Want to make creations as awesome as this one?


Board Game

Are you ready?

  • 1-8 players (or teams)
  • Use the dice button to roll the dice
  • Move up the ladder and down the snake
  • The winner is the first to the star circle

  1. Pick your game counter on the upcoming page.
  2. After selecting your counter, proceed to the board game!
  3. Use your mouse to drag each player's piece to the starting point.
  4. Click the dice button to roll; once the number appears, move your counter using your mouse.
  5. If you encounter a snake, shift your counter down the snake; if you reach a ladder, move your counter up the ladder.
  6. When you land on a shape with an 'i', click the icon to reveal a prompt!
  7. The first player to the end wins!

Here's how to play...


Start game

First! Decide which characters you will play as...

Click the characters and press the tick to lock them in!

Rollthe dice!


Drag your counter to the start:



Take 3 deep breaths.How do you feel now?

Happy Breathing

Who in your life are you grateful for and why?

Show an Attitude of Gratitude!

What is one Character Strength you'd like to grow? How can you do that?


  • 1-8 players (or teams)
  • Use the dice button to roll the dice
  • Move up the ladder and down the snake
  • The winner is the first to the star circle

  1. Pick your game counter on the upcoming page.
  2. After selecting your counter, proceed to the board game!
  3. Use your mouse to drag each player's piece to the starting point.
  4. Click the dice button to roll; once the number appears, move your counter using your mouse.
  5. If you encounter a snake, shift your counter down the snake; if you reach a ladder, move your counter up the ladder.
  6. When you land on a shape with an 'i', click the icon to reveal a prompt!
  7. The first player to the end wins!

Here's how to play...


Think about and share a happy memory with someone


What is your favourite Character Strength? How does it help you?

Character Strengths

Take 3 deep breaths.How do you feel?

Happy Breathing

Miss a turn!

Oh no!

Who are you grateful for today and why?

Show an Attitude of Gratitude!

Move on two spaces!

Well done!

What was the best thing about your day?Roll the dice again!


When was the last time you did an activity to relax your brain?

Meet Your Brain

Think about one of your friends. What do you like about them and why?

Show an Attitude of Gratitude!

Move on two spaces!

Well done!

Give the person next to you a compliment. Ask them how they feel.

Let's show Love and Kindness!

What's your Big Dream Goal, and how will you achieve it?

Big Dream Goals

Smile at the person next to you, how does it feel?

Let's show Love and Kindness!


You have used your perseverance strength to complete the myHappymind Board Game!

Home Page

Play Again

Take 3 deep breaths.How do you feel now?

Happy Breathing

Miss a turn!

Oh no!

Take 3 deep breaths.How do you feel?

Happy Breathing

When was the last time you did an activity to relax your brain?

Meet Your Brain

Move on 1 place.

Well done!

What was the best thing about your day today?


Are you finding anything tricky at the moment?What help do you need?


Who do you know that works well in a team?

Teamwork and Friendship!

Take 3 deep breaths.How do you feel?

Happy Breathing

Move on two spaces!

Well done!

Do a silly dance, then roll the dice again!


Why is it important to always actively listen?


How well have you been listening recently? Why does this matter?

Active Listening