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Outline of Contexts of Higher Education Practice unit


1. Introduction and HE for climate action

6. Learning Environments

5. Social contexts of HE

2. Purposes of Higher Education

3. Political contexts of HE

4. Economic contexts of HE

Unit information

New arrivals information

Contexts of Higher Education Practice

7. Futures


Note: In Genially, we use AI (Awesome interactivity) in all our designs so that you can level up with interactivity and turn your content into something that engages and provides value.

Group activity: In this week we hope to hold a live Climate Fresk facilitated by BU Sustainability team.

Linking back to discussions in strand 2 on 'institutional autonomy' and how funding for HE challenges or compromises or reinforces this fundamental aspect of 'the university'. Degree apprenticeships Funding for climate action initiatives

What if, tomorrow, you were required to orient your teaching around climate action? What would you do? What would change?

What (or who) is higher education for? Employability? Intellectual training? Combating climate crisis? What is the point of educational values if they don't include a commitment to climate action?

What does 'quality' mean in terms of education for sustainable development? What does 'quality' mean in terms of climate action?

How should higher education be funded? Who should fund it? Should funding be prioritised for institutions and initiatives in HE that are directly addressing the climate crisis?

This strand introduces identity politics and makes connections to the discourse of decolonising the curriculum in HE. We present the content and at the same time signpost how the argumentation and structure ‘work’ as a piece of critical analysis.

How does the learning environment influence teaching and learning in different settings? - on campus - field trips - placements - apprentices on/off-the-job - online, through a VLE - online, in a virtual world

The development of a broader knowledge among university students about the basic principles of climate change and the degree of contribution provided by the natural sciences, social sciences, economics, architecture, etc., towards both the understanding of climate change and the complexity of problem-solving approaches related to it.The education of university students in the socio-economic issues (eg. poverty, social justice, security) associated with climate change and to which governments need to find a solution in order to ensure the survival of people and habitats. The motivation of students to take action both during their time as students and, later on, as professionals.- Leal Filho, W. 2010. "Climate change at universities: Results of a world survey." In Leal Filho, W., ed. Universities and climate change: Introducing climate change to university programmes. Heidelberg: Springer, p.2.

What does a climate crisis curriculum contain?

Bryan Alexander Universities on Fire p. 2.

How could climate change impact higher education, from individual students, and faculty to institutions around the globe? ... what does academia have to offer the rest of the world as civilization grapples with the developing climate crisis?