Want to make creations as awesome as this one?


Opportunity to Impact Design



Pedestrian Wind Comfort

CFD &Wind Analysis

Form and Massing

Natural Ventilation





Facade Study

Advanced Thermal Comfort

Early Energy Modelling


BDP's Climate & Social Action Design Framework







Solar Studies







Buoyancy Driven Ventilation

Climate Data

Embodied Carbon


BDP's Climate Action Framework

Site & Microclimate





Embodied Carbon

Site and Context

Weather and Climate

Massing, Form, & Orientation

Health and Wellbeing

Façade Design and Layout

Embodied Carbon and Life Cycle Assessment

Opportunity to Impact Design


CFD &Wind Analysis

Pedestrian Wind Comfort

Form and Massing

Natural Ventlation



Advanced Thermal Comfort

Facade Study

Early Energy Modelling


BDP's Climate & Social Action Design Framework










Buoyancy Driven Ventilation

Solar Studies

Climate Data

Embodied Carbon

BDP's Climate Action Framework

Site & Microclimate


Weather and Climate

Objective:Analysing the project's site and climate contextOutcome:

  • Climatic Context
  • Climate Challenges
  • Climate Opportunities
  • Design Direction Guidance
  • Sustainable Design Recommendation
  • Building Physics

Opportunity to Impact Design


CFD &Wind Analysis


Form and Massing

Pedestrian Wind Comfort

Facade Study

Natural Ventlation



Advanced Thermal Comfort

Early Energy Modelling


BDP's Climate & Social Action Design Framework



Solar Studies







Buoyancy Driven Ventilation

Climate Data

Embodied Carbon

BDP's Climate Action Framework

Site & Microclimate


Weather and Climate

Weather and Climate


Objective:Assessing the environmental impact of existing site context.Outcome:

  • Context & Impact
  • Site Challenges
  • Site Opportunities
  • Guidance of Design Direction
  • Sustainable Design Recommendation
  • Support Net Zero pathway & Sustainability Certifications
  • Building Physics
  • Sustainability
  • MEP
  • Lightings

Opportunity to Impact Design


CFD &Wind Analysis

Weather and Climate

Form and Massing


Weather and Climate

Pedestrian Wind Comfort

Facade Study

Massing,Form, &Orientation

Objective:Evaluating options and scenarios to optimize massing, form, and orientation of the building by maximizing opportunities and performance, and adoption of passive design strategies.Outcome:

  • Form and Massing Impact
  • WWR Impact
  • Orientation Opportunities
  • Orientation Challenges
  • Sustainable Design & Net Zero Recommendation
  • Building Physics
  • Sustainability
  • MEP
  • Lightings

Natural Ventilation



Advanced Thermal Comfort

Early Energy Modelling


BDP's Climate & Social Action Design Framework

Solar Studies









Buoyancy Driven Ventilation

Climate Data

Embodied Carbon

BDP's Climate Action Framework

Site & Microclimate


Opportunity to Impact Design


CFD &Wind Analysis

Weather and Climate


Form and Massing

Weather and Climate

Pedestrian Wind Comfort

Facade Study

Façade Design & Layout Optimisation

Objective:Evaluating options to optimize Façade design, WWR, and layout by maximizing site opportunities and performance, and adoption of passive and integrated strategies.Outcome:

  • Form and Massing Impact
  • WWR Impact
  • Orientation Opportunities
  • Orientation Challenges
  • Sustainable Design Recommendations
  • Building Physics
  • Sustainability
  • MEP
  • Lightings

Natural Ventilation



Advanced Thermal Comfort

Early Energy Modelling

Solar Studies


BDP's Climate & Social Action Design Framework









Buoyancy Driven Ventilation

Climate Data

Embodied Carbon

BDP's Climate Action Framework

Site & Microclimate


Opportunity to Impact Design


Weather and Climate

CFD &Wind Analysis


Form and Massing

Weather and Climate

Pedestrian Wind Comfort

Facade Study

Health & Wellbeing

Objective:Assessing how the spaces engage all the senses and provide the most comfortable environment for the user.Outcome:

  • Health & Wellbeing Impact
  • Comfort Assessment
  • Orientation Opportunities
  • Orientation Challenges
  • Sustainable Design Recommendations
  • Support Net Zero
  • Building Physics
  • Sustainability
  • MEP
  • Lightings

Natural Ventilation



Advanced Thermal Comfort

Early Energy Modelling


BDP's Climate & Social Action Design Framework


Solar Studies








Buoyancy Driven Ventilation

Climate Data

Embodied Carbon

BDP's Climate Action Framework

Site & Microclimate


Opportunity to Impact Design


Weather and Climate

CFD &Wind Analysis


Form and Massing

Weather and Climate

Pedestrian Wind Comfort

Facade Study

Embodied Carbon & Life Cycle Assessment

Objective:Evaluating Embodied Carbon (A1-A5) or (A-C) associated with the manufacture, transport, construction, repair, maintenance, replacement and deconstruction of all building elements.Outcome:

  • • Material choices Impact
  • • Specification recommendation
  • • Low Embodied Design Recommendation
  • • Support Net Zero pathway & Sustainability Certifications
  • Sustainability

Natural Ventilation



Advanced Thermal Comfort

Early Energy Modelling


BDP's Climate & Social Action Design Framework



Solar Studies







Buoyancy Driven Ventilation

Climate Data

Embodied Carbon

BDP's Climate Action Framework

Site & Microclimate




Weather and Climate

Site and Context

Massing, Form, & Orientation

Facade Design and Layout

Weather and Climate

Climate Action Framework

Weather and Climate

Weather and Climate

Weather and Climate

Massing,Form, &Orientation

Weather and Climate

Objective:Evaluating options and scenarios to optimize massing, form, and orientation of the building by maximizing opportunities and performance, and adoption of passive design strategies.Outcome:

  • Form and Massing Impact
  • WWR Impact
  • Orientation Opportunities
  • Orientation Challenges
  • Risk Assessment of Design
  • Sustainable Design Recommendation
  • Building Physics
  • Sustainability
  • MEP
  • Lightings

Objective:Analysing the project's site and climate contextOutcome:

  • Climatic Context
  • Climate Challenges
  • Climate Opportunities
  • Risk assessment of Design Direction
  • Sustainable Design Recommendation
  • Building Physics



Weather and Climate

Weather and Climate


Objective:Assessing the environmental impact of existing site context.Outcome:

  • Context & Impact
  • Site Challenges
  • Site Opportunities
  • Risk Assessment of Design Direction
  • Sustainable Design Recommendation
  • Support Net Zero pathway & Sustainability Certifications
  • Building Physics
  • Sustainability
  • MEP
  • Lightings

Health and Wellbeing


Stage 7: Measure, share & Refine

Stage 6: Measure & improve

Stage 5: Monitor & Track More detailed analysis

Stage 0: To set targets & ambitions Sustainability aspirations (Qualitative)

Stage 1: To set targets & ambitions Provide sustainability metrics (Quantitative) Strategy & design integration

Stage 2: Outline strategy & design integration Analysis & interpretation

Stage 4: Design integration More detailed analysis & Specification Monitor & Track

Stage 3: Design integration Analysis & interpretation

Select to see more.

Select to see more.

Select to see more.



Historical & Future Climate Data

Microclimate / Comfort Study

Weather and Climate

Weather and Climate

Weather and Climate

Weather and Climate

Objective:Analysing the project's site and climate contextOutcome:

  • Climatic Context
  • Climate Challenges
  • Climate Opportunities
  • Risk assessment of Design Direction
  • Sustainable Design Recommendation
  • Building Physics


Stage 7: Measure, share & Refine

Stage 6: Measure & improve

Stage 5: Monitor & Track More detailed analysis

Stage 0: To set targets & ambitions Sustainability aspirations (Qualitative)

Stage 1: To set targets & ambitions Provide sustainability metrics (Quantitative) Strategy & design integration

Stage 2: Outline strategy & design integration Analysis & interpretation

Stage 4: Design integration More detailed analysis & Specification Monitor & Track

Stage 3: Design integration Analysis & interpretation

Weather and Climate

Weather and Climate


Objective:Assessing the environmental impact of existing site context.Outcome:

  • Context & Impact
  • Site Challenges
  • Site Opportunities
  • Risk Assessment of Design Direction
  • Sustainable Design Recommendation
  • Support Net Zero pathway & Sustainability Certifications
  • Building Physics
  • Sustainability
  • MEP
  • Lightings



Site and Context


Stage 7: Measure, share & Refine

Stage 6: Measure & improve

Stage 5: Monitor & Track More detailed analysis

Stage 0: To set targets & ambitions Sustainability aspirations (Qualitative)

Stage 1: To set targets & ambitions Provide sustainability metrics (Quantitative) Strategy & design integration

Stage 2: Outline strategy & design integration Analysis & interpretation

Stage 4: Design integration More detailed analysis & Specification Monitor & Track

Stage 3: Design integration Analysis & interpretation



Massing, Form, & Orientation

Weather and Climate


Weather and Climate

Massing,Form, &Orientation

Objective:Evaluating options and scenarios to optimize massing, form, and orientation of the building by maximizing opportunities and performance, and adoption of passive design strategies.Outcome:

  • Form and Massing Impact
  • WWR Impact
  • Orientation Opportunities
  • Orientation Challenges
  • Risk Assessment of Design
  • SD Recommendation
  • Building Physics
  • Sustainability
  • MEP
  • Lightings

Stage 7: Measure, share & Refine

Stage 6: Measure & improve

Stage 5: Monitor & Track More detailed analysis

Stage 0: To set targets & ambitions Sustainability aspirations (Qualitative)

Stage 1: To set targets & ambitions Provide sustainability metrics (Quantitative) Strategy & design integration

Stage 2: Outline strategy & design integration Analysis & interpretation

Stage 4: Design integration More detailed analysis & Specification Monitor & Track

Stage 3: Design integration Analysis & interpretation




Opportunity to Impact Design


















Wind Driven Ventilation

Pedestrian Wind Comfort

Facade Study

Weather + Site

Thermal Comfort

Form Study

Heating + Cooling Load

BDP's Climate Action Framework




Buoyancy Driven Ventilation




Embodied Carbon


Site and Climate

This study couples the result of wind analysis with radiant temperature from sunlight exposure of the naturally ventilated spaces, providing highly accurate comfort estimation.

Thermal Comfort

  • Evaluates urban heat island effect (UHI)
  • Indoor / outdoor comfort for naturally ventilated spaces
  • Percentage of comfortable area
  • Period of comfortable time

This study couples the result of wind analysis with radiant temperature from sunlight exposure of the naturally ventilated spaces, providing highly accurate comfort estimation.

Thermal Comfort

  • Evaluates urban heat island effect (UHI)
  • Indoor / outdoor comfort for naturally ventilated spaces
  • Percentage of comfortable area
  • Period of comfortable time

  • Set sustainability targets and approach
  • Define performance criteria
  • Site / climate / microclimate analysis

​Outcome: Project Brief approved by the client, and confirmed that it can be accommodated on the site. Objective:

Preparation and Brief

  • Form and massing study
  • Facade design evaluations
  • Embodied Carbon assessment
  • CFD and Wind Analysis

​Outcome: Architectural and engineering information Spatially Coordinated.Objective:

Spatial Coordination



Assessing the impact of surrounding, massing, and openings. Evaluate the effectiveness of façade design and interior layouts in promoting cross ventilation into the interior space.

Wind Driven Ventilation

  • Comfort evaluation for naturally ventilated
  • Mitigation for risk area with high occupancy
  • Energy reduction for hotter climate
  • Fresh air study (Age of air)


Projects Involved

Early calculation of HVAC sizing based on typical occupancy and heat gain inside the building, openings, and fabric properties. The study helps to identify optimal orientation and forms to reduce operational carbon.

Heating and Cooling Load

​Outcome: Manufacturing, construction and Commissioning completed.

Manufacturing and Construction

This study couples the result of wind analysis with radiant temperature from sunlight exposure of the naturally ventilated spaces, providing highly accurate comfort estimation.

Thermal Comfort

  • Evaluates urban heat island effect (UHI)
  • Indoor / outdoor comfort for naturally ventilated spaces
  • Percentage of comfortable area
  • Period of comfortable time

  • Potential for on site renewables
  • Solar and site study
  • Embodied Carbon assessment
  • CFD and Wind Analysis

​Outcome: Concept design approved by the client and aligned to the Project Brief.Objective:

Concept Design

  • Set sustainability targets and approach
  • Define performance criteria
  • Site / climate / microclimate analysis

​Outcome: Project Brief approved by the client, and confirmed that it can be accommodated on the site. Objective:

Preparation and Brief

  • Potential for on site renewables
  • Solar and site study
  • Embodied Carbon assessment
  • CFD and Wind Analysis

​Outcome: Concept design approved by the client and aligned to the Project Brief.Objective:

Concept Design

  • Set sustainability targets and approach
  • Define performance criteria

​Outcome: The best means of achieving the Client Requirements confirmed. During this stage, it is important to set sustainability directions and goals for the projects to achieve. Objective:

Strategic Definition

The study provides insights for each designs with parameters to explore. (daylight, cooling load, and embodied carbon) Summarized finding and option with the highest score will be provided.

Facade Study

  • Solar gain
  • Embodied carbon
  • Daylight availability
  • Cooling - Heating load

B3Ts Sussex Stage 2

John Innes Centre

Projects Involved




​Outcome: Building used, operated and maintained efficiently.


