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Gustar & verbs like gustar

Spanish 3: Unit 8 Summary

Unit Topics & Summary Board

Course CAlendar Link

Unit 8 Guided Notes

Unit 8 Vocabulary

REView of Verb Conjugations (Present tense)

ADjective Agreements


REVIEW of Reflexive Verbs& Irse

REview of Direct and indirect Object Pronouns



Preterite versusImperfect

Please review study guides in edio before assessments

Important Grammar Review Topics

What career options exist and how do people make decisions for themselves? ¿Qué carreras existen y cómo deciden las personas por sí mismas?


The topics below in light yellow are for your reference as you work on improving your Spanish in this unit.

VerbAL Moods

Hablar sobre el futuro

POR vs. ParaVideos



Hablar de tus planes (tensos)

The future tense

The future tense - Videos

Word Study & LaB Notes


The ConditioNal Tense

Pronunciation Notes

Present Subjunctive

Perfromance TaskPreparation

  • Press HERE for Quizlet for all of Unit 8
    • Need help with Quizlet? View, interact with, and listen to vocabulary words with Quizlet. If you are prompted to create an account or login, log in with username: alumnosCCA and password: vocabulario
  • See lesson 8.1 and 8.15 for a glossary

(Press the words to access links. You need to be signed into your Microsoft account. This is your username for edio followed by @ccastudents.me and the password is your edio password) Unit 8 Resources Go to the file labeled Unit 8 Studen Resources. There you will find the Unit 8 Completed and Incomplete Guided Notes Press here for Grammar Reference Sheets for our course.

PRESS HERE for Document with descriptions of grammar topics covered in Spanish 1 and 2 Subject Pronouns Ser Articles Adjective Agreement Examples: Elena es una chica simpática. Elena is a nice girl. Ellos son ordenados. Ellas son ordenadas.

Verb conjugation is when we change the verb out of the infinitive form so that it agrees with a subject. To have a complete sentence, you need to include a conjugated verb. ****** PRESS HERE for a RECORDING that reviews infinitives, subject pronouns, and conjugations. To watch the video: make sure you are signed into your CCA Microsoft account (email is login name for edio with @ccastudents.me and password to get into your edio account) The present tense is used to talk about things happening now or in the near future, facts, and current routines.

  • Trabajo para el banco en el centro de la ciudad. - "I work for the bank in the center of the city."
  • La naturaleza es una de las cosas más bonitas en el mundo. - "Nature is one of the most beautiful things in the world."

Study Guides are bundled in edio lessons that have assessments. They are also found in the file Unit 8 Student Resources in the link below:

  • PRESS HERE for a folder of Spanish 3 documents

LINK TO NOUNS and PRONOUNS NOTEBOOK (PRESS) Object pronouns can replace a direct object (who or what carries out the action) and an indirect object (that which receives the results of the action). Ejemplo:

  • Ángela compró unos juguetes para Gerardo.- "Ángela bought some toys for Gerardo."
  • Ángela los compró.- "Ángela bought them."
  • Ángela le compró unos juguetes.- "Ángela bought him some toys."
Indirect objects in English often have "to" or "for" in front of them: to/for him because the indirect object is usually the recipient or the person who benefits from the action. Ejemplo: Te preparo el desayuno.- "I'm making you breakfast. / I'm making breakfast for you." When using a direct object pronoun with an indirect object pronoun, the indirect object pronoun comes before the direct object pronoun. Ejemplos:
  • He gives his sister the toy. He gives it to her. → Él le da el juguete a su hermana. Él se lo da.
  • She sets the alarm for Tony. She sets it for him. → Ella le arma el despertador a Tony. Ella se lo arma.
When using both the direct AND indirect object pronouns in a sentence, the indirect object pronoun comes before the direct object pronoun. Ejemplos:
  • Él me lo dijo.- "He told (it to) me."
  • Trini te lo regaló.- "Trini gave it to you (as a gift)."
When a third person indirect object pronoun, le or les, goes before a third person direct object pronoun lo, la, los or las, the le or les changes to se.
  • le (him) → se (him)
Ángela se los compró.- "Angela bought them for him."

