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Section 4: Putting your knowledge into practice

Video Introduction

Section 4:Putting your knowledge into practice

Learning Objectives

Section 4:Putting your knowledge into practice

Recapping what we have learnt so far.

Section 4:Putting your knowledge into practice

Power & Decision Making

Section 4:Putting your knowledge into practice


Section 4:Putting your knowledge into practice

Action Planning

Section 4:Putting your knowledge into practice


Section 4:Putting your knowledge into practice

Take it Further Options What happens next?

Suggestions: For a ‘Lunch and Learn’ session get in touch with the following people or teams.

Participation is:

  • About power;
  • A process;
  • happens at multiple levels.
In section 4, we are looking to apply our learning from this course to our practice. To do so, we will use the WAGGGS Meaningful Youth Participation Framework.


The Youth Participation Action plan (add link to downlaod) is a tool that accompanies the MYP framework. It is designed to guide you and your team through a process to help you identify and take steps to improve your MYP practice. It is intended that you can embed the below recommendations into your Youth Participation Action Plan, alongside other actions you decide upon as a result of using the framework. WAGGGS has designated support to help you with this process. Please email Core Mission on leadingforherworld@wagggs.org


WAGGGS has created the meaningful Youth Participation Framework, which aims to help us mainstream and strengthen meaningful youth participation practices across the Movement, by drawing from existing good practice and learning from the wider youth sector.This module will run through the key elements of this model. We suggest completing the course, and then reading the document in depth.

Add the link to the frame work on campfire

In this section, we focus on learning objective 3:

3. To support WAGGGS staff and volunteers to feel more confident about delivering and mainstreaming Meaningful Youth ParticipationTo do so, we will look at:

  • Recapping what we’ve worked so far
  • Introducing the Framework
  • Indicators
  • Action Planning
  • Community of Practice

We have created a set of indicators for the WAGGGS Meaningful Youth Participation. These are based on the ‘Core Elements’ and ‘Enabling Environment’ identified within the Flower of Participation.

An introduction to the WAGGS Community of Practice

How you can use this theory and tools/indicators to review your practice and plan for future practice


In this section, we have covered:

The WAGGGS Meaningfull Youth Participation Framework

We encourage you to use the topic function to discuss what you have learnt and reflect on this section with your colleagues. At the end of each section, we have resources and ideas for you to take your learning from this section further. Click on the next page for the ‘Take it Further’ options.

An introduction to the WAGGGS Meaningful Youth Participation Framework, allowing participants to begin to apply this learning to their own practice.