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Assessment Support Packages for Diploma Learners

Part 2 - Instructional Design for a single module of learningMatt Bailey









Sources used to create this content


Visual representation with text to support/demonstrate the flow of learning.


Visual draft of the course. Considers the visual aspects including icons, images and functions.

Lesson plan

Visual representation of the content and flow to be included in the experience.


The sections and topics of a module outling the who, what, why and how, linked to learning outcomes.

Scoping Plan

Scoping Plan

Step 1

Click on steps to Reveal commentary

Target Audience

Step 2

Learning Objectives

Step 3

Care and Sub Topics

Step 4

Interactive Activities

'Scoping plan - The first step in the design process. From looking at my "Who of learning" , I decided on a linear asynchronous multimedia e-learning that:1) could be reviewed at anytime2) is divided into Topics and Subtopics - meaning target audiance can view what is relevant to them.3) will include interactive and practical activitiesThe Learning Objectives correspond to a range of levels of Bloom's Taxonomy and SMART benchmarking. I have also worked and scoped the topics and subtopics that will be included with the SME. This was important to ensure that any planning incorporated and met the findings from the "what of learning" in my macro-design.

For the wireframe draft, as I am planning to use Rise to create the learning content in multimedia packages, I had to consider how the structure of the module would work. This includes giving each core topic an introduction, explaining the learning outcome it maps against and how the content would be included in lessons with interactive activities and videos included throughout. Rise has been chosen as this is commonly used to produce elearinig material in my place of work and is a good format to include interactivity, images, embedded videos as well as enable learners to record and monitor progress.


6 (6.1 -6.5)

Lesson Plan

Definition and purpose of the Lesson plan

Lesson plan - This is a means to explain all of the information that has been included within my wireframe. It indicates all of the resources, activities, icons, tasks and multimedia features that will be used to produce the learning content. To the right is an image of the lesson plan template used to display this. As I am planning to use Rise 360, this template also indicates some design features including block types to be used.

Function Icons for Lesson plan

Carousel images

Tabs of image and information

Lesson plan

Activity Icons for Lesson plan

Expanding accordion of information


On-screen Text

Interactive labeled graphic

Multiple Choice test knowledge

Matching activity knowledge check



An example of the template I have chosen to use for presenting my storyboards can be seen on the right-handside of the screen.

  • The audio transcript that would be used to record the audio or video
  • The standard templates to develop the e-learning course
  • Colour palettes and logos
  • The graphic design
  • The onscreen text
  • Any notes of the developer


Description and the purpose of a storyboard

A storyboard gives the instructional representation of the content and its activites. This may include:





On-screen Text


Lesson Ref. No. - 1

Lesson Title - Introduction (Hook)

Lesson plan - Using GoReport Software


On-Screen text

Welcomes and introduces the learner to the module. It also introduces the purpose of the module


On-Screen text

Overview of what will be learnt. Explains the software and why it is to be used in assessment as well as what will be able to be produced.


Video and voiceover

How to get started with software including logging in.


Block type


Lesson Purpose - to introduce the purpose of the module and to get the learner's "buy-in".

Lesson Ref. No. - 1

Lesson Title - Introduction (Hook)



On-Screen Text

Welcome to the module on Using Go Report. Insert blurb on Go ReportInsert importance of good report writingInsert reference to other relevant related training material




Voiceover/video Script

Welcome to the module on Using Go Report. This module will provide you with all the necessary skills needed to use this software to produce detailed reports for your Case Study assessments in your Level 6 Diploma in Residential Surevying and Valuation. This module forms part of a number of support packages to assist you in you in submitting your assessments. Knowing how to use this software is crucial in being able to submit assessments to your designated assessor as well as produce complex yet professional reports when you start your career as a surveyor or valuer. Each module contains the learning content required, practice questions, instruction/demonstration videos as well as links to further resources to assist in your progress.


Graphic Design




Block type


On-screen Text


Lesson Ref. No. - 2

Lesson Title - Objectives

Lesson plan - Using GoReport Software


On-Screen text

Outine the learning objectives of the module


On completion of the module, learners will:

1) be able to use the provided assessment systems to produce and upload evidence.2) be able to log in to various systems and use the software correctly by themselves following the instructions provided.