For an activity to review reflexive verbs, PRESS HERE Verbs that end with –se (like mantenerse, estirarse, relejarse) are Reflexive Verbs and the use of the reflexive pronouns me, te, se, nos, os and se are used to indicate that someone or something does an action on or for itself.

  • ex. Nos estiramos antes de ir en la caminata.– "We stretched before going on the hike."
  • For a video review of reflexive verbs, please PRESS HERE
Many of the verbs above use se to show internal states or changes within the subject. Ejemplos:
  • Bayan le sonríe a la maestra.– "Bayan smiles at the teacher" (an external recipient)
  • Yo me sonrío.– "I (am experiencing the urge to) smile." (an internal state or change)
Ir versus Irse Although ir and irse look similar, they should be thought of as two different verbs. → Ir means "to go" or "to go to" and requires a destination. The destination may be clearly expressed or it could be implied. → Irse means "to leave" or "to leave from." The focus of this verb is the starting point. It can be a stated or implied starting point. Examples:
  • Voy al campo para pescar.– "I go to the countryside to fish."
  • Sara fue a la tienda de ropa el fin de semana pasado.– "Sara went to the clothing store last weekend."
  • ¿Ibas al supermercado con tu madre?– "Did you used to go the supermarket with your mother?"
  • Me voy.– "I'm leaving."
  • Nicola se queda triste cuando su padre se va al trabajo.– "Nicola is left feeling sad when her father leaves for work."

You are likely familiar with the verbs “ser” and “estar.” Because both words translate to mean “is, am” or “are,” sometimes it is difficult to tell when to use which verb. SEE BELOW FOR MORE ABOUT SER and ESTAR When describing foods, it is appropriate to use both ser and estar. However, to use them correctly, keep this simple rule in mind. When describing the characteristics of the food, use “ser.” When describing the condition of the food, use “estar.” Here is a simple way to distinguish between the two verbs. Ejemplos:

  • La salsa es muy picante.
  • La salsa está muy picante.
The first sentence means that the sauce is normally very hot/spicy. “Very hot/spicy” is a characteristic of the sauce. The second sentence means that the sauce is not normally hot/spicy, but it is now. Although the sauce would normally not be described as hot/spicy, its condition is hot/spicy now. SER REVIEW For more information on SER conjugations PRESS HERE For a video review on SER conjugations, PRESS HERE Make sure your are signed into your CCA Microsoft account (email is login name for edio with @ccastudents.me and password to get into your edio account) --- ESTAR REVIEW Estar= to be Estar is also used to indicate location. For a video review of estar and indicating location, please PRESS HERE Make sure your are signed into your CCA Microsoft account (email is login name for edio with @ccastudents.me and password to get into your edio account)

For a video review of adjective agreements, please PRESS HERE Make sure your are signed into your CCA Microsoft account (email is login name for edio with @ccastudents.me and password to get into your edio account) Remember: adjectives have to agree in gender and number in Spanish. They usually follow the noun. Examples: Elena es una chica simpática. Elena is a nice girl. Ellos son ordenados. Ellas son ordenadas. HERE IS AN INFOGRAPHIC THAT REVIEWS THIS GRAMMAR CONCEPT. PRESS HERE.

For practice with verbs like GUSTAR, PRESS HERE. For a video review of Gustar, PRESS HERE

  • The subject in a sentence with gustar or encantar usually FOLLOWS the verb.
  • If the subject is singular, use the singular form gusta or encanta.
  • If the subject is plural, use the plural form gustan or encantan.
Verbs like gustar:
  • doler: Me duele la cabeza. Me duelen las manos.
  • encantar: Me encanta el arte. Me encantan los cuadros.
  • interesar: Me interesa el libro. Me interesan los teams del libro.
  • importar: Me importa ir a la escuela. Me importan los partidos de fútbol.
  • preocupar: Me preocupa el cambio climático.

The topics below in light yellow are for your reference as you work on improving your Spanish in this unit.

