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Romantic comedy (Rom-Com)

Codes and conventions of Rom-Com

In a Rom-Com, the main characters tend to be of different genders, a male and a female. A relationship needs to have two people involved. A lot of Rom-Com films tend to focus more on the female character due to Rom-coms aiming for the female audience. Rom-Coms tends to be set at a mall, coffee shop, school, beach, and workplace. Costumes are based on the character's personality. Many types of shots can be in a Rom-Com, for example, extreme close-ups, panning, and mid and long shots. In the films, the main characters are generally from different social classes. Throughout the film, life-lessons get taught and at the end of the film, the characters get together and go past all of the barriers and sticky times they had.

Rom-Com film examples

  • Love Actually
  • The Holiday
  • The Family Stone
  • Pretty Woman
  • When Harry Met Sally
  • True Romance
  • The Proposal

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