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age rating

time limits






pls can you just hear me out

why i should get snapchat


Snapchat is the number 1 app for teens. I can't name anyone at kgs that doesnt have it. Snapchat is an equivilant to whatsapp where you can make groups and keep in touch with friends. Except that hardly anyone bothers to keep in touch on WhatsApp any more, they only read messages that appear on Snapchat. It is also a good platform to make new friends with people in your year who you otherwise wouldn't talk to. So if you're not on it you're going to be left out of group discussions, and miss out on a whole new set of friends and you become completely irrelevant.


you literally can't be included in most things without it

being social

I'm being openminded, so I'll list who doesnt have it too:

Alice M, Laurie. That's 2 names

age rating

On app store the age rating is 12+On NWSCC it's rated 13+On Common Sense Media: kids rated it 12+parents rated it 14+

People who have snapchat:

Alice T, Alice, Alya, abi, abby, angela, anya, amy, aliya, adelle, alayna, Amy B, alyssa, Alyssa F, anfisa, anna, Alice W, archie A, archie, austin, Alex Y, Alex M, Bella B, Bella, Bella R, Clarrissa, connie, charlie, choahan, daniel, dominic, dallas, Ella, Elsa, Eva, Ellie D, Ellen, Emily W, Emily C, Ellie, Freddie F, Freya, Freddie A, Faye, Fred, Gunes, Grace, heidi, hannah, Holly, Holly M, Holly S, Izzy, Inessa, Isabella, Izzy T, Isaac, Iris, Isabella S, Isabel, Jai, Jack, Jo, Jemima, Josh, Liv, Leander, Lilia, Lily, Lily J, Lydia, Maiya, Matha, Maya, matilda, maria, miller, maddie, max M, Max V, Max D, Noah, Nathaniel, Nathan, Niko, Olivia, Olivia P, Quinn, Rosie, Rafi, Sasha, Sinead, Sara, Steve, Sonit, Sophia, Sofia, Sepp, Sonali, Seb, Tess, Tristan, Tom, Varia, Valerie, wren, woody, William McQ, William McK, Wilf, Zack, Zoya, Zak, That's 138 names

I'm being openminded, so I'll list who doesnt have it too:

Alice M, Laurie. That's 2 names

putting into perspective that age ratings are generally higher than they would be, as they are including lots of less mature people

age rating

This was written 7 years ago compared to the reviews saying it was fine written 1 year ago. So it's not the most reliable source.

to show the other side, these are all the negative reactions on common sense media I could find

the overruling message in the parent reviews was that the child has to be responsible to have it, so...

i'm responisble

why am I responisble?

Have I literally ever done anything stupid? - I have got 1 late homework in 7 terms of school- I have never got a misconduct, or detention- I have always completed my homework and revised for tests- I got 11 5s in my grade card. - my results for tests this term was, 82%, 97%, 99%, 92% and 84%- I've been going to and from school for the past 2 and 1/2 years and I have never run away.



We don’t like to bore. We don’t want to be repetitive.

Time limits and restrictions

If I do get it, you could always set an 1 hour timelimit and use the settings on the app to hide certain features like Spotlight. But another good idea might be, as one of the reviews said on common sense media, you could get snapchat for a week and if anything weird came up then you say no to me having it.

Time limits and restrictions

Snapchat is actually known to be one of the safest platforms. You can set your account to private so strangers can't find you, and you have to accept friend requests so you can always so no. And like WhatsApp you can block people. The chances of anything bad happening without you doing anything is very low, and as we're already gone over how responsible I am. I should be allowed to have it.

I'm always going to get snapchat when I'm older so you may as well let me actually understand it, so when I'm older I'll know what to do



It could help me not get more seriously hurt later, and the more you refuse to let me have it, the more I want it, so in the future I could do something really bad because of you. But, if I get it now, and realise the fuss was about nothing, by the time I'm in 6th form I'll have probably deleted it.



In Conclusion:

I should get snapchat because:

  • I'm being left out socially
  • The age rating is 12/13+, so I am allowed to get it
  • I'm a responsible person, and you know I wouldn't do anything that would worry you
  • You could set timelimits and restrictions so it would be even more safe
  • I'm less likely to have it for longer, and I'm less likely to want to have it when I'm older, when it could actually be a problem if I get it now

We annihilate boredom


In Conclusion:

I should get snapchat because:

  • I'm being left out socially
  • The age rating is 12/13+, so I am allowed to get it
  • I'm a responsible person, and you know I wouldn't do anything that would worry you
  • You could set timelimits and restrictions so it would be even more safe
  • I'm less likely to have it for longer, and I'm less likely to want to have it when I'm older, when it could actually be a problem if I get it now

We annihilate boredom

thanks for listening

please can you think about it

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