List out the objectives

On completion of the module you will:1) be able to use the provided assessment systems to produce and upload evidence.2) be able to log in to various systems and use the software correctly by yourself following the instructions provided.

Lesson Purpose - to introduce the objectives that will be achieved by completing the module

Lesson Ref. No. - 2

Lesson Title - Objectives



On-Screen Text


Screen plan


Voiceover/video Script

No Voiceover/video


Graphic Design




Block type


On-screen Text


Lesson Ref. No. - 3

Lesson Title - Naviagtion

Lesson plan - Using GoReport Software


On-Screen text

This will explain how to navigate and make progress through the module, covering:Continue buttonIndex and ChaptersImagery on the screen will reflect the instructions above.

Explain navigation in Rise and Sava Learn

To move through the module in order, use the ‘continue’ buttons Select the 3 lines in the top right to access the course menu to navigate through the content.

Lesson Purpose - to introduce how to navigate in order to complete the module

Lesson Ref. No. - 3

Lesson Title - Navigation



On-Screen Text




Voiceover/video Script

No Voiceover/video


Graphic Design




Block type



On-screen Text


Lesson Ref. No. - 4

Lesson Title - Toolkit

Lesson plan - Using GoReport Software



Explains to learners that the toolkit will be available at the end of each module in the assessment support packages.


Links to resources

These will be provided to pdf support documents/manuals on using the software.


Links to further areas of study

These will be provided to other wesbites such as RICS to enable learners to locate further information when writing reports.

Links to documents and external websites

Lesson Purpose - to introduce the additional resources available to assist with further study.

Lesson Ref. No. - 4

Lesson Title - Toolkit



On-Screen Text

The final sections contain a module toolkit, where you can access additional resources, as well as a chance to test your knowledge and identify the next steps in your journey..




Voiceover/video Script

In the final section of your module, you will be able to access your toolkit and other additional resources to help with any further study.


Graphic Design




Block type




Learners are encouraged to work through the learning content topic by topic, but they can use the index to skip chapters/lessons if they feel they are already comfortable with initial topic.

On-screen Text


Lesson Ref. No. - 5

Lesson Title - Activation and Transition

Lesson plan - Using GoReport Software



A multiplechoice activity will be used to check learners existing knowldege and understanding.

Welcome to the module - using Go ReportWhat report do you complete in Go Report?Which assessments require a Condition Report?

Lesson Purpose - to identify the learners initial understanding of the subject in the module

Screen Ref. No. - 5

Lesson Title - Activation and Transition



On-Screen Text




Voiceover/video Script

No Voiceover/video


Graphic Design




Block type




On-screen Text


Lesson Ref. No. - 6.1

Lesson Title - Logging in and starting a report

Lesson plan - Using GoReport Software


On-Screen text

Learner to read through the text to start exploring using the software.


Video and voiceover

Explanation/demonstration on how to login to the software and start a new report.

List to documents to complete prior, and embedded video

Lesson Purpose - to introduce how to access the GoReport software and get started

Lesson Ref. No. - 6.1

Lesson Title - Logging in and starting a report



On-Screen Text

We are capable of understanding images from millions of years ago, even from other cultures.




Voiceover/Video Script

Hello, I'm Matt from Sava and I would like to do a quick overview with you on the basics of using the Go Report software to produce your home condition survey. To start with, you should have been emailed your password details from the training team previously. You'll need to just retrieve those from your inbox. If you can't find them, please can you email training@sava.co.uk and just request that they send those to you. Again, once you've got those details, you can then go through to the Go Report website, which will look like this. And then you are looking at the login at the top right. Once you've pressed login, it will ask you for your password and details. It will show the reports that you will have been working on. The two that are on here are just drafts but it would only be your reports visible to add a new report. We then simply go to the green tab up here and you will need to select the training home condition Survey. I think you can also And then next, if you are in training, we ask that you put your report reference as training. If you're in assessment, then if you can put the report reference as the condition survey number that you are working on. For the report name, this will be the address of the property and the report reference. Here we're going to say that this is condition survey one. For the purposes of this video, the inspection date, this must be the date that you did the inspection, so the date that's on your site notes. It will already have your name input into the author. Next, I will create an edit, and this will take you into the part of the system where you will start to build your survey report.


