Want to make creations as awesome as this one?


Create Youtube Channel and plan first 3 videos

Develop CRM

Develop Google Workspace

Start Social Media Accounts for PT

Create mailing list(s) and plan first 3 emails

Create Content plan for next X months

Produce and send out first newsletter

Develop Communication Strategy

Produce and advertise first set of concept cards

Produce and advertise first mini course

Update Website with about page, contact details and services

Create Members Area on website




Create Youtube Channel and plan first 3 videos

Develop CRM

Develop Google Workspace

Start Social Media Accounts for PT

Create mailing list(s) and plan first 3 emails

Create Content plan for next X months

Produce and send out first newsletter

Develop Communication Strategy

Produce and advertise first set of concept cards

Produce and advertise first mini course

Update Website with about page, contact details and services

Create Members Area on website



Create Youtube Channel and plan first 3 videos

Develop CRM

Develop Google Workspace

Start Social Media Accounts for PT

Create mailing list(s) and plan first 3 emails

Create Content plan for next X months

Produce and send out first newsletter

Develop Communication Strategy

Produce and advertise first set of concept cards

Produce and advertise first mini course

Update Website with about page, contact details and services

Create Members Area on website