  • Detailed facade design evaluations
  • Thermal comfort modelling
  • Accurate embodied carbon
  • Advanced CFD

​Outcome: All design information required to manufacture and construct the project completed.Objective:

Technical Design

Early evaluation tool, designed in BDP, to provide targets and directions of project's sustainability.

Climate Action Framework

  • Potential for on site renewables
  • Solar and site study
  • Embodied Carbon assessment
  • CFD and Wind Analysis

​Outcome: Concept design approved by the client and aligned to the Project Brief.Objective:

Concept Design

  • Detailed facade design evaluations
  • Thermal comfort modelling
  • Accurate embodied carbon

​Outcome: All design information required to manufacture and construct the project completed.Objective:

Technical Design

This page is still a work in progress and under review. Cheers, Yewi


Assessing the impact of surrounding, massing, and openings. Evaluate the effectiveness of façade design and interior layouts in promoting cross ventilation into the interior space.

Wind Driven Ventilation

  • Comfort evaluation for naturally ventilated
  • Mitigation for risk area with high occupancy
  • Energy reduction for hotter climate
  • Fresh air study (Age of air)


Projects Involved

  • Set sustainability targets and approach
  • Define performance criteria
  • Site / climate / microclimate analysis

​Outcome: Project Brief approved by the client, and confirmed that it can be accommodated on the site. Objective:

Preparation and Brief


To evaluate thermal comfort Simple based on mean radiant temperature, historical air temperature, simplified wind speed, and humidity from design and shading options. (UTCI, PET, PMV, SET, MRT)

Microclimate & Comfort Study

  • Comfort map such as UTCI for specific period/location
  • Percentage of comfortable area
  • Period of thermal comfortable

Projects Involved

​Outcome: Manufacturing, construction and Commissioning completed.

Manufacturing and Construction

The study accounts for the heat distribution with signinficant heat sources, design's openings, and solar condition.

Buoyancy Driven Ventilation

  • Effectiveness of openings in removing excess heat
  • Evaluation of hot spots
  • Worst case comfort scenario

Assessing the impact of surrounding, massing, and openings. Evaluate the effectiveness of façade design and interior layouts in promoting cross ventilation into the interior space.

Wind Driven Ventilation

  • Comfort evaluation for naturally ventilated
  • Mitigation for risk area with high occupancy
  • Energy reduction for hotter climate
  • Fresh air study (Age of air)

Calculation of performance of building form and geometry based on, solar hours, radiation over specific time / season / annually.

Form Study

  • Sunlight availability and access
  • Neighbourhood and self-shading study
  • Landscape planning
  • Daylight potential estimation
  • Overheating risk study
  • Seasonal solar exposure
  • Photovoltaic panel feasibility study

Glare affects the visual comfort to perform tasks. The study evaluates glare caused by contrast of specific view based on massing, material selection, and occupancy period.

Glare Study

  • Daylight Glare Probability
  • Annual daylight glare of selected point
  • Glare probability of selected floorplan based on 8 view directions

​Outcome: Building handed over, Aftercare initiated and Building Contract concluded.


The study provides insights for each designs with parameters to explore. (daylight, cooling load, and embodied carbon) Summarized finding and option with the highest score will be provided.

Facade Study

  • Solar gain
  • Embodied carbon
  • Daylight availability
  • Cooling - Heating load

B3Ts Sussex Stage 2

John Innes Centre

Projects Involved

Early calculation of HVAC sizing based on typical occupancy and heat gain inside the building, openings, and fabric properties. The study helps to identify optimal orientation and forms to reduce operational carbon.

Heating and Cooling Load

Early evaluation tool, designed in BDP, to provide targets and directions of project's sustainability.

Climate Action Framework

Early evaluation tool, designed in BDP, to provide targets and directions of project's sustainability.

Climate Action Framework




Embodied carbon is the carbon dioxide (CO₂) emissions associated with materials and construction processes throughout the whole lifecycle of a building.

Embodied Carbon

  • Early estimation of carbon emission
  • Space design optioneering
  • Material optioneering


To create a climate summary of the selected site, providing insights on the site’s challenges and opportunity based on historical & future data.

Historical & FutureWeather Data

  • Psychrometric chart
  • Air temperature
  • Relative humidity
  • Cloud cover
  • Total/partial radiation
  • Prevailing and seasonal wind direction and speed

Projects Involved

  • Potential for on site renewables
  • Solar and site study
  • Embodied Carbon assessment
  • CFD and Wind Analysis

​Outcome: Concept design approved by the client and aligned to the Project Brief.Objective:

Concept Design

Calculation of performance of building form and geometry based on, solar hours, radiation over specific time / season / annually.

Form Study


  • Sunlight availability and access
  • Neighbourhood and self-shading study
  • Landscape planning
  • Daylight potential estimation
  • Overheating risk study
  • Seasonal solar exposure
  • Photovoltaic panel feasibility study

Projects Involved

The study provides insights for each designs with parameters to explore. (daylight, cooling load, and embodied carbon) Summarized finding and option with the highest score will be provided.

Facade Study

  • Solar gain
  • Embodied carbon
  • Daylight availability
  • Cooling - Heating load

B3Ts Sussex Stage 2

John Innes Centre

Projects Involved

​Outcome: Building used, operated and maintained efficiently.


  • Set sustainability targets and approach
  • Define performance criteria

​Outcome: The best means of achieving the Client Requirements confirmed. During this stage, it is important to set sustainability directions and goals for the projects to achieve. Objective:

Strategic Definition

Assessing the impact of surrounding buildings and design into the site. Ground floor and open spaces wind comfort based on Lawson criteria on annual basis.

Pedestrian Wind Comfort

  • Comfort for naturally ventilated and outdoor areas
  • Space planning for different activities
  • Mitigation for risk area with high occupancy
  • Landscape and urban planning

This study couples the result of wind analysis with radiant temperature from sunlight exposure of the naturally ventilated spaces, providing highly accurate comfort estimation.

Thermal Comfort

  • Evaluates urban heat island effect (UHI)
  • Indoor / outdoor comfort for naturally ventilated spaces
  • Percentage of comfortable area
  • Period of comfortable time

Early evaluation tool, designed in BDP, to provide targets and directions of project's sustainability.

Climate Action Framework

Calculation of performance of building form and geometry based on, solar hours, radiation over specific time / season / annually.

Form Study


  • Sunlight availability and access
  • Neighbourhood and self-shading study
  • Landscape planning
  • Daylight potential estimation
  • Overheating risk study
  • Seasonal solar exposure
  • Photovoltaic panel feasibility study

Projects Involved


To create a climate summary of the selected site, providing insights on the site’s challenges and opportunity based on historical & future data.

