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WorldWide Education

3. What is being done nationally to improve Education?

2. How and why does global education vary?

1. What is the standard global education is held to?


  • This was established by the United Nations in 1948
  • Open the + for more information

What is the standard Global education is held to?

Click on the + icons to explore different continents

How does education vary?

If there are no teachers, we need learning materials to try and teach ourselves, but if we don't have those we can't learn.

Some countries don't have many teachers, so no one can teach potential new teachers.

In some cultures, men are considered more important than women for various reasons, so women aren't educated.

Parents don't want their children learning outside in the rain, heat or cold. Without classrooms, how do we learn effiiciently?

Why does Education Vary?

Without funding a school cannot get the required materials to open.

Different Cultural Views

No Learning Materials

No Classroom

No Teachers

A lack of funding

And they want to hope to be "improving student outcomes"

One of our Governments Responses

They also want to "improve acessibility and inclusion"

They aim to use technology to "reduce teacher workload"

4 Years ago the government expressed interest in technology

What is being done nationally to improve education?


There will be 5 multiple choice questions.



The Universal Declaration of Human Rights

As previously mentioned, in 1948 the United Nations established this declaration. The contents range from the right to be free to the right to a nationality. However, these rigths are not upheld in every country because the declaration isn't actually a part of some kind of international law. Simply put, they're more guidelines than actual rules, this makes them perfect as a standard for countries to hold themselves to, so we can use them to see if countries are educating their people properly


In Africa, education is something of a luxury, not many children getting it compared to other continents such as Europe. Even in Africa education varies, their belief girls don't need an education in some countries leading to more boys being educated.

  • Over one fifth of African children between 6 and 11 aren't in school.
  • More than half of the poorest kids in Central Africa don't go to school.

Latin America and the Carribean

In Latin America the education recieved is somewhat similar to in Europe. While Europe typically pulls ahead, Latin America does recieve fairly good education, technology being used in some schools, similar to ourselves.

  • 85% of the poorest children manage to finish primary education in Latin America