Graphic Design




Block type




On-screen Text


Lesson Ref. No. - 6.2

Lesson Title - Adding sections to your report

Lesson plan - Using GoReport Software


On-Screen text

Learner to read through the text to start exploring using the software.


Video and voiceover

Explanation/demonstration on how to add various sections, tables, standard and complex picklists to a new report.

List of RICS requirements and embedded video

Screen Purpose - how to add sections, tables, standard and complex picklists to a report

Screen Ref. No. - 6.2

Screen Title - Adding sections to your report



On-Screen Text

Once you have started a report various sections that need to be completed.Information on RICS requirements and difference between site notes and a report.




Voiceover/Video Script

The pick lists are there to help you build your report. This is relating to the related party disclosure. So anywhere that there's an add response tab, if you select that, it will give you what the software has already preset as options that you may wish to work from. We're going to tick that we want to use the related party disclosure information and then add, and you'll see here it gives us a couple of options here. Some of the later pick lists that we'll look at, we'll give you many more options. But this one, there was no related party disclosure, so we're highlighting it. If I'd chosen that by accident, you can then click it again and it will unselect it. But once you're happy with your selection, select the green tick. I can also add free text if you wanted to. You'll find this will help your survey reports to be bespoke to your clients. You don't want them to all be exactly the same. Anywhere where you've used a pick list, you can also add in free text anywhere that you feel it's required. And then type of property, we'll do another pick list here. We are talking about the property, so we're going to select that pick list and then select add. And the property that we're using for an example is a semi-detached house. And again, all of the add responses will give you pick lists that are there. They're not perfect. And you will want to use that free text to fill them out and make them relevant to the property that you're at.


Graphic Design




Block type




On-screen Text


Lesson Ref. No. - 6.3

Lesson Title - Adding photos to your report

Lesson plan - Using GoReport Software


On-Screen text

Learner to read through the text to start exploring using the software.


Video and voiceover

Explanation/demonstration on how to add photos to a new report.

List of suggested photos to take and embedded video.

Lesson Purpose - show how to add photos to the body of a report as well as in an appendix.

Lesson Ref. No. - 6.3

Lesson Title - Adding photos to your report



On-Screen Text

Why are photgraphs important to assit reports.How to store and what photos to take.Recommended list of example photgraphs.





First of all, we're going to have a look at how to add photographs. It's asking us here for the front cover image, so we're going to go to add photograph, and it takes me directly to my photographs that I've already got saved on my computer. And then you can do it two ways. You can either drag and drop or you can double click, and it will just pop that photograph in there for us. The bits that are slightly shaded yellow on the right-hand side are only for your use. Anything that you type in here or any photographs that you add in here will not translate into your report. But once you've got the photograph, you can just click on the image and it will give you a box here for a caption. This is a short annotation that you can add in just to confirm to the reader - what it is that they're looking at. And then just to the right here, the dropdown box, you have a few options as to where you want that photograph to save. So we're going to do the body of the report, so that's where you're going to want any photographs that you want the your client to see. The appendix will allow you to set, save them in an appendix, which we'll come to later, but you can print that off separately, for your assessors and could be used as your additional photos, notes. You don't want to save any notes because as we said, they won't translate to anywhere that your assessor or the reader or the report would be able to see. Once you're happy with your annotation and the location you want to save it, you would press close and then moving down, this'll be the name of your client and then you'll need to put in the full address. That's a little bit about photographs.


Graphic Design




Block type




On-screen Text


Lesson Ref. No. - 6.4

Lesson Title - Adding condition ratings to your report

Lesson plan - Using GoReport Software


On-Screen text

Learner to read through the text to start exploring using the software.


Video and voiceover

Explanation/demonstration on how to add condition ratings to a new report.

List condition ratings and embedded video.

Lesson Purpose - remind the learner of condition ratings as well as how to add them to the report.