Historical & FutureWeather Data

  • Psychrometric chart
  • Air temperature
  • Relative humidity
  • Cloud cover
  • Total/partial radiation
  • Prevailing and seasonal wind direction and speed

Projects Involved

There are various solar aspect to be studied inside the building. Daylight is important for occupant’s wellbeing, the study evaluates the amount of natural daylight based on design iterations, material selection, and occupancy period.

Solar Study

  • Daylight factor (BREEAM)
  • Daylight autonomy during occupancy
  • Average illuminance for lighting planning
  • Reduction of over-lit spaces

Embodied carbon is the carbon dioxide (CO₂) emissions associated with materials and construction processes throughout the whole lifecycle of a building.

Embodied Carbon

  • Early estimation of carbon emission
  • Space design optioneering
  • Material optioneering

The study provides insights for each designs with parameters to explore. (daylight, cooling load, and embodied carbon) Summarized finding and option with the highest score will be provided.

Facade Study

  • Solar gain
  • Embodied carbon
  • Daylight availability
  • Cooling - Heating load

B3Ts Sussex Stage 2

John Innes Centre

Projects Involved

Assessing the impact of surrounding buildings and design into the site. Ground floor and open spaces wind comfort based on Lawson criteria on annual basis.

Pedestrian Wind Comfort

  • Comfort for naturally ventilated and outdoor areas
  • Space planning for different activities
  • Mitigation for risk area with high occupancy
  • Landscape and urban planning

Assessing the impact of surrounding, massing, and openings. Evaluate the effectiveness of façade design and interior layouts in promoting cross ventilation into the interior space.

Wind Driven Ventilation

  • Comfort evaluation for naturally ventilated
  • Mitigation for risk area with high occupancy
  • Energy reduction for hotter climate
  • Fresh air study (Age of air)


Projects Involved

Assessing the impact of surrounding buildings and design into the site. Ground floor and open spaces wind comfort based on Lawson criteria on annual basis.

Pedestrian Wind Comfort

  • Comfort for naturally ventilated and outdoor areas
  • Space planning for different activities
  • Mitigation for risk area with high occupancy
  • Landscape and urban planning

  • Set sustainability targets and approach
  • Define performance criteria

​Outcome: The best means of achieving the Client Requirements confirmed. During this stage, it is important to set sustainability directions and goals for the projects to achieve. Objective:

Strategic Definition

There are various solar aspect to be studied inside the building. Daylight is important for occupant’s wellbeing, the study evaluates the amount of natural daylight based on design iterations, material selection, and occupancy period.

Solar Study

  • Daylight factor (BREEAM)
  • Daylight autonomy during occupancy
  • Average illuminance for lighting planning
  • Reduction of over-lit spaces


To evaluate thermal comfort Simple based on mean radiant temperature, historical air temperature, simplified wind speed, and humidity from design and shading options. (UTCI, PET, PMV, SET, MRT)

Microclimate & Comfort Study

  • Comfort map such as UTCI for specific period/location
  • Percentage of comfortable area
  • Period of thermal comfortable

Projects Involved

Assessing the impact of surrounding buildings and design into the site. Ground floor and open spaces wind comfort based on Lawson criteria on annual basis.

Pedestrian Wind Comfort

  • Comfort for naturally ventilated and outdoor areas
  • Space planning for different activities
  • Mitigation for risk area with high occupancy
  • Landscape and urban planning


To create a climate summary of the selected site, providing insights on the site’s challenges and opportunity based on historical & future data.

Historical & FutureWeather Data

  • Psychrometric chart
  • Air temperature
  • Relative humidity
  • Cloud cover
  • Total/partial radiation
  • Prevailing and seasonal wind direction and speed

Projects Involved

​Outcome: Manufacturing, construction and Commissioning completed.

Manufacturing and Construction

Embodied carbon is the carbon dioxide (CO₂) emissions associated with materials and construction processes throughout the whole lifecycle of a building.

Embodied Carbon

  • Early estimation of carbon emission
  • Space design optioneering
  • Material optioneering

Assessing the impact of surrounding buildings and design into the site. Ground floor and open spaces wind comfort based on Lawson criteria on annual basis.

Pedestrian Wind Comfort

  • Comfort for naturally ventilated and outdoor areas
  • Space planning for different activities
  • Mitigation for risk area with high occupancy
  • Landscape and urban planning

Assessing the impact of surrounding, massing, and openings. Evaluate the effectiveness of façade design and interior layouts in promoting cross ventilation into the interior space.

Wind Driven Ventilation

  • Comfort evaluation for naturally ventilated
  • Mitigation for risk area with high occupancy
  • Energy reduction for hotter climate
  • Fresh air study (Age of air)


Projects Involved

Calculation of performance of building form and geometry based on, solar hours, radiation over specific time / season / annually.

Form Study


  • Sunlight availability and access
  • Neighbourhood and self-shading study
  • Landscape planning
  • Daylight potential estimation
  • Overheating risk study
  • Seasonal solar exposure
  • Photovoltaic panel feasibility study

Projects Involved

  • Detailed facade design evaluations
  • Thermal comfort modelling
  • Accurate embodied carbon
  • Advanced CFD

​Outcome: All design information required to manufacture and construct the project completed.Objective:

Technical Design

Calculation of performance of building form and geometry based on, solar hours, radiation over specific time / season / annually.

Form Study


  • Sunlight availability and access
  • Neighbourhood and self-shading study
  • Landscape planning
  • Daylight potential estimation
  • Overheating risk study
  • Seasonal solar exposure
  • Photovoltaic panel feasibility study

Projects Involved

  • Set sustainability targets and approach
  • Define performance criteria
  • Site / climate / microclimate analysis

​Outcome: Project Brief approved by the client, and confirmed that it can be accommodated on the site. Objective:

Preparation and Brief

  • Set sustainability targets and approach
  • Define performance criteria
  • Site / climate / microclimate analysis

​Outcome: Project Brief approved by the client, and confirmed that it can be accommodated on the site. Objective:

Preparation and Brief




Early evaluation tool, designed in BDP, to provide targets and directions of project's sustainability.

Climate Action Framework

  • Set sustainability targets and approach
  • Define performance criteria

​Outcome: The best means of achieving the Client Requirements confirmed. During this stage, it is important to set sustainability directions and goals for the projects to achieve. Objective:

Strategic Definition

​Outcome: Building handed over, Aftercare initiated and Building Contract concluded.



To create a climate summary of the selected site, providing insights on the site’s challenges and opportunity based on historical & future data.

Historical & FutureWeather Data

  • Psychrometric chart
  • Air temperature
  • Relative humidity
  • Cloud cover
  • Total/partial radiation
  • Prevailing and seasonal wind direction and speed

Projects Involved

  • Detailed facade design evaluations
  • Thermal comfort modelling
  • Accurate embodied carbon
  • Advanced CFD

​Outcome: All design information required to manufacture and construct the project completed.Objective:

Technical Design

This page is still a work in progress and under review. Cheers, Yewi


To create a climate summary of the selected site, providing insights on the site’s challenges and opportunity based on historical & future data.