There are three verb moods in English and Spanish grammar: the indicative, the imperative, and the subjunctive.

  • Indicative: Most of the verb forms that you learned in Spanish 1 and 2 were in the indicative forms. These include present, present progressive, preterite, and imperfect conjugations.
  • Imperative: The formal and informal commands that you learned in Unit 3 and are learning in Unit 4 make up the imperative mood.
  • Subjunctive: The subjunctive mood is used for expressing wishes, suggestions, doubts, desires, and more. It is used occasionally in English, but quite often in Spanish.

The future tense is frequently combined with si (if) and the present tense to talk about what someone will do in a situation that could very well happen. si + (present tense), (future tense).

  • Si consigo el trabajo, trabajaré duro. – "If I get the job, I will work hard."
  • Si Darius estudia medicina, será médico. – "If Darius studies medicine, he will be a doctor."
  • Si me ofrecen un salario bajo, no aceptaré el puesto. – "If they offer me a low salary, I will not take the position."
Conjugations for future tense Endings added to Infinitive for future tense Singular Plural 1a Persona -é -emos 2a Persona -ás -éis 3a Persona -á -án Irregular Verbs in the Future tense The future tense endings (-é, -ás, -á, -emos, -éis, -an), which are added to the infinitives to form future tense, are added to these irregular stems: Infinitive Irregular Stem Add these endings decir dir- -é -ás -á -emos -éis -án hacer har- poder podr- querer querr- saber sabr- tener tendr- venir vendr-

Vowels The vowel sounds remain the same everywhere, and there are no “silent” vowels. Spanish vowel sounds are sharp and focused. Keep your mouth and tongue still while making these sounds. I - ee [like the /ee/ in feet] E – ay [like the /ay/ in hay] A – ahh [like the /a/ in father] O – oh [like the /oh/ in donut] U – oo [like the /oo/ in boot] PRESS HERE for an audio recording of these vowel sounds; Press here to go to a website with more examples of vowel sounds and words with vowels If you say them in this order (i, e, a, o, u), your mouth will move from the widest opening to the narrowest, as in the image below. Special note on gü: When you see the two dots above the u, the u vowel sound will be similar to /w/ in wet. The two dots are called a dieresis. The resulting sound will be a diphthong. For example, bilingüe. This is the same sound as when the vowel “a” follows gu (example: guapo). Watch a video for more information: PRESS HERE Consonants Many consonants make the same sounds in Spanish as they do in English! There are some exceptions: C – after the letters a, o, u → /k/ like cat; example: carrito C –after the letters e, i → /s/ like say, see; example: cierto G – after the letters a, o, u → /g/ like gum; example: despegar; guitarra G – after the letters e, i → /h/ like hay or hee; girar H – silent; example: horario LL – like the /y/ in yellow; example: apellido Ñ - like the /ny/ in canyon; example: mañana V – like /b/ in box; example: volar Z – like /s/ in some (except in Spain, then it’s like /th/); example: zorro (Spanish accent: zorro) Qu – like /k/ in cat; example: quiero, queso J – like /h/ in hello; example: joven

The preterite tense is used to talk about completed actions, actions done a specific number of times, or actions within a specific time frame.

  • Compré una correa nueva anoche. - "I bought a new leash last night."
  • Vashti y yo patinamos sobre hielo tres veces el mes pasado. - "Vashti and I ice-skated three times last month."
PRESS HERE FOR THE PRETERITE TENSE NOTEBOOK Press here for Grammar Reference Sheets for our course.

The imperfect tense is used to talk about background events in a story, something people used to do as a matter of habit, weather, and describing things in the past.

  • Mi madre cocinaba mientras yo jugaba un juego de mesa. - "My mother was cooking while I was playing a board game."
  • De niña, ellas practicaban los deportes todos los días. - "As a child, she played sports every day."
PRESS HERE FOR THE IMPERFECT VERB TENSE NOTEBOOK Press here for Grammar Reference Sheets for our course.