Lesson Ref. No. - 6.4

Lesson Title - Adding condition ratings to your report



On-Screen Text

What are condition ratings.Differences between levels 1, 2 and 3 ratings.RICS guidance in Home Survey Standard




Voiceover/video script

The condition rating element requires you to add a response again, it is another pick list. You've got the option here of two. If you'd not been able to inspect that element, then you'd be selecting NI. If you did select the inspect the element, then you want to choose from the condition ratings and add. And it will give you the three options available. And all you do here is simply delete the two that you don't want. Go to next cell. And here you will need to just reconfirm the condition rating that you've just selected. If you don't do this part, it will not show you that it's a condition rating one in the report. So you must do this and it's just another way of, of ensuring that you have chosen the correct condition rating. Once you've finished, simply press close and it'll show you with an icon there that that's, we have got a photo in there if we wanted to go back into it and add another chimney, we actually need to add row again. We need to reselect chimneys and flues next cell. This is going to be our second chimney. It's going to be a sub element one.And we're going to name this chimney just so the reader's clear as to which chimney you are describing. The next cell, again, will be a pick list or you can do free text to describe the chimney and its condition. And then we're going to choose the pick list again for the condition rating. Once you finish that you'll see that the next cell is blanked out anyway, but this is where you would press close and then we'll continue with the other sections that you'll need to have a look at. We're going to return to our report. I think we've covered off the tables, the pick lists, the different parts of the software that you'll be using and BCIS. It's all set out for you.When you get to the boiler section, they've pre-set in the right-hand side here for you the website that you can go to, to search for your particular boiler.


Graphic Design




Block type




On-screen Text


Lesson Ref. No. - 6.5

Lesson Title - Saving and publishing your report

Lesson plan - Using GoReport Software


On-Screen text

Learner to read through the text to start exploring using the software.


Video and voiceover

Explanation/demonstration on how to save and publish your report.

List of hints and tips and embedded video

Lesson Purpose - to show learners how to save and then publish your report to be uploaded to their assessments

Lesson Ref. No. - 6.5

Lesson Title - Saving and publish your report



On-Screen Text

Professional report writing standards.Hints and tips on proof reading, checking spelling and grammar.




Voiceover/video script

Once you're happy with the report, then you can go to the publish button. Don't worry, it doesn't lock it for you, and it doesn't send it to your assessor, but it will let you see what the final report's going to look like and you might find that's an easier way for you to read it and proofread it and maybe make some notes on that report to then come back into this software to tweak yours. Once you've gone to publish, we're going to save, publish it as a training home condition survey. You can choose on your computer if you want to publish and compress the information or just publish it does take a few seconds, maybe sometimes a bit longer, but just bear with it. It will publish, it will load. And you can also publish the appendix of photographs if you wanted to, if you've added some in.If you've decided that you've got additional photographs that the reader of the report isn't going to need to see, but your assessor in this example might want to see to help them understand the property, then you'll save them in the appendix, and you can print off the appendix separately. That's a great alternative to your additional photographs template. Our report's ready, so let's get that downloaded. You can see where we've added our photograph. A lot of the template is already preset for you, but this will show you some of the details that we've already added inand the no related party disclosure comment. This was our accommodation table, so it does look very neat.We've selected condition rating one, but it will do this for each of your elements and it will give us the rating on the right-hand side. It will just make it much clearer for the reader. It's useful just to see what the final report's going to look like. You'll see here that where we've selected a photograph of our chimney and we've got the annotation underneath it, and you'll see that we've got what we'd selected from our pick list and then the one below, which is our second chimney. A lot of surveyors use this in the commercial world. So, you might decide that this will be the report format that you'll want to use once you've qualified. Hopefully that's been useful. Remember you've got access to the printable user guide, which you might want to use as well. Thank you very much.


Graphic Design




Block type


On-screen Text


Lesson Ref. No. - 7

Lesson Title - Assessment and Next Steps

Lesson plan - Using GoReport Software


On-Screen text

Congratulates the learners on completing the module



Learners have their knowldege tested through a range of multiple choice and matching activities.


Next steps - on-screen text

Learner is congratulated on completing the entire module. They are then exouraged to proceed to the next modules as well as reminded to revisit the toolkit for additional further study and access to resources.

No Voiceover.

Lesson Purpose - to test the learners knowldege and understanding of the learning and explain the next module to complete in their journey.

Screen Ref. No. - 7

Screen Title - Assessment and Next Steps



On-Screen Text

Congratulations on completing the module – using GoReportPlease complete the activity to test your learningSee the module toolkit for further learning and question resources Select ‘Finish’ to move on.






