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structured 1:1s at Pact

2022-23 wrapped

This year as a company YOU have delivered a total of 1074 Structured 1:1s in the Male estates and 307 in the Womens estates!

That's up from 0 in the male estates and 48 in the Women's estates in 2021-22!

Top titles

1. Good Relationships Part 1 2. Good Relationships Part 2 3. Anger and Stress in Relationships 4. Dads Reconnected 5. My Family Matters

Top Completing Prisons

1. HMP Send - 203 2. HMP Moreland - 149 3. HMP Stoke Heath - 143 4. HMP Pentonville - 137 5. HMP Lindholm - 117

What can you do for our Service Users in the next year?

What questions do you have for us?

Email groupwork@prisonadvice.org.uk