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How are different movies finaced?



Hollywood, 2023.

Hollywood nowadays is a lot different compared to it's former self. Ever since the Anti-Trust law caused them to break their opperation into parts, they have done things differently. For example in todays world, studios can not own the cinemas aswell and must distribute their movies to external companies. However this does not mean big studios can not own a percentage of cinemas as most of them do. Studios can still distribute their movies but from then a decision must be made on how much the cinema will buy it for before showing it on the big screen.

How are film studios organised today in america?


Differences to classical and contemporary Hollywood?

- Classical Hollywood operated on a vertical integration system, meaning studios had control of production, distribution, and exhibition, meaning all aspects had some form of profit being made which could just go back into the studio. Some advantages of this were that studios were creating a lot of profit for themselves meaning they could put more and more into their next projects. A disadvantage was that actors did not have agents meaning a lot of them were taken advantage of.- Whereas contemporary Hollywood is not allowed to operate like this due to the Anti-Trust lawsuit. Nowadays they operate on a horizontal integration system, which things are broken into different parts. Now companies must distribute their films to external cinemas. The industry is a lot more open now and isn't primarly located in Los Angeles which is great to allow new minds and talen to come into the business. Some advantages of this is greater conditions for actors, writers are more involved with the projects. Some disadvantages include things like studios not taking risks, and not enough variety is available. - Personally I am very glad most things have evolved like the conditions for actors and etc. Something I do not like is how stale a lot of the big studios have become when making movies. A lot of things nowadays are either sequels or reboots as it's a safe choice for studios to make a lot of money, whereas a new movie could under perform causing the studio to lose a lot of money.

Contemporary vs classical hollywood


How is the British Film industry structured?

In Britain the system is quite different, for example we do operate on a similar horizontal integration system but here the distributors are the most likely to make the most profit from it. Luckily due to the country having so many different Studios active it does mean we have a lot of studio space, in face Pinewood studios is the biggest studio in Europe making it a very popular place for even American studios to want to hire, with big names such as the BBC also means a lot of work is available. The British film industry can sometimes be refered to as the Cottage Studio System, meaning we are still so much smaller than America. It is no secret that they dominate the movie industry with most movies being American made, whether the cast is American or the movie is set in America.

British Film industry structure?

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Let the communication flow!

With Genially templates, you can include visual resources to wow your audience. You can also highlight a particular sentence or piece of information so that it sticks in your audience’s minds, or even embed external content to surprise them: Whatever you like!Do you need more reasons to create dynamic content? No problem! 90% of the information we assimilate is received through sight and, what’s more, we retain 42% more information when the content moves.

  • Generate experiences with your content.
  • It’s got the Wow effect. Very Wow.
  • Make sure your audience remembers the message.