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Olde Time Oddities - Exploring strange events lost to the mists of time.

Podcast Pitch

Olde Time Oddities intends to pique the interest of those who listen for the call of the weird. The podcast will cover lesser-known historical events, the intention is to educate and start a discussion as many of these events would not hold up to modern scrutiny. We live in what many describe as a ‘cancel-culture’, and the good old days are lamented over, but were they really that great?

The first episode of Olde Time Oddities will focus on the slaying of Topsy the elephant at the hands of the Edison Company. The first podcast episode will go into detail of the execution of Topsy, a female Asian elephant who had killed 3 men over a three-month period and had been let loose and goaded by her drunken keeper. New owners and abuse from her keepers were major contributors to her aggression and the decision was made to execute her. The spectacle drew an estimated crowd of 1,500 morbidly curious to Coney Island to watch the event unfold. The podcast will be informative, research led and initially will not involve interviews, in later episodes I plan to use interviews with experts relevant to the story. Interviews would also be conducted with classmates/friends to add opinion and their own perspectives.

Episode 1

The target audience for the podcast is those interested in history and the strange, two hugely marketable and popular topics for podcasts. The podcast is intended to have mass appeal, not just to those who have an active interest in the topic but also to new listeners. The primary topic of the podcast, historical events, tends to appeal to an older audience, the topic of accountability appeals to all ages, especially those between 18-35, being a hotbed issue.

Gender breakdown

60% of histoy podcast listeners are male.


Age demographic

Millenials and Gen X listeners make up the larget portion of history podcast listeners.


Geographical demographic

History podcast listeners are more likely to live in cities and urban areas than the average.


Target Audience

  1. History podcast listeners are more likely to engage with companies via social media, with regards to that we will run adverts on social media so as to target prospective listeners.
  2. History podcast listeners tend to have more left leaning political views, the podcast will be advertised in more left leaning publications.
  3. History podcast listeners recall seeing adverts on video portals more often than regular consumers, part of the marketing strategy will be to make a run of adverts for these portals.





First episode complete

Edit and trim podcast.

Cut unwanted audio and add sound effects or music.

Publish Podcast

Set up an RSS feed. Promote podcast through social media

Record podcast using college studio.

Source audio and record interviews

Package podcast as a product.

Design cover art for the podcast and ensure music has been ckleared for use.

Further research and planning

Structure argument and story.

Any Questions?

Thank you for your time!