Want to make creations as awesome as this one?






  • 376 connections currently.
  • Have been posting for a while, post every 2 weeks.
  • Look to post: Sharing my work (college and job), posting any achievements, re-sharing TikToks.
  • 51 followers currently.
  • Began posting a few weeks ago and have posted 5 times.
  • Look to post: BTS of my job; away day travel around UK, working with pro athletes, taking walk-in photos.

where i'm at

where i'm at

  • Sharing my work (college and job), posting any achievements, re-sharing TikToks.
  • BTS of my job - media at Caledonia Gladiators; away day travel around UK, working with pro athletes, taking walk-in photos.

what i'm posting

  • Future employers
  • People at a similar stage (students, part-time sports, etc.)
  • Sports fans
  • Sports fans
  • Young people in media
  • Media students
  • Fans of teams I work for - BTS

TARGET audience

  • Bringing an interesting, unseen angle of sports
  • Connecting, and beginning conversations, with similar people
  • Utilising hashtags, mentions of people, etc. looking for reposts
  • Jumping on trends
  • Engaging with similar accounts
  • Sharing on my other socials
  • Looking for reposts from relevant accounts


Jack Geddes:- Freelance music photograopher,posts his work; acheivements; taking photos; clients (Ticketmaster, Glasgow bands, etc.), improvements.

Hannah Peery:- Houston Rockets social media,posts about her job; working with players; taking photos; improvements.- 103K followers

Case studies

  • Post at least 1x per week on each platform.
  • Reach out to new/current LinkedIn connections.
  • Post content that I would enjoy.
  • Give and receive feedback to others creating similar content.
  • Reach 100 TikTok followers.
  • Be more consise with LinkedIn connections.

Smart Goals

  • I would track my analytics, goals, and progress on a weekly basis in conjunction with catch-ups in class. I'd store the evidence within a spreadsheet using the platform's in-built statistics.

goal tracking