Graphic Design

This is the first time that I have used this process to plan out learning in a digital context. The use of the wireframe has helped me to structure out an idea of how the module will flow when being built. However, I feel that as I actually start to develop my lessons in Rise 360 some of the lessons may change order slightly. The use of Lesson plans and Storyboards has really helped me to think about all of the content that I would like to include and form part of the learning. This has helped me to focus on the Module learning objectives and structure the learning to be more in manageable size pieces. Thinking about scripts prior to creating the videos has been a new challenge, but this has been timely as Sava have just invested in using a new bit of software called Synthesia - to produce AI videos.As we use Rise 360 on a regular basis, we have often relied on built in templates and features such as fonts and imagery which again has made me think as to what the learner experience of using thes packages will feel like. Design rationale is something as business we have managed to 'fumble' our way through and I anticipate that this will become more useful for us in the near future.

Overall Commentary



Teachthought Staff ( August 24, 2016), Bloom’s Digital Taxonomy Verbs For 21st Century Students


Universal Design for Learning principles, Get your UDL score.


Picciano, A.G (2017), Theories and Frameworks for Online Education: Seeking an Integrated Model

Activation - a small/short interactive self-assessment activity will be used to check the learners current/initial knowledge in the subject. The learner will complete this however will not impact on progress.Transition - Topics included in the module will be included in Chapters that will help learners to navigate and progress through the content. Leaners can return to the chapter list at any point and progress will be tracked through Rise software.

Step 5

Activation and Transition

This shows how a learner will navigate through their learning by moving forward or back and how their progress will be tracked.

Step 3


Core topics are the main headings that house subtopics of data. These core topics provide the overarching title and then this will be split into subtopics. In this instance, the Core Topic heading will be "Using GoReport" and subtopics included will be

Core and Sub Topics

  • How to log in and start a report
  • Adding sections to a new report
  • Adding photos to a new report
  • Adding condition ratings to a new report
  • Saving and publishing your report

For the entirety of the support packages, the SMART learning objectives are mapped to a number of different levels of Bloom's Taxonomy. However, just focussing on one part of Module 3 Other Assessment Software - GoReport - the SMART objective will correspond to Level 3 in Bloom's Taxonomy.

Learning Objectives

  • Module Learning Objectives - by completing this module, learners will be able to use the provided assessment systems (including e-porfolio, web based resources i.e. BCIS, GoReport and Elmhurst software)to produce and upload evidence.
  • Learners will achieve this outcome as they will be able to login to various systems and use the software following instructions.

Contained in this lesson will be a welcome to the core topic and there will be an introduction to the course structure. This will include a welcome message as well as outline the lessons involved in subtopics. The hook will also outline the benefits to the learner and what they will experience as they complete the learning.

Step 1

The Hook

The content will be made up of a various smaller sub-topics that will enable the learner to progress through the learning. In this module the content will be made up by lessons:

Step 6

  • 6.1 - Logging in and starting a report
  • 6.2 - Adding sections to a report
  • 6.3 - Adding photos to the main body of a report
  • 6.4 - Adding condition ratings
  • 6.5 - Saving and publishing your report

Learners are all completing the assessment phase of the Diploma in Residential Surveying and Valuation. All have completed the training element and require assistance in how to start their assessments for the qualification. This is their main driver. Learners will work at different paces, have different levels of property knowledge, and different expectations when entering this phase of the qualification.

Target Audience

  • Content - Assessment support focussed modules - broken down into smaller topics. This will allow for learning to fufil different knowledge needs.
  • Format - Asynchronous and self led multimedia e-learning. Learners will be able to review content when needed. Smaller topics can help focus support packages.

The Learning objective for the module will be explained. These will outline what the learner will be able to do once they have completed the learning and achieved the objective.

Step 2

Learning Objective

The Toolkit provides a central point where learners can locate additional supporting material. This will include links to websites, videos, pdf or other documents. These additional resources will allow learners to take a deeper dive into content if they wanted to as well as potentially expanding their knowledge. It is important to remember that not all learners will want to do this based upon their interest, learning style, or attitude towards learning.

Step 4


Within the subtopics of information, interactive activities to check learning and understanding. These will be activities included within the Rise software, but also may be videos to help emphasise instruction/demonstartion and key learning points.

Interactive Activities

Assessment - Learners will be tested on their understanding and submit a report using the software.Next Steps - Learners will be sign posted to what to complete next in their learning journey e.g. using the next peice of software. Toolkit will be made available.

Step 7

Assessment and Next Steps