted, and your shop will receive an SOI letter to issue to the customer the following day.

A customer lost £1550 yesterday, what must I do?

What must a customer provide following a £12,000 loss email?

One of our customers has lost £3660 in last month, what must we do?

A customer has placed a bet for £15,000 today what should I do?

Retail Academy

Learning Objectives

Understanding the importance of getting to know our customers

What is Money Laundering and how it effects the business

Monitored Customer process

The importance of meaningful Customer Interactions (Identify, Interact, Evaluate)

What are the Affordability Triggers and the actions required

AML Triggers and the actions required

Colleague support available

Thank YouAny Questions?

Retail Academy


By email to info.docs@betfred.com

If the customer is allowed to gamble prior to the interaction details being recorded through the link provided within the affordability email, then an exception will be created If, however you noticed that a monitored customer has lost £1000 in a rolling 7 days and you interact with the customer prior to receiving the affordability email and you logged this as an SRR then when the affordability email is received you can simply follow the link contained within the email and reference the date that the interaction was completed via an SRR and confirming the monitored customer name. By following the above, you will not receive an exception for a missed interaction.

When a customer loses 6k or more in a 365-day period, you will be required to issue the customer with a voluntary Self certification leaflet.Once the leaflet has been issued, you will need to follow the link within the email to confirm the leaflet has been issued, if the link is not followed and the customer places a further bet, this will cause an exception

This requires you to request the customer to complete a self-assessment form and provide ID. If the customer is able to gamble before this information is recorded, then an exception will occur.

By Post

By post to the address at the foot of the letter

A Self Cert Leaflet

A Self Certification leaflet that will ask the customer to provide information such as, Name, Address, occupation, salary, age and any other source of funds. Once the customer has completed the leaflet, they would hand this back to the staff member who will then input the details onto the company portal, once the details have been uploaded the staff member must then shred the leaflet.

Physical Documentation

Physical documentation, such as a P60, recent wage slips, Saving Accounts, Pension Statements etc that can be either sent by email to info.docs@betfred.com or By post to the address at the foot of the letter

When you receive an SOI letter for a customer there is a link contained within the email, once you have issued the letter to the customer you must follow the link and tick the box to confirm the letter has been given. If you do not do this and the customer provides SOI and is accepted, when they place their next bet, it will be flagged as an exception as the system does not know you have given the letter to the customer.

If you identify a customer as staking £5000 in a single day, be it one bet or cumulative bets then full photo ID including name and address must be obtained and recorded via the ID log on the portal. when logging the ID on the day, if the customer was previously monitored, they you must link the ID to the customers monitored customer name in the drop down provided.If they are a new customer on the day they will not appear in the monitored customer drop down so a new customer profile needs to be created. When recording ID and Creating a new monitored customer on the day it is important that you type the customer name in EXACTLY the same wayYour Area Manager and Supervisor will have a copy of these details from the previous day and can provide you with this information on your request to complete the link within the email to avoid an exception.