Historical & FutureWeather Data

  • Psychrometric chart
  • Air temperature
  • Relative humidity
  • Cloud cover
  • Total/partial radiation
  • Prevailing and seasonal wind direction and speed

Projects Involved

​Outcome: Building used, operated and maintained efficiently.


The study accounts for the heat distribution with signinficant heat sources, design's openings, and solar condition.

Buoyancy Driven Ventilation

  • Effectiveness of openings in removing excess heat
  • Evaluation of hot spots
  • Worst case comfort scenario

Glare affects the visual comfort to perform tasks. The study evaluates glare caused by contrast of specific view based on massing, material selection, and occupancy period.

Glare Study

  • Daylight Glare Probability
  • Annual daylight glare of selected point
  • Glare probability of selected floorplan based on 8 view directions


To evaluate thermal comfort Simple based on mean radiant temperature, historical air temperature, simplified wind speed, and humidity from design and shading options. (UTCI, PET, PMV, SET, MRT)

Microclimate & Comfort Study

  • Comfort map such as UTCI for specific period/location
  • Percentage of comfortable area
  • Period of thermal comfortable

Projects Involved

Early evaluation tool, designed in BDP, to provide targets and directions of project's sustainability.

Climate Action Framework

  • Detailed facade design evaluations
  • Thermal comfort modelling
  • Accurate embodied carbon
  • Advanced CFD

​Outcome: All design information required to manufacture and construct the project completed.Objective:

Technical Design

This page is still a work in progress and under review. Cheers, Yewi


The study accounts for the heat distribution with signinficant heat sources, design's openings, and solar condition.

Buoyancy Driven Ventilation

  • Effectiveness of openings in removing excess heat
  • Evaluation of hot spots
  • Worst case comfort scenario

Early evaluation tool, designed in BDP, to provide targets and directions of project's sustainability.

Climate Action Framework

  • Set sustainability targets and approach
  • Define performance criteria
  • Site / climate / microclimate analysis

​Outcome: Project Brief approved by the client, and confirmed that it can be accommodated on the site. Objective:

Preparation and Brief

​Outcome: Building used, operated and maintained efficiently.


​Outcome: Building handed over, Aftercare initiated and Building Contract concluded.


  • Form and massing study
  • Facade design evaluations
  • Early energy modelling
  • Thermal comfort modelling

​Outcome: Architectural and engineering information Spatially Coordinated.Objective:

Spatial Coordination

This page is still a work in progress and under review. Cheers, Yewi


There are various solar aspect to be studied inside the building. Daylight is important for occupant’s wellbeing, the study evaluates the amount of natural daylight based on design iterations, material selection, and occupancy period.

Solar Study

  • Daylight factor (BREEAM)
  • Daylight autonomy during occupancy
  • Average illuminance for lighting planning
  • Reduction of over-lit spaces

The study provides insights for each designs with parameters to explore. (daylight, cooling load, and embodied carbon) Summarized finding and option with the highest score will be provided.

Facade Study

  • Solar gain
  • Embodied carbon
  • Daylight availability
  • Cooling - Heating load

Hi there, here you can find what we do to help your project dealing with the science of building. Feel free to approach us if you need any help.




Arch. Sus. Director

Sus. & Comp Des

Curious about cow's aerodynamics

Loves macchiato

  • Potential for on site renewables
  • Solar and site study
  • Embodied Carbon assessment
  • CFD and Wind Analysis

​Outcome: Concept design approved by the client and aligned to the Project Brief.Objective:

Concept Design




Assessing the impact of surrounding buildings and design into the site. Ground floor and open spaces wind comfort based on Lawson criteria on annual basis.

Pedestrian Wind Comfort

  • Comfort for naturally ventilated and outdoor areas
  • Space planning for different activities
  • Mitigation for risk area with high occupancy
  • Landscape and urban planning

​Outcome: Manufacturing, construction and Commissioning completed.

Manufacturing and Construction

​Outcome: Building used, operated and maintained efficiently.



To evaluate thermal comfort Simple based on mean radiant temperature, historical air temperature, simplified wind speed, and humidity from design and shading options. (UTCI, PET, PMV, SET, MRT)

Microclimate & Comfort Study

  • Comfort map such as UTCI for specific period/location
  • Percentage of comfortable area
  • Period of thermal comfortable

Projects Involved

The study accounts for the heat distribution with signinficant heat sources, design's openings, and solar condition.

Buoyancy Driven Ventilation

  • Effectiveness of openings in removing excess heat
  • Evaluation of hot spots
  • Worst case comfort scenario

This page is still a work in progress and under review. Cheers, Yewi


Calculation of performance of building form and geometry based on, solar hours, radiation over specific time / season / annually.

Form Study


  • Sunlight availability and access
  • Neighbourhood and self-shading study
  • Landscape planning
  • Daylight potential estimation
  • Overheating risk study
  • Seasonal solar exposure
  • Photovoltaic panel feasibility study

Projects Involved

  • Set sustainability targets and approach
  • Define performance criteria

​Outcome: The best means of achieving the Client Requirements confirmed. During this stage, it is important to set sustainability directions and goals for the projects to achieve. Objective:

Strategic Definition

Daylight is important for occupant’s wellbeing, the study evaluates the amount of natural daylight based on design iterations, material selection, and occupancy period.

Daylight Study

  • Daylight factor (BREEAM)
  • Daylight autonomy during occupancy
  • Average illuminance for lighting planning
  • Reduction of over-lit spaces

Early evaluation tool, designed in BDP, to provide targets and directions of project's sustainability.

Climate Action Framework

This page is still a work in progress and under review. Cheers, Yewi


There are various solar aspect to be studied inside the building. Daylight is important for occupant’s wellbeing, the study evaluates the amount of natural daylight based on design iterations, material selection, and occupancy period.

Solar Study

  • Daylight factor (BREEAM)
  • Daylight autonomy during occupancy
  • Average illuminance for lighting planning
  • Reduction of over-lit spaces

Early calculation of HVAC sizing based on typical occupancy and heat gain inside the building, openings, and fabric properties. The study helps to identify optimal orientation and forms to reduce operational carbon.

Heating and Cooling Load

  • Form and massing study
  • Facade design evaluations
  • Embodied Carbon assessment
  • CFD and Wind Analysis

​Outcome: Architectural and engineering information Spatially Coordinated.Objective:

Spatial Coordination

​Outcome: Building used, operated and maintained efficiently.


The study provides insights for each designs with parameters to explore. (daylight, cooling load, and embodied carbon) Summarized finding and option with the highest score will be provided.