Press here for Reference Sheet for Preterite and Imperfect. Genially Quiz with Preterite and Imperfect Questions (press here) Palabras importantes para el imperfecto Ejemplo Mientras – while → This can be used to show two actions that are occurring simultaneously in the past Mi madre cocinaba mientras yo leía una revista. “My mother was cooking while I was reading a magazine.” Siempre – always → The word siempre indicates a habitual action, or one that was repeated in the past. Yo siempre hacía la tarea antes de jugar afuera. “I always used to do my homerowk before playing outside.” Todos los veranos/otoños/días/meses/años, etc. - every summer/fall/day/month/year, etc. → The words todos, “all” or “every” indicates an action that was repeated Mi familia y yo íbamos a la playa todos los veranos. “My family and I used to go to the beach every summer.” De niña, ella practicaba el piano todos los días. “As a child, she practiced the piano every day.” Palabras importantes para el pretérito Ejemplo Ayer – yesterday Ayer yo visité a mi bisabuelo en el hospital. “Yesterday I visited my great grandfather in the hospital.” Anoche – last night Anoche ellos preparon la cena. “Yesterday they prepared dinner.” Anteayer – the day before yesterday Mi hermano compró un camión anteayer. “My brother bought a truck the day before yesterday.” el fin de semana pasada/la semana pasada - last weekend, last week Los estudiantes aprendieron muchas cosas nuevas la semana pasada. – "The students learned many new things last week." de repente- suddenly This is used to signal a change or contrast (also a beginning). Ella se despertó de repente. – "She suddenly woke up." en seguida- at once, right away, immediately Sonó el despertador, y en seguida, el bebé empezó a llorar. – "The alarm went off and at once, the baby began to cry." por fin, finalmente- finally Por fin, papá llegó a casa. – "Finally, Dad arrived home." You can use both tenses to talk about something that happened (preterite) while something else was going on in the background or to describe the background (imperfect). Review the following examples:

  • Nos hicimos amigos cuando éramos jóvenes. – "We became friends when we were young."
    • Explicación: The preterite is used to say that you became friends, while the imperfect is used to say that you were young.
  • Cuando mis padres llegaron a casa, yo escuchaba música.– "When my parents arrived home, I was listening to music."
    • Explicación: The act of listening to music was interrupted by the parents who entered the house. The imperfect is always used with interrupted actions.
  • Cuando la vi, Carmen paseaba con su perro que caminaba locamente y olía todo. – "When I saw her, Carmen was walking her dog that was walking crazily and smelling everything."
    • Explicación: The various acts of Carmen and her dog are occurring simultaneously. They may be seen as descriptive or photographic, and therefore require the imperfect tense.
  • Ayer no salimos de la casa porque hacía mucho frío y había hielo en las calles.- "Yesterday we did not leave the house because it was very cold and there was ice in the streets."
    • Explicación: The action, salir, is in the preterite and is set against background information, which is described using the imperfect.
As you can see, the preterite and the imperfect go hand in hand when narrating in the past.

The conditional is used to talk about probabilities and hypothetical situations. You may have used it in the past to make polite requests. Ejemplos del condicional:

