Want to make creations as awesome as this one?


Escape room



Objective: Reading comprehension; identify key information of a recipe and answer to the best of your knowledge.

After a long day at school, you arrive home and you are surprised there is no one home.When you enter the kitchen, there is a note in the refrigerator...

Read the note in the refrigerator

Dear, I went to the market.There is a recipe in the refrigerator so you can cook pizza Margherita. Follow every step.¡Love you!

Recipe: Step 1

Make the base: Put the flour into a large bowl, then stir in the yeast and salt. Pour in 200ml of warm water and olive oil and bring together with a wooden spoon. Turn onto a lightly floured surface and knead for 5 mins until smooth. Cover with a tea towel and set aside.

What's the first ingredient you have to put in the large bowl?





Complete the phrase: (1) _____ _____ 200ml of warm water and olive oil and (2)_____ _____ with a wooden spoon

(1) Pour in(2) Bring together

(1) Put in(2) Bring Closer

Drag the correct order of the recipe





A. and knead for five minutes until smooth

B. Turn onto a lightly floured surface

C. and set aside.

D. Cover with a tea towel



Recipe: Step 1

Make the base: Put the flour into a large bowl, then stir in the yeast and salt. Pour in 200ml of warm water and olive oil and bring together with a wooden spoon. Turn onto a lightly floured surface and knead for 5 mins until smooth. Cover with a tea towel and set aside.

Recipe: Step 2

Make the sauce: Mix the passata, basil and crushed garlic together, then season to taste. Leave to stand at room temperature while you get on with shaping the base.

Choose the image that corresponds to the following action: mix

Which ingredients do you have to season to taste?

Basil, olive oil and sour

Passata, basil and garlic

Passata, eggs and corn

Passata, garlic and water

Which ingredients do you have to season to taste?

Basil, olive oil and sour

Passata, basil and garlic

Passata, eggs and corn

Passata, garlic and water

What is the next step after leaving to stand at room temperature?

Put flour into a large bowl

Knead for 5 minutes until smooth

Get on with shaping the base

Mix the passata, basil and crushed garlic

Recipe: Step 2

Make the sauce: Mix the passata, basil and crushed garlic together, then season to taste. Leave to stand at room temperature while you get on with shaping the base.

Recipe: Step 3

Roll out the dough: Split the dough into two balls. On a floured surface, roll out the dough into large rounds, using a rolling pin.Lift the rounds onto two floured baking sheets.

What is the next action called?

Roll out the dough

Split the dough

Small size

Large size

Select the correct size in which you have to roll out the dough:

A. Lift the rounds

B. Split the dough into two bowls

C. Roll out the dough



Drag the correct order of the recipe:




Recipe: Step 3

Roll out the dough: if you’ve let the dough rise, give it a quick knead, then split into two balls. On a floured surface, roll out the dough into large rounds, about 25cm across, using a rolling pin. The dough needs to be very thin as it will rise in the oven. Lift the rounds onto two floured baking sheets.

Recipe: Step 4

Top and bake: heat the oven to 240C. Put another baking sheet in the oven on the top shelf. Smooth sauce over bases with the back of a spoon. Scatter with cheese and tomatoes and season. Put one pizza on top of the preheated tray. Bake for 8-10 mins until crisp. Repeat step for remaining pizza.

What do you have to do with the sauce?

Smooth over base

Scatter over base

What are the ingredients you have to scatter on a Pizza Margherita?

Cheese, tomatoes, and meat

Cheese, tomatoes, and season

A. Put pizza on the tray

B. Repeat step for remaining pizza

C. Scatter ingredients

D. Bake for 8-10 minutes



Drag correct order of steps to make your pizza:





Recipe: Step 4

Top and bake: heat the oven to 240C/220C fan/gas 8. Put another baking sheet or an upturned baking tray in the oven on the top shelf. Smooth sauce over bases with the back of a spoon. Scatter with cheese and tomatoes, drizzle with olive oil and season. Put one pizza, still on its baking sheet, on top of the preheated sheet or tray. Bake for 8-10 mins until crisp. Serve with a little more olive oil, and basil leaves if using. Repeat step for remaining pizza.

A. Make the base

B. Add ingredients and bake

C. Roll out the dough

D. Make the sauce



Drag the correct order of the recipe:






Make the base

Make the sauce

Roll out the dough

Add ingredients and bake




1 - C

2 - A

3 - B

1 - B

2 - A

3 - D

4 - C

1 - A

2 - D

3 - C

4 - B

1 - B

2 - D

3 - A

4 - C