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Preparing Riyadh City for EXPO 2030 and beyond by building AI, & Entrepreneurship skills in Youth to solve the city's biggest challenges

Develop Future of Work Skills

Build character and values such as ethics, empathy, and collaboration to be ready for Future of Work

Raise Awareness and Tackle World Issues

Raise awareness of pressing issues of global and local significance and build innovative tech-based solutions

Prepare for the Future of AI

Get experience with best of breed AI-assisted tools and develop foundational understanding/use of AI

Boost Entrepreneurial Ecosystem

Develop homegrown entrepreneurs or skill people who want to work in the entrepreneurial system

Develop young people in Riyadh City into Entrepreneurs or Highly Skilled Talent for Local and Foreign Companies

Every young person in Riyadh City earns a Future Skills Passport

Lumi seeks to partner with RCRC to skill the entire youth of Riyadh City.

Prosperity for All

Develop innovtive solutions to help Riyadh become a model in sustainability Help Riyadh become a magnet for global talent, visitors and companies

Involve skilled Riyadhi citizens to participate in shaping impactful innovations Invite youth from around the world to collaborate with Riyadhi youth.

Skill Riyadi young talent and equip them with a Future Skills Passport.Build homegrown entrepreneurs and skilled talent for global/local companies.

Diverse & Multifaceted

Sustainable City

Future City


EXPO 2030- an unrivalled opportunity to showcase Riyadh to the world. Young people can help to shape the city into a attractive & sustainable destination for talent, companies and tourists

Lumi can help RCRC to build future skills of Riyadh's youth, equipping them to welcome the world in 2030


Equitably develop a million young people globally with the skills and the network to solve the biggest challenges of today/tomorrow.


Democratise development of AI, Design & Entrepreneurship- skills in the 10–25-year-olds across the world and create the world’s largest AI powered dataset that matches talent with jobs.

Mistral AI


Most valuable companies of our generation built around tech, design, entrepreneurshipMost disruptive companies of tomorrow will solve challenges including ESG, efficiency and consumer experiences

Lumi: Our Purpose

5+ years in sustainability and education

Nefelie KalavrezouProduct Delivery, LumiLondon

Member of House of Lords

Knight, Former Member of Parliament, Former Barrister

Lord Henry BellinghamChairmanLondon

Tech. & AI

13+ years in software engineering at Youtube, Google and Deloitte

Ethan GillTech Advisor London

College and Career Readiness

Biz.Dev & Youth Skill Development

Design Thinking & Innovation

Ed-Tech & Multi-exit Entrepreneur

15+ years in global education management, management consulting

Harish MenonVice President, InternationalDubai

23+ years as VC, Stanford Professor & design thinking expert

Dr Christopher ShenCo-founder & Chief Innovation OfficerSan Francisco

23+ year track record in 5 startups. Recognised leader in global Ed-Tech

Prashant RaizadaFounder - CEO London

We are a top-notch global team with diverse skills & backgrounds

Lumi was conceptualised by a father & son duo in 2020

  • We run digital, scalable cohort-based Quests
  • Supported by an AI-augmented online learning platform
  • Participants produce novel tech-enabled innovations to global or business problems
  • And develop Future of Work skills such as entrepreneurship, design and AI-readiness.

Lumi collaborates with young people and corporates globally


Live, facilitated sessions with inputs from subject matter experts

Up to 10 participants/Quest

Prof. Christopher Shen, Co-Founder of Lumi

Developed with Renowned Design-Thinking & Innovation Professor at Stanford University

The Quest: A structured design-thinking-led journey

We run Quests that allow 10-25-year-olds to build future skills while solving real world problem such as climate change

We can also co-develop bespoke Quests with you on topics of mutual interest

Let's reverse Climate Change

UN-SDGs addressed through the Quests

Shaping the Cities of Tomorrow

Quest Topics relevant for RCRC

The Quests focus on solving real-world problems, collaboratively.

Community Led Engagement Platform

Best of Breed Tools

  • Method: A Quest- an interactive design-thinking led curriculum-
  • AI-assisted tools to enhance creativity and productivity
  • People: Trained facilitators from top universities
  • Platform: An engaging learning space that fosters collaboration

Lumi’s AI-enabled platform combines four things:

Product Platform

Incentivising users to buy less food to reduce waste!