Facade Study

  • Solar gain
  • Embodied carbon
  • Daylight availability
  • Cooling - Heating load

B3Ts Sussex Stage 2

John Innes Centre

Projects Involved

Early calculation of HVAC sizing based on typical occupancy and heat gain inside the building, openings, and fabric properties. The study helps to identify optimal orientation and forms to reduce operational carbon.

Heating and Cooling Load

There are various solar aspect to be studied inside the building. Daylight is important for occupant’s wellbeing, the study evaluates the amount of natural daylight based on design iterations, material selection, and occupancy period.

Solar Study

  • Daylight factor (BREEAM)
  • Daylight autonomy during occupancy
  • Average illuminance for lighting planning
  • Reduction of over-lit spaces


To evaluate thermal comfort Simple based on mean radiant temperature, historical air temperature, simplified wind speed, and humidity from design and shading options. (UTCI, PET, PMV, SET, MRT)

Microclimate & Comfort Study

  • Comfort map such as UTCI for specific period/location
  • Percentage of comfortable area
  • Period of thermal comfortable

Projects Involved


To evaluate thermal comfort Simple based on mean radiant temperature, historical air temperature, simplified wind speed, and humidity from design and shading options. (UTCI, PET, PMV, SET, MRT)

Microclimate & Comfort Study

  • Comfort map such as UTCI for specific period/location
  • Percentage of comfortable area
  • Period of thermal comfortable

Projects Involved

Glare affects the visual comfort to perform tasks. The study evaluates glare caused by contrast of specific view based on massing, material selection, and occupancy period.

Glare Study

  • Daylight Glare Probability
  • Annual daylight glare of selected point
  • Glare probability of selected floorplan based on 8 view directions

  • Form and massing study
  • Facade design evaluations
  • Embodied Carbon assessment
  • CFD and Wind Analysis

​Outcome: Architectural and engineering information Spatially Coordinated.Objective:

Spatial Coordination

This page is still a work in progress and under review. Cheers, Yewi


The study accounts for the heat distribution with signinficant heat sources, design's openings, and solar condition.

Buoyancy Driven Ventilation

  • Effectiveness of openings in removing excess heat
  • Evaluation of hot spots
  • Worst case comfort scenario

​Outcome: Manufacturing, construction and Commissioning completed.

Manufacturing and Construction

Early evaluation tool, designed in BDP, to provide targets and directions of project's sustainability.

Climate Action Framework

Assessing the impact of surrounding, massing, and openings. Evaluate the effectiveness of façade design and interior layouts in promoting cross ventilation into the interior space.

Wind Driven Ventilation

  • Comfort evaluation for naturally ventilated
  • Mitigation for risk area with high occupancy
  • Energy reduction for hotter climate
  • Fresh air study (Age of air)


Projects Involved

Assessing the impact of surrounding, massing, and openings. Evaluate the effectiveness of façade design and interior layouts in promoting cross ventilation into the interior space.

Wind Driven Ventilation

  • Comfort evaluation for naturally ventilated
  • Mitigation for risk area with high occupancy
  • Energy reduction for hotter climate
  • Fresh air study (Age of air)


Projects Involved

The study accounts for the heat distribution with signinficant heat sources, design's openings, and solar condition.

Buoyancy Driven Ventilation

  • Effectiveness of openings in removing excess heat
  • Evaluation of hot spots
  • Worst case comfort scenario


To create a climate summary of the selected site, providing insights on the site’s challenges and opportunity based on historical & future data.

Historical & FutureWeather Data

  • Psychrometric chart
  • Air temperature
  • Relative humidity
  • Cloud cover
  • Total/partial radiation
  • Prevailing and seasonal wind direction and speed

Projects Involved

  • Potential for on site renewables
  • Solar and site study
  • Form and massing study
  • Early stage evaluations

​Outcome: Concept design approved by the client and aligned to the Project Brief.Objective:

Concept Design

This study couples the result of wind analysis with radiant temperature from sunlight exposure of the naturally ventilated spaces, providing highly accurate comfort estimation.

Thermal Comfort

  • Evaluates urban heat island effect (UHI)
  • Indoor / outdoor comfort for naturally ventilated spaces
  • Percentage of comfortable area
  • Period of comfortable time

This study couples the result of wind analysis with radiant temperature from sunlight exposure of the naturally ventilated spaces, providing highly accurate comfort estimation.

Thermal Comfort

  • Evaluates urban heat island effect (UHI)
  • Indoor / outdoor comfort for naturally ventilated spaces
  • Percentage of comfortable area
  • Period of comfortable time

  • Potential for on site renewables
  • Solar and site study
  • Embodied Carbon assessment
  • CFD and Wind Analysis

​Outcome: Concept design approved by the client and aligned to the Project Brief.Objective:

Concept Design






This page is still a work in progress and under review. Cheers, Yewi


This study couples the result of wind analysis with radiant temperature from sunlight exposure of the naturally ventilated spaces, providing highly accurate comfort estimation.

Thermal Comfort

  • Evaluates urban heat island effect (UHI)
  • Indoor / outdoor comfort for naturally ventilated spaces
  • Percentage of comfortable area
  • Period of comfortable time


To evaluate thermal comfort Simple based on mean radiant temperature, historical air temperature, simplified wind speed, and humidity from design and shading options. (UTCI, PET, PMV, SET, MRT)

Microclimate & Comfort Study

  • Comfort map such as UTCI for specific period/location
  • Percentage of comfortable area
  • Period of thermal comfortable

Projects Involved

The study accounts for the heat distribution with signinficant heat sources, design's openings, and solar condition.

Buoyancy Driven Ventilation

  • Effectiveness of openings in removing excess heat
  • Evaluation of hot spots
  • Worst case comfort scenario

This study couples the result of wind analysis with radiant temperature from sunlight exposure of the naturally ventilated spaces, providing highly accurate comfort estimation.

Thermal Comfort

  • Evaluates urban heat island effect (UHI)
  • Indoor / outdoor comfort for naturally ventilated spaces
  • Percentage of comfortable area
  • Period of comfortable time

​Outcome: Building used, operated and maintained efficiently.


​Outcome: Manufacturing, construction and Commissioning completed.

Manufacturing and Construction

Daylight is important for occupant’s wellbeing, the study evaluates the amount of natural daylight based on design iterations, material selection, and occupancy period.

Daylight Study

  • Daylight factor (BREEAM)
  • Daylight autonomy during occupancy
  • Average illuminance for lighting planning
  • Reduction of over-lit spaces

Early calculation of HVAC sizing based on typical occupancy and heat gain inside the building, openings, and fabric properties. The study helps to identify optimal orientation and forms to reduce operational carbon.

Heating and Cooling Load

Early calculation of HVAC sizing based on typical occupancy and heat gain inside the building, openings, and fabric properties. The study helps to identify optimal orientation and forms to reduce operational carbon.

Heating and Cooling Load

Early evaluation tool, designed in BDP, to provide targets and directions of project's sustainability.

Climate Action Framework

Assessing the impact of surrounding buildings and design into the site. Ground floor and open spaces wind comfort based on Lawson criteria on annual basis.

Pedestrian Wind Comfort

  • Comfort for naturally ventilated and outdoor areas
  • Space planning for different activities
  • Mitigation for risk area with high occupancy
  • Landscape and urban planning

Embodied carbon is the carbon dioxide (CO₂) emissions associated with materials and construction processes throughout the whole lifecycle of a building.

Embodied Carbon

  • Early estimation of carbon emission
  • Space design optioneering
  • Material optioneering

​Outcome: Building handed over, Aftercare initiated and Building Contract concluded.


​Outcome: Building handed over, Aftercare initiated and Building Contract concluded.


Assessing the impact of surrounding buildings and design into the site. Ground floor and open spaces wind comfort based on Lawson criteria on annual basis.

Pedestrian Wind Comfort

  • Comfort for naturally ventilated and outdoor areas
  • Space planning for different activities
  • Mitigation for risk area with high occupancy
  • Landscape and urban planning

  • Potential for on site renewables
  • Solar and site study
  • Embodied Carbon assessment
  • CFD and Wind Analysis

​Outcome: Concept design approved by the client and aligned to the Project Brief.Objective:

Concept Design

​Outcome: Manufacturing, construction and Commissioning completed.

Manufacturing and Construction

Embodied carbon is the carbon dioxide (CO₂) emissions associated with materials and construction processes throughout the whole lifecycle of a building.

Embodied Carbon

  • Early estimation of carbon emission
  • Space design optioneering
  • Material optioneering

Glare affects the visual comfort to perform tasks. The study evaluates glare caused by contrast of specific view based on massing, material selection, and occupancy period.

Glare Study

  • Daylight Glare Probability
  • Annual daylight glare of selected point
  • Glare probability of selected floorplan based on 8 view directions

Glare affects the visual comfort to perform tasks. The study evaluates glare caused by contrast of specific view based on massing, material selection, and occupancy period.

Glare Study

  • Daylight Glare Probability
  • Annual daylight glare of selected point
  • Glare probability of selected floorplan based on 8 view directions

Assessing the impact of surrounding buildings and design into the site. Ground floor and open spaces wind comfort based on Lawson criteria on annual basis.

Pedestrian Wind Comfort

  • Comfort for naturally ventilated and outdoor areas
  • Space planning for different activities
  • Mitigation for risk area with high occupancy
  • Landscape and urban planning

Early evaluation tool, designed in BDP, to provide targets and directions of project's sustainability.

Climate Action Framework

  • Form and massing study
  • Facade design evaluations
  • Embodied Carbon assessment
  • CFD and Wind Analysis

​Outcome: Architectural and engineering information Spatially Coordinated.Objective:

Spatial Coordination

  • Set sustainability targets and approach
  • Define performance criteria

​Outcome: The best means of achieving the Client Requirements confirmed. During this stage, it is important to set sustainability directions and goals for the projects to achieve. Objective:

Strategic Definition






There are various solar aspect to be studied inside the building. Daylight is important for occupant’s wellbeing, the study evaluates the amount of natural daylight based on design iterations, material selection, and occupancy period.

Solar Study

  • Daylight factor (BREEAM)
  • Daylight autonomy during occupancy
  • Average illuminance for lighting planning
  • Reduction of over-lit spaces

Early calculation of HVAC sizing based on typical occupancy and heat gain inside the building, openings, and fabric properties. The study helps to identify optimal orientation and forms to reduce operational carbon.

Heating and Cooling Load

  • Detailed facade design evaluations
  • Thermal comfort modelling
  • Accurate embodied carbon
  • Advanced CFD

​Outcome: All design information required to manufacture and construct the project completed.Objective:

Technical Design

Calculation of performance of building form and geometry based on, solar hours, radiation over specific time / season / annually.

Form Study


  • Sunlight availability and access
  • Neighbourhood and self-shading study
  • Landscape planning
  • Daylight potential estimation
  • Overheating risk study
  • Seasonal solar exposure
  • Photovoltaic panel feasibility study

Projects Involved

Assessing the impact of surrounding buildings and design into the site. Ground floor and open spaces wind comfort based on Lawson criteria on annual basis.

Pedestrian Wind Comfort

  • Comfort for naturally ventilated and outdoor areas
  • Space planning for different activities
  • Mitigation for risk area with high occupancy
  • Landscape and urban planning

Embodied carbon is the carbon dioxide (CO₂) emissions associated with materials and construction processes throughout the whole lifecycle of a building.

Embodied Carbon

  • Early estimation of carbon emission
  • Space design optioneering
  • Material optioneering

Assessing the impact of surrounding, massing, and openings. Evaluate the effectiveness of façade design and interior layouts in promoting cross ventilation into the interior space.

Wind Driven Ventilation

  • Comfort evaluation for naturally ventilated
  • Mitigation for risk area with high occupancy
  • Energy reduction for hotter climate
  • Fresh air study (Age of air)


Projects Involved

Assessing the impact of surrounding buildings and design into the site. Ground floor and open spaces wind comfort based on Lawson criteria on annual basis.

Pedestrian Wind Comfort

  • Comfort for naturally ventilated and outdoor areas
  • Space planning for different activities
  • Mitigation for risk area with high occupancy
  • Landscape and urban planning


To evaluate thermal comfort Simple based on mean radiant temperature, historical air temperature, simplified wind speed, and humidity from design and shading options. (UTCI, PET, PMV, SET, MRT)

Microclimate & Comfort Study

  • Comfort map such as UTCI for specific period/location
  • Percentage of comfortable area
  • Period of thermal comfortable

Projects Involved

Early evaluation tool, designed in BDP, to provide targets and directions of project's sustainability.

Climate Action Framework

This page is still a work in progress and under review. Cheers, Yewi


​Outcome: Manufacturing, construction and Commissioning completed.

Manufacturing and Construction

Early evaluation tool, designed in BDP, to provide targets and directions of project's sustainability.

Climate Action Framework

​Outcome: Building handed over, Aftercare initiated and Building Contract concluded.


Assessing the impact of surrounding buildings and design into the site. Ground floor and open spaces wind comfort based on Lawson criteria on annual basis.

Pedestrian Wind Comfort

  • Comfort for naturally ventilated and outdoor areas
  • Space planning for different activities
  • Mitigation for risk area with high occupancy
  • Landscape and urban planning

The study provides insights for each designs with parameters to explore. (daylight, cooling load, and embodied carbon) Summarized finding and option with the highest score will be provided.