  • Me gustaría... – "I would like..."
  • Querría... – "I would want..."
HINT: Do NOT use a translator when trying to write sentences with the conditional in Spanish for our course. Learn the conjugations and uses of the conditional. You will write your responses incorrectly if you use an online translator to look up what the word "would" is in Spanish. The conditional tense is used:
  • to indicate probability, possibility, and conjecture
  • to make polite or formal requests
  • with "if" (si) clauses and the imperfect subjunctive to express unlikely events (do not worry too much about this one for now)
More about the Conditional: The conditional tense can be combined with different verb forms. It can be used in sentences with the present tense, the preterite tense, and the imperfect tense. It can also be used with the imperfect subjunctive mood. Take a look at this example:
  • Si la herida de Dillon fuera grave, le pondrían puntos.
  • "If Dillon's wound were [imperfect subjunctive] severe, they would give [conditional] him stitches."
The verb fuera is conjugated in the imperfect subjunctive tense. This is a formation that you have not yet learned. It is used to present a situation or action as speculative or even counterfactual in the present, like in the example above: Dillon's wound may not be severe, but if it were severe, then what would happen. Conjugation of the conditional. To form the conditional tense you:
  • start with the infinitive form of the verb (do NOT remove the ending)
  • add on -ía, -ías, -ía, -íamos, -íais, or -ían.
NOTE: These endings are the same for -ar, -er, and -ir verbs. Examples hablar comer vivir yo hablaría comería viviría tú hablarías comerías vivirías él/ella/Usted hablaría comería viviría nosotros hablaríamos comeríamos viviríamos vosotros hablaríais comeríais viviríais ellos/ellas/Ustedes hablarían comerían vivirían Irregular Verbs in the Conditional Tense To form conditional tense or irregular verbs, change the infinitive to its’ irregular Stem before adding the Conditional endings. Infinitive Change to Irregular Stem Add Conditional Endings Decir dir- -ía -ías -ía -íamos -íais -ían Salir saldr- Hacer har- Querer querr- Poder podr- Venir vendr- Tener tendr- Saber sabr- Valer valdr-

To talk about your plans:

  • Presente
    • Espero ser – I hope to be
    • Ella espera ser – She hopes to be
    • Tengo ganas de ser – I have the urge/feeling to be
    • Tienen ganas de ser – They feel like being
  • Condicional
    • Me gustaría ser – I would like to be
    • Le gustaría ser – He/she would like to be
    • Me encantaría ser – I would love to be
    • Nos encantaría ser – We would love to be
  • Futuro
    • Voy a ser – I am going to be
    • Él va a ser – He is going to be
    • Yo seré - I will be
    • Él será - He will be

Please use this resource to review important information from this unit. Contact your teacher if you have questions or need help.

LANGUAGE LAB STUDY GUIDE - LANGUAGE LAB ORGANIZER Infinitives end in -ar, -er, and -ir

  • aconsejar – "to advise"
  • ofrecer – "to offer"
  • elegir – "to choose”
Adjectives, descriptive words, change endings to agree in gender and in number with a given subject
  • el salario alto
  • una mujer jubilada
  • los granjeros exitosos
  • las actitudes negativas
A suffix is a part of a word that gets added to the end and carries grammatical or other significant information.
  • -dor in makes sell (vender) become seller (vendedor)
  • -ero/a makes garden (jardín) become gardener (jardínero/a)
  • -ero/a makes cook (cocinar) become someone who cooks (cocinero/a)
  • -ista makes newspaper (periódico) become journalist (periodista)
The suffix -dor, -dora is used not only to create an occupation word related to a verb, it is also used to turn verbs into related places or items. Ejemplos:
  • el comedor – "dining room" from the verb comer, "to eat"
  • la lavadora – "washing machine" from the verb lavar, "to wash"
  • el cargador – "charger" from the verb cargar, "to charge
The suffix -miento/-mienta is used to change verbs into nouns. Ejemplos:
  • sentir – "to feel" becomes el sentimiento, "feeling"
  • estacionar – "to park" becomes el estacionamiento, "parking"
  • comportarse – "to behave oneself" becomes el comportamiento, "behavior"
  • conocer – "to know" becomes el conocimiento, "knowledge"
The suffix -ura can be used to change adjectives, nouns, and verbs into abstract nouns that describe conditions or states. Ejemplos:
  • la altura – "height" from the adjective alto/a, "tall, high"
  • la verdura – "green, greenness" from the adjective verde, "green"
  • la locura – "madness" from the adjective loco/a, "crazy"
  • la abertura – "opening" from the adjective abierto/a, "open"
The suffix -ería is used to turn a word into a place where something is made or sold. Ejemplos:
  • la librería – "bookstore" from the word libro, "book"
  • la panadería – "bakery" from the word pan, "bread"

Talking about the future The expression ir + a + infinitive to talk about the future When you conjugate the form of ir followed by “a” and an infinitive, you can express your ideas about what you and others are going to do.

