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Signs for the New Year 2024

Only good things are expected from the coming year, and many believe that if you observe New Year's traditions, signs, then everything you want will come true. The Rabbit is replaced by a Dragon.

The room is decorated in calm colors, too bright objects are removed — everything shiny, screaming signals danger. Objects made of natural materials are used for design, plastic products and artificial greenery are not suitable.

Clothing, accessories If you choose the color of your clothes, then you should stop at calm beige, sand, green, terracotta shades, adding a little gold accents. Shades of brown and blue will dilute the palette, and white and gray will add originality. The choice is rich, so there is something interesting for everyone. A blue accessory will complement the image.

Festive dishes The table will be decorated with various vegetable salads, cuts, side dishes, spicy greens. It is not necessary to cook something new and complicated - it is enough to replace some component in a familiar recipe or add a new one. Fish dishes, meat, cheese, fruit cuts, sandwiches for the New Year, desserts, sweet pastries diversify the festive menu.

What can be done to attract good luck in the coming year: put a coin under the tablecloth on each corner of the table; to create an infinity symbol from 8 candles — light and form a circle from them; place dragon figurines all over the house; do not throw away the remaining food, but give it to birds and animals; do not drive a cat or a dog away from yourself — whoever they attach themselves to will be lucky; buy a new broom, tie it with ribbon, scarlet thread and put it up in the kitchen with a broom; to light a candle on a festive table; get rid of dishes with cracks, chips.

Happy New Year!