Facade Study

  • Solar gain
  • Embodied carbon
  • Daylight availability
  • Cooling - Heating load

B3Ts Sussex Stage 2

John Innes Centre

Projects Involved

The study accounts for the heat distribution with signinficant heat sources, design's openings, and solar condition.

Buoyancy Driven Ventilation

  • Effectiveness of openings in removing excess heat
  • Evaluation of hot spots
  • Worst case comfort scenario

​Outcome: Building handed over, Aftercare initiated and Building Contract concluded.


This page is still a work in progress and under review. Cheers, Yewi


Early calculation of HVAC sizing based on typical occupancy and heat gain inside the building, openings, and fabric properties. The study helps to identify optimal orientation and forms to reduce operational carbon.

Heating and Cooling Load

Assessing the impact of surrounding buildings and design into the site. Ground floor and open spaces wind comfort based on Lawson criteria on annual basis.

Pedestrian Wind Comfort

  • Comfort for naturally ventilated and outdoor areas
  • Space planning for different activities
  • Mitigation for risk area with high occupancy
  • Landscape and urban planning

The study provides insights for each designs with parameters to explore. (daylight, cooling load, and embodied carbon) Summarized finding and option with the highest score will be provided.

Facade Study

  • Solar gain
  • Embodied carbon
  • Daylight availability
  • Cooling - Heating load

B3Ts Sussex Stage 2

John Innes Centre

Projects Involved

​Outcome: Building handed over, Aftercare initiated and Building Contract concluded.


Glare affects the visual comfort to perform tasks. The study evaluates glare caused by contrast of specific view based on massing, material selection, and occupancy period.

Glare Study

  • Daylight Glare Probability
  • Annual daylight glare of selected point
  • Glare probability of selected floorplan based on 8 view directions

Embodied carbon is the carbon dioxide (CO₂) emissions associated with materials and construction processes throughout the whole lifecycle of a building.

Embodied Carbon

  • Early estimation of carbon emission
  • Space design optioneering
  • Material optioneering

Automated climate summary of the selected site, providing insights on the site’s challenges and opportunity based on historical data and immediate surrounding buildings.

Weather and Site

  • Site challenges
  • Site opportunities
  • Design directions
  • Sustainability recommendations

This page is still a work in progress and under review. Cheers, Yewi


  • Detailed facade design evaluations
  • Thermal comfort modelling
  • Accurate embodied carbon
  • Advanced CFD

​Outcome: All design information required to manufacture and construct the project completed.Objective:

Technical Design



  • Detailed facade design evaluations
  • Thermal comfort modelling
  • Accurate embodied carbon
  • Advanced CFD

​Outcome: All design information required to manufacture and construct the project completed.Objective:

Technical Design

Assessing the impact of surrounding buildings and design into the site. Ground floor and open spaces wind comfort based on Lawson criteria on annual basis.

Pedestrian Wind Comfort

  • Comfort for naturally ventilated and outdoor areas
  • Space planning for different activities
  • Mitigation for risk area with high occupancy
  • Landscape and urban planning

Calculation of performance of building form and geometry based on, solar hours, radiation over specific time / season / annually.

Form Study


  • Sunlight availability and access
  • Neighbourhood and self-shading study
  • Landscape planning
  • Daylight potential estimation
  • Overheating risk study
  • Seasonal solar exposure
  • Photovoltaic panel feasibility study

Projects Involved

  • Form and massing study
  • Facade design evaluations
  • Embodied Carbon assessment
  • CFD and Wind Analysis

​Outcome: Architectural and engineering information Spatially Coordinated.Objective:

Spatial Coordination

Assessing the impact of surrounding buildings and design into the site. Ground floor and open spaces wind comfort based on Lawson criteria on annual basis.

Pedestrian Wind Comfort

  • Comfort for naturally ventilated and outdoor areas
  • Space planning for different activities
  • Mitigation for risk area with high occupancy
  • Landscape and urban planning

Glare affects the visual comfort to perform tasks. The study evaluates glare caused by contrast of specific view based on massing, material selection, and occupancy period.

Glare Study

  • Daylight Glare Probability
  • Annual daylight glare of selected point
  • Glare probability of selected floorplan based on 8 view directions

Early evaluation tool, designed in BDP, to provide targets and directions of project's sustainability.

Climate Action Framework


To create a climate summary of the selected site, providing insights on the site’s challenges and opportunity based on historical & future data.

Historical & FutureWeather Data

  • Psychrometric chart
  • Air temperature
  • Relative humidity
  • Cloud cover
  • Total/partial radiation
  • Prevailing and seasonal wind direction and speed

Projects Involved

Glare affects the visual comfort to perform tasks. The study evaluates glare caused by contrast of specific view based on massing, material selection, and occupancy period.

Glare Study

  • Daylight Glare Probability
  • Annual daylight glare of selected point
  • Glare probability of selected floorplan based on 8 view directions

  • Form and massing study
  • Facade design evaluations
  • Embodied Carbon assessment
  • CFD and Wind Analysis

​Outcome: Architectural and engineering information Spatially Coordinated.Objective:

Spatial Coordination

  • Set sustainability targets and approach
  • Define performance criteria
  • Site / climate / microclimate analysis

​Outcome: Project Brief approved by the client, and confirmed that it can be accommodated on the site. Objective:

Preparation and Brief

​Outcome: Building used, operated and maintained efficiently.


  • Form and massing study
  • Facade design evaluations
  • Embodied Carbon assessment
  • CFD and Wind Analysis

​Outcome: Architectural and engineering information Spatially Coordinated.Objective:

Spatial Coordination

  • Set sustainability targets and approach
  • Define performance criteria

​Outcome: The best means of achieving the Client Requirements confirmed. During this stage, it is important to set sustainability directions and goals for the projects to achieve. Objective:

Strategic Definition

  • Set sustainability targets and approach
  • Define performance criteria

​Outcome: The best means of achieving the Client Requirements confirmed. During this stage, it is important to set sustainability directions and goals for the projects to achieve. Objective:

Strategic Definition

  • Set sustainability targets and approach
  • Define performance criteria
  • Site / climate / microclimate analysis

​Outcome: Project Brief approved by the client, and confirmed that it can be accommodated on the site. Objective:

Preparation and Brief

Early evaluation tool, designed in BDP, to provide targets and directions of project's sustainability.

Climate Action Framework


To create a climate summary of the selected site, providing insights on the site’s challenges and opportunity based on historical & future data.

Historical & FutureWeather Data

  • Psychrometric chart
  • Air temperature
  • Relative humidity
  • Cloud cover
  • Total/partial radiation
  • Prevailing and seasonal wind direction and speed

Projects Involved

Embodied carbon is the carbon dioxide (CO₂) emissions associated with materials and construction processes throughout the whole lifecycle of a building.

Embodied Carbon

  • Early estimation of carbon emission
  • Space design optioneering
  • Material optioneering