  • Mis amigos y yo vamos a hablar con nuestro mentor. – "My friends and I are going to talk with our mentor."
  • Yo voy a firmar la solicitud. – "I am going to sign the application."
Main clauses using the future tense are paired with "if" clauses in the present tense.
  • If you build it, they will come. - “Si lo construyes, ellos vendrán”
Future tense with Probability
  • When you see future tense in a question, think... I wonder?
  • When you see future tense in the answer, think... Probably
Vocabulary commonly used with future:
  • mañana – "tomorrow"
  • luego, más trade – "later"
  • en (julio*) – "in (July*)" *this can be used with any month
  • esta noche – "tonight"
  • el año que viene – "next year"
  • la semana que viene – "next week"
  • el mes que viene – "next month"
  • la próxima vez – "next time"
  • un día – "one day"
  • nunca – "never"
Video below is on ir + a + verbo

Uses of Por Examples To express gratitude and apology ¡Gracias por contratarme! - "Thanks for hiring me!" Perdóname por llegar tarde. - "Forgive me for arriving late!" For multiplication and division Un contador sabe que dos por dos son cuatro. - "An accountant knows that two times two equals four." Obviamente debes saber que 100 por 0 es 0 para aprobar el examen de ingreso. - "Obviously you must know that 100 times 0 is 0 to pass the entrance exam." Meaning through, along, by, in the area of Voy caminando por el parque. - "I am walking through the park." Estoy por tu oficina en este momento. - "I am in the area of your office now." Used for velocity, frequency, and proportion Voy a la clase de leyes tres veces por semana. - "I attend the law class three times per week." El límite de velocidad es sesenta y cinco millas por hora. - "The speed limit is sixty-five miles per hour." Meaning on behalf of or in favor of Hago esta actividad por mi jefe. - "I do this activity for (in favor of) my boss." No voté por el senador López. - "I didn’t vote for Senator López." Llamo por el Sr. Martínez. Él está ocupado en este momento. - "I am calling on behalf of Mr. Martinez. He is busy at the moment." To talk about exchange, sales inclusive Pagué diez dólares por la herramienta. - "I paid ten dollars for the tool." Te doy cien dólares por la clase. - "I will give you one hundred dollars for the class." To express the length of time ¿(Por) cuánto tiempo estudiaste en Lima? - "How long did you study in Lima?" Trabajaré por la tarde. - "I will work in the afternoon." Los candidatos estaban esperando por 3 horas en la sala de espera. - "The candidates were waiting for 3 hours in the waiting room." For means of communication Prefiero hablar por teléfono. - "I prefer to talk by phone." Envíame el currículum por correo. - "Send me the resumé by mail.." To express cause or reason El mecánico me dijo que el carro se dañó por falta de mantenimiento. - "The mechanic told me that the car broke for lack of maintenance." Estoy contento por tu graduación. - "I am happy for you on your graduation." To show the reason for an errand (ir, venir, pasar, mandar, volver, preguntar) Espera aquí. Paso por ti a las nueve. - "Wait here. I’ll come by (for you) at nine o’clock." Pasaré por la residencia universitaria para encontrarme contigo antes de la cena. - "I will come by the dormitory to meet up with you before dinner." In passive constructions El libro El llano en llamas fue escrito por Juan Rulfo. - "The book “El llano en llamas” was written by Juan Rulfo." La beca fue otorgada por un donante anónimo. - "The scholarship was awarded by an anonymous donor." to express an action that remains to be completed, use por + infinitive La carta de recomendación está por terminar. - "The letter of recommendation has yet to be finished." Estoy por terminar. - "I’m almost done." Queda mucho por leer. - "There is still a lot to read.