Five 11-14 year olds

Three 14-16 year olds

Two 13 year olds

Five 12-14 year olds

Five 11-15 year olds

Two 12 year olds

Three 17 year olds

Three 15 year olds

Connecting care homes with schools globally for learning, in a safe way!

Offering grocers soon to expire food at discount - contributing a % to a good cause!

Win point & buy gifts for your virtual pet by taking shorter showers!

Allowing locals to deliver food to the elderly & disabled!

Pre-ordered school meals to reduce food waste!

An interative curriculum building awareness on forms of equality!

80+ innovations

Click Screens For Demo

Measure & improve your green impact while competing with friends!

Entrepreneurship | AI | Design

Click for Demo

Proprietary credential that tracks and showcases Quest outcomes, including key skills in:

Each participant obtains a unique & personalised Future Skills Passport

Identified Lumi as an emerging provider in the Ed-Tech, 2023

Showcased Lumi at the COP27 by The Commonwealth

Shorlisted Lumi within its Early stage investor conf. 2022

Accreditations & Recognition


Over 50% of participants in Lumi identify as female

Lumi has worked in 14+ countries

80+ innovations tackling global issues

Influenced over 10K peopleworldwide

1000+ students have experienced Lumi

Global impact

29X initiative in collaboration with Artefact, Sacred Groves, Microsoft to develop 29 teams and innovations for COP29


A Big Four Accounting Firm

Safa School, Dubai

Inventure School, India

St Ignatius School UK

Four Purium International Schools South Korea

King's College School,London

Putney High School, London

Donhead Prep School, UK

Repton Schools, UK, UAE, Europe

Hamilton School, Mexico

The Foundation School Bangalore, India



Early traction with schools but now doubling down on B2B corporate strategy

Today it's become really difficult to differentiate between the thousands of graduates who apply to us. They have great degrees but they're missing real-world skills. Lumi is the way to help us pick them out.

- Sr. Partner at A Big Four Accounting Firm

Kosmo Kalliarekos, A Global EdTech Leader & Lumi investor

Lumi is shifting the needle from assessment to skills and promoting peer based learning, It's strength lies in augmenting rather trying to upend education

-Headmaster of a Leading British School

It is immensely encouraging that young people can come up with such well thought out solutions to complex global problems when given an opportunity through Lumi

An Education & Skills Leader at a top professional services firm

There is a gap in the market to develop digital skills in young people from an early age. The Passport can be a new age credential for many young people from anywhere

- Mark Brayton, Interim CMO Nationwide

We’re proud to be the first corporate partner to work with Lumi– an organisation giving opportunity for youth to be front and centre in tackling the most important global issues.

- Cyber expert from a Big Four Accounting Firm

I really enjoyed observing how ideas in both apprentice teams evolved session after session. A project like this shows that cooperation centered around design thinking is simply very productive.

Customer Feedback & Reviews


Parent, Putney High School

" The value the project has brought is creativity, resilience, problem solving, collaboration, presentation skills and technical skills. So a really broad and fantastic experience for the girls in terms of selecting and solving a real problem, as well as educating people about it as well. "

School Roster

The Foundation School

  • St Ignatius (UK)
  • Hamiliton (Mexico)
  • Purium Schools (South Korea)
  • The Foundation School (India)
  • Inventure Academy (India)
  • Safa Community School (Dubai)

Lumi School Partners

  • Kings College Wimbledon (UK)
  • Putney High School (UK)
  • Repton School (UK)
  • Donhead Prep School (UK)
  • Cowley International College (UK)
  • Charterhouse (UK)
  • De La Salle School (UK)
Select Energy Transition innovations were showcased at COP27 in Egypt, 2022.See what happened here

The Commonwealth COP27 and COP28

Click the image to watch the video, which features Senior Leaders from schools including:Cowley International CollegeDonhead Prep SchoolPutney High SchoolExeter School

What Schools Heads think about Lumi


Corporate Sponsored Quest

School Network Quest

School Quest


Target Riyadhi learner (school, university) with strong English speaking skillsLumi Facillitators will be Bilingual from both global and regional universities

Phase 1

Expand to Riyadhi students with low-proficient English speaking skillsLumi Facilitators will be Bilingual

Phase 2

Phase 3

Expand to ALL Riyadhi studentsFull Localization of Curriculum and Delivery. Program translated and delivered in Standard Arabic.

Lumi and RCRC will bring together Education, Industry & Government to Prepare Young People for an Entrepreneurial and AI-Driven World.