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Reading at hazel

Academic Year 2023-2024
  • Introduced Accelerated Reader and how it was going to work.
  • Discussed Reading Records and the importance of home reading.

overview from inset day

  • Discussed Shared and Guided Reading in KS2.
    • planning (2 week rolling programme).
    • activities: teacher and TA working with a group; pupils practising the skill.
    • Parks Progression Statements.
    • sharing of planning with TAs in advance.
  • The importance of Whole Class Reading.
  • Practicalities of using the library.
  • Every member of staff involved in Guided Reading has now seen a session modelled and seen what the planning should look like,
  • Most TAs are being provided with planning and vocabulary sheets orior to the lesson.
  • Teachers are feeding back if a skill does not match a text well and we are editing the planning together.

PRogress in shared and guided reading

Planning documents recording each two-week cycle, can be found in the planning section of the English folder.

  • 6 sessions over two weeks.
  • Starts with a Shared Reading session and then follows up with Guided Reading.
  • Children to be taught a specific strategy, which is modelled by the teacher in Shared Reading and then practised together, using an appropriate text.
  • Guided Reading follows, where children practise the skill they have been taught, using a text at their own level.
This is currently the weakest area of evidence.

Work carried out in Reading Journals

evidencing progression in reading

Star Reader Tests and Accelerated Reader Quizzes.

Observation during Shared, Guided and 1-2-1 Reading.

PRogress in whole class reading

  • All classes are reading the books set out in the LTP to their classes.
  • People are feeding back regarding pupil rations to books and this is informing future planning,
  • Children are enjoying many of the Whole Class Reading books.
  • WCR books are linked well to the writing planning.

'Morning loiterers'These childen are going to be found purposeful jobs and Mel will be interviewing for others in the new year..

progress in the library

Book Changing8.35 - 8.50.Just before lunch. All children are aware of the process and are following it well. The library is a purposeful place.

Books to take out (KS2)1x Accelerated Reader Levelled Book. 1x "Choice Book."Books must be in school very day.

Using the new systemMost children are now aware of the process. Many have overdue books and this needs chasing in the last week of term.

BookmarksWhy do I keep on banging on about them?

Reading CafeMaking a slow start but we have around 6 parents each moring. Thank you for supporting. Please continue to flag up to parents.

Accelerated reader updates

Most children now able to access Accelerated Reader.

Most pupils have now been able to take the 2 STAR Reader tests.REMINDER: these should take 20 minutes.

Pupils still not able to access through Google Classroom..

I would like a list of pupils from every class who have never taken an Accelerated Reader Test by Weds 20th December 2023.

reading records

  • These need to be signed daily and recorded by the teacher first thing, using the monitoring sheet on a clipboard by your classroom door.
  • We need to be chasing up pupils who are regularly failing to read at home and providing them with opportunities for 1-2-1 reading with a member of staff.
  • This should be recorded using your 1-2-1 Reading Record.
  • This should also be monitored through AR.

"Small, daily acts of reading matter. Reading gaps can open quickly and almost imperceptibly." Closing the Reading Gap. Alex Quigley.

reading records

As the class teacher, what information can I gather by looking at these Reading Records?

successes in rapid catchup


KS2 pupils working below their year-group expectations in reading:

  • Pupils to be assessed for Rapid Catch up in Phonics, using the Little Wandle assessments.
  • Gaps will be identified and children will be placed into an intervention group which will take place daily.
  • Little Wandle planning and resources are to be used for this.
  • Phonically decodable books to be used in conjunction with this intervention are the Big Cat Collins 7+ Little Wandle books which can be located in in the KS2 intervention room.
  • Children to take home a matched phonics book at their level to support them with their reading at home. These are part of the 7+ books. They should also take a non-levelled book.
  • Thank you for all your support!

what will i be saying to challenge partners


  • We are developing a reading culture in our school throigh careful planning of the Reading curriculum (progression if texts, linking reading to writing etc.)
  • The majoirity of pupils say they enjoy reading,
  • We follow a two-week Shared and Guided Reading model where children read twice with an adult and follow up with meaningful work in their Reading Journals.
  • Children are book matched using AR and this is recorded on a bookmark so any adult talking to them about reading can guide them to the correct part of the library.
  • Pupils take STAR reader tests half termly and quizzes as often as needed.
  • Pupils take 1/2 'levelled books' and 1 'choice book'.
  • Pupils below a PM 16 take home a phonics book.
  • Pupils are encouraged to read at home and teachers follow up ith those that don't.
  • We encourage parents to come into school to read regularly with their children.
  • We are developing links with our local libraries and engagig with reading initiatives like 'Our Best Book'.

many thanks for all your hard work so far

This supports our ambition for every child to progress through AR levels whilst also encouraging reading for pleasure.


  • We can keep track of books.
  • Pupils can request books they would like.
  • The Library is free to use for intervetions.

We must support Mel in expecting children to treat the library with respect and use the new Library Management System correctly.

Let's take a look:What can we learn about the two readers in this Year 6 class?What are our next steps going to be as teachers to ensure progress for both?

Don't forget...

Keep the books visible and encourage the children to read/use them.

Before administering the test...Think about the time of day it is going to be done. Will all pupils do it at he same time? How will you ensure an environment which allows all pupils to do their best?