Uses of Para Examples To indicate purpose, "in order to" Aprendo español para viajar a Sudamérica. – "I am learning Spanish in order to travel to South America." Me matricularé en la facultad de ciencias ambientales para usar mis puntos fuertes. – "I will enroll in the environmental sciences department in order to use my strengths." To indicate destination or recipient Ricardo saldrá para las Islas Galápagos el lunes. – "On Monday Ricardo will leave for the Galapagos Islands." La ayuda financiera es para mi hija. – "The financial aid is for my daughter." To express limit of time Quiero los currículums para mañana. – "I want the resumés for tomorrow." Silvia necesita la capacitación para la semana que viene. – "Silvia needs the training for next week." To indicate what it is used for Este título es para ingenieros. – "This degree is for engineers." El examen de ingreso es para alumnos nuevos. – "The entrance exam is for new students." To express point of view Para mí, sus cuentos no son cómicos. – "I don’t think his stories are funny." Para el aprendiz, la capacitación es duro. – "From the apprentice's standpoint, the training is hard."

Cosas que no se deben hacer durante una entrevista:

  • Hablar demasiado despacio, rápido o sencillo
  • Comenzar las respuestas con negaciones en vez de hablar de tus habilidades
  • Criticar tu trabajo, a tu jefe, a tus compañeros de trabajo
  • Usar el teléfono celular para la entrevista en un lugar público y ruidoso
  • Hacer largas pausas y pedir una explicación de lo que no entiendes
  • No prestar atención a las preguntas
Lo que hay que tener en cuenta durante una entrevista:
  • Si es una entrevista telefónica o virtual, sonríe y tu voz sonará mas agradable por teléfono.
  • Habla con naturalidad y confianza.
  • Ensaya (rehearse) las respuestas y identifica sus fortelezas.
  • Muéstrate interesado en la empresa y en el empleo ofrecido.
  • Ten a mano tu CV (tu currículum) e información sobre tu capacitación.
Al fin de la entrevista, no te olvides de dar las gracias al entrevistador, seguido por una tarjeta de agradecimiento.

Por y Para: Videos Start video below at 4:45 to see chart for por/para Video below provides explanations in Spanish

Unit 8 Performance Task Preparation For this Performance Task, you will choose from 3 different tasks to demonstrate these skills. Review your options and the project requirements below. The preparation materials (Padlet, Word document, and PowerPoint Presentation) include examples that you may find helpful when working on any of the options. Please review all of the supporting material for each option to see a range of model sentences. Option 1 - Interview (Audio)

  • Imagine you're in an interview for a job (of your choice). Answer this interview question in complete sentences in Spanish including relevant details: "Dígame de su educación, puntos fuertes, y experiencia pertinente."
  • PADLET for preparation
Option 2 - Vision Board (Infographic)
  • Create a vision board (infographic) that presents your dreams for the future. Your vision board will highlight your skills and talents, inspirations, career goals, and the steps you will take to achieve those goals. Write complete sentences in Spanish with corresponding images. Can be digital or you can upload an image of a handmade vision board.
  • PowerPoint For Model and Template Another Example of a Tablero de sueños
Option 3 - Cover Letter (Writing)
  • Write a cover letter that introduces you as a candidate to a future employer. The letter will highlight your education, experience, and skills. Using complete Spanish sentences, describe why you will be a good fit for the job (of your choice).
  • Template and model of Cover Letter
Requirements - Read the instructions in your own edio assessment 8.16 for specificsTu proyecto tiene que describir (the three points below are required):
  • el trabajo que tendrás en el futuro - ¿Qué oficio o profesión tendrás y qué harás en tu trabajo?
  • por qué deseas este trabajo - ¿Por qué quieres tener este trabajo? ¿Por qué piensas que vas a tener éxito en este trabajo?
  • cómo prepararás para este oficio - ¿Qué harás para tener la experiencia y la preparación necesarias para hacerlo?
Piensa en estos puntos (select which topics below you will add to your project):
  • ¿Quién inspiró tus metas profesionales? ¿Qué hicieron y cómo te inspiraron?
  • ¿Cuáles son tus puntos fuertes y puntos débiles? ¿Qué acciones específicas hiciste que mostraron tus puntos fuertes?
  • ¿Qué aprendiste en tu juventud y durante tu tiempo en el colegio? ¿Cómo te ayudarán estas experiencias en el futuro?