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is the process of organizing data in a database. It includes creating tables and establishing relationships between those tables according to rules designed both to protect the data and to make the database more flexible by eliminating redundancy and inconsistent dependency.


Social networks and press contact

Awards and recognitions

Media appearances

Press releases / relevant launches



Relevant data

Product / Service

1st Normal Form

Testimonials / relevant customers

This is an index

Select a primary key ( needs to be unqiue )

Remove repeating group

Make sure the data is atomic

Key Areas in 1NF

1 NF ( 1st Normal Form )

Remove any calculated fields

+ info

Task 1NF

+ info


The table must be already in 1 NF

The partial dependencies are removed and placed in a separate table


2 NF ( 2nd Normal Form )

+ info

For the second normal form, you need to make sure that each non-key attribute depends on the primary key and not on any other columns. Normalization helps to reduce redundancy and make the database more efficient. It also helps to keep the data consistent and accurate.

The second normal form (2NF) is the next level of normalization. It means that each non-key attribute should depend on the primary key and not on any other columns.

Task 1NF

+ info

Atomic data is another critical facet of 1NF, where each field within a table holds only singular, indivisible values.

Atomic Data

Single value data

Find and select a primary key within a table. This is crucial, as it uniquely identifies each record. If there not a vaue that uniquely identify a record then a composite key is created.Composite key ( combination of two or more columns in a table that can be used to uniquely identify each row in the table. )

Primary Key

Select a PK

The removal of repeating groups streamlines the structure by eliminating redundant data sets, ensuring each attribute is stored only once.

Remove Repeating Groups

Find and select a primary key within a table. This is crucial, as it uniquely identifies each record. If there not a vaue that uniquely identify a record then a composite key is created.Composite key ( combination of two or more columns in a table that can be used to uniquely identify each row in the table. )

Primary Key

Select a PK

The composite primary key is StudentID and ProjectID. The non-prime keys i.e. StudentName and ProjectName need to be functionally dependent on the primary key. To be in 2NF.The StudentName can be determined by StudentID, which makes the relation Partial Dependent. The ProjectName can be determined by ProjectID, which makes the relation Partial Dependent. Therefore, the <StudentProject> table relation violates the 2NF in Normalization and is considered a bad database design.

Why is this not in 2NF

Eliminating calculated fields is essential, as these fields derive their values based on other attributes within the same table. Here the Total col should be removed.

Remove Calculated fields

Project Info Table
Student Info Table

Now, 'Instructor Email' is solely dependent on the 'Instructor ID', satisfying the conditions of 2NF.

Course Table:
Instructor Table: