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Project Mistletoe: the Christmas Escape


The setting

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Final gift

Make toys for the children this Christmas.

Make enough toys for the children this Christmas.

Make enough toy for the children this Christmas.

Embark on a holly-jolly adventure filled with mind-bending puzzles and merry riddles. Help Santa answer questions related to project timelines, stakeholder engagement, risk management, and change implementation. Each correct answer brings you one step closer to decorating the Christmas tree and escaping the room. But beware, the clock is ticking like Santa's sleigh!





Final gift





Question 1

Santa´s elves have been working together for a while. Until recently, they used to frequently argue and disagree but now they are finding ways to cooperate. Tell Santa in what stage they are, referring to Tuckman´s theory.


Choose the best objective for Santa's elves.

Deliver all toys to children who requested them by Christmas.

Make enough toys for the children this Christmas.

Question 2

Make toys for all children who sent letters to Santa by Christmas eve.

Meet toy targets.

Choose the best project outcome for Santa´s presents delivery.

Deliver more presents than last year.

Deliver presents on time.

Question 3

Increase popularity.

Make children across the world happy.

Which one is NOT a suitable assumption for Santa's project?

The Naughty and Nice List is accurately maintained and updated, ensuring that presents are delivered to deserving children.

Bad weather may present obstacles to the delivery.

The North Pole workshop will produce a sufficient number of presents to meet the anticipated demand.

Question 4

All reindeer will be available to deliver the presents.

What project lifecycle would you recommend for Santa's project?


Question 5

Waterfall (no overlapping phases)

Waterfall (with overlapping phases)


Gifts to decorate!


Incorrect!You get coal.



Final gift





Question 1





Santa is implementing a new supply chain optimisation programme. What type of change is that?

Question 2

To scope the change

To define the vision

To decide how to implement the change

To communicate the change

Whats the purpose of the Hands Model?

Question 3

Increase urgency

Create short-term wins

Enable action

Communication for buy-in

Santa is running a project introducing automation in toy production. He is disseminating results from the pilot to show the efficiency of the new method. Which step of the Kotter model do you think that is?

Question 4

Low interest/High power

High interest/High power

High interest/Low power

Low interest/Low power

Where would you position the Grinch on the Power/Interest matrix?

Question 5





The new automation system is upsetting the elves. They are going on strike to negotiate the delay of its implementation. Where on the change curve are they?

Gifts to decorate!


Bad kidslist




Final gift





Elves working overtime to meet gift production targets

Question 1

Santa expanding his gift delivery route beyond the initially planned locations

Not delivering presents to all good children.

Reindeer practicing additional flight maneuvers for improved sleigh navigation

Which of the following statements best describes the concept of scope creep in Santa's project?

Collecting requirements

Question 2

A checklist

Quality assurance plan

Acceptance criteria

What tool would you recommend to Santa to ensure that the toys produce match up with what the children have requested?

1 day

Question 3

18 hours

30 hours

2 days

Santa built a snowman. Now, the temperature is 3°C and the snowman is melting. On average, it would take it a day to melt. However, if the temperatures drop again it would take 3 days. If the temperatures increase further, it would only take half a day. Using PERT, what is your estimate for how long it would take?

Question 4

Start to Start

Finish to Finish

Start to Finish

Santa's elves need to design the toys, build them, paint them and inspect the quality. While these tasks are done one after the other, the elves do not wait for the task to be completed for all toys before progressing to the next task. What type of dependency is that?

Finish to Start

F, E, G

Question 5

F, G

B, D, H

A, C, H

Help Santa identify which tasks are critical.


Gifts to decorate!

Incorrect!You lose gifts.



Final gift





Question 1

Risk acceptance

Risk avoidance

Risk transfer

Risk mitigation

Santa's project team has identified a potential risk related to adverse weather conditions, which could affect the efficiency of gift deliveries. To manage this risk, the team decides to implement a contingency plan. What type of risk response strategy does this represent?

Question 2





Find the clue and help Santa estimate the amount of money he needs to put in risk contingency.

Question 3





In Santa's gift delivery project, the team has a planned value (PV) of delivering gifts to 10,000 houses by Christmas Eve. However, due to unexpected delays, they've only managed to deliver gifts to 8,000 houses so far. The actual cost (AC) incurred for the project is £150,000. If each gift delivery (1 per hours) was budgeted at £20, what is the Earned Value (EV) at the current project stage?

Question 4

Close the project

Have a project review

Draft lessons learned

Some things did not go as planned in this year's presents deliery. Santa wants to make sure that these failures are used to ensure better performance next year. What should he do?

Release resources

Question 5

Nothing, the objectives of the project were achieved

Collect feedback

Implement a monitoring system to ensure that each child receives the correct present

Give unhappy children more presents

While all children got presents last year, hence meeting the objective of Santa's project, not all of them received the presents they requested. That resulted in low levels of satisfaction. What can Santa do to ensure that the benefits are realised in future?


Gifts to decorate!

Incorrect!Smokey chimney.








Merry Christmas!



Do you want to leave without decorating your Christmas tree?

Santa has left a clue for you

The production of the toys is a dynamic process. Toys require frequent changes and improvements until they meet the requirements. The elves use a Kanban board to assign the tasks on which everyone is working. The toys are delivered in incirements. The delivery of the toys, on the other hand, is much more traditional. It follows a structured approach, complying with a set route and fixed milestones and deadlines.

The Grinch is a fictional character depicted as a green, furry, pear-shaped, snub-nosed humanoid creature with a cat-like face and cynical personality. He has spent the past 53 years living in seclusion on a cliff, overlooking the town of Whoville. In contrast to the cheerful Whos, the Grinch is misanthropic, ill-natured, and mean-tempered. Though always hateful, he especially hates the Christmas season, making particular note of how disturbing the various elements of Christmas time are to him. Unable to stand the holiday any longer, he decides to destroy it once and for all. Aided by his pet dog, Max, he meticulously designs a red suit to disguise himself as Santa Claus and breaks into the Whos' homes on Christmas Eve while they sleep to steal everything they own, right down to the last crumb of food they have, and dump it off of a nearby mountain. Although he pulls off the theft successfully, on Christmas morning, he is shocked to hear the Whos still singing cheerfully, happy simply to have each other. He then realizes that the holiday has a deeper meaning that he never considered. Inspired, he stops the Whos' belongings from falling off the edge of the mountain, and in the process, his heart grows "three sizes". He returns all the gifts he stole and gladly takes part in the Whos' Christmas celebration.

Who is the Grinch?

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit

The clue

Santa's project team has identified a risk related to potential delays caused by unexpected weather disruptions during the gift delivery phase. The risks is 80% likely and would cost them £100,000 if it materialises, as well as it would lead to a lot of unhappy children who may stop believing in Santa - what a disaster!Therefore, Santa has chosen to use an alternative route avoiding the bad weather. There is still some risk that some areas would not be reached. The team estimates a 30% probability of the risk occurring, with potential additional costs of £50,000 if the risk materialises.