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Events Portfolio

Liam Garside


Exhibition work

Unit 5




Unit 1

Unit 2

Unit 3

Unit 4

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This is my portfolio for the events work. This is all of the work that I have done that relates to event planning and management and has really helped me gain an understanding of what to do, how to do it and what not to do.



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Outcome 1

Unit 1

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I conducted this survey to see what types of events people participated in and it also helped me recognise the different examples for the different types of events.

1.2 Event Sectors

Unit 1 Outcome 1


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Knowing the responsibilities of an event planner expands our knowledge of different roles for when it comes to creating events in the future

We created this CV to demonstrate that we knew how to do one for the future which will set us up when we want full time jobs.

2.2 Creating a CV

There are many responsibilities that an event planner has. One of their biggest ones is to find out what their customer wants and what they can do in order to meet the customer's needs and achieve satisfaction. Events are very important for the person it is intended for so it is crucial that everything is in order. To accommodate to this, the party planner must take time to assess the situation and decide the approach to take. They will have a big part in the decorations, food, equipment, drinks and music. Another responsibility that an event planner has is monitoring a budget. In most cases, the client you're working with will give you a specific budget. As the event planner, you will need to plan how much you want to spend on everything in order to make it as good as it can be however, if you go over the budget, it will come out of the event planning company's pocket and will reflect very poorly on the planner. A final responsibility is ensuring safety. This is a major duty that event planners need to take into account when planning an event. Events need to be safe and stress-free so in order for the event to run smoothly, it needs to be safe.

2.1 Responsibilities of an event planner

Unit 1 Outcome 2



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Gaining information about contingenciy plans is very important because they are crucial for any event you may wish to plan (no matter the type of event.) I have gained knowledge on how to create one and what goes into one.

Contingency plans are very important because many unexpected problems can occur. Contingency plans ensure that if these problems do happen, you'll be able to avoid them and flow smoothly without any inconvenience. It also acts as a backup plan in case the problem itself can't be directly resolved.

Why are contingency plans needed?

4.1 explain the need for a contingency plan

Unit 1 Outcome 4



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As I learned about how to include safety measures, I was able to use an open mind while trying to come up with measures and it allowed me to learn while simultaneously putting my knowledge to action.

5.2 explain the importance of incorporating Health and Safety requirements in the event planning process

Security measures are incredibly important in every scenario of business so to learn and utilise information about it to prove your understanding will help you when you in many aspects of your life

One reason why Health and Safety requirements are important while planning an event is because things that may be unsafe can be so unpredictable. This means it is adamant that you are prepared for any obstacle that could possibly get in your way. Our event requires the team to be outside for the majority of it. This could lead to many issues that we need to prepare for. For example, the weather. Living in England, the weather can be very unpredictable. Due to the event being in the future, we can't possibly be sure what to expect so we will need to make sure that we have appropriate clothing for all weather. If it is wet outside, we could very easily slip over. If it is very cold, we could get ill. This is why we need to think about the Health and Safety measure regarding the weather as it will maximise our safety. Another reason why we should incorporate Health and Safety into our event planning is because we are a small team so if one of us can't participate on the day, that is 50% less manpower than we need and will consequently result in less money for our chosen charity. This is why when we plan our event, we need to ensure that everyone is being safe and sensible because it will help us in the long run when it comes to counting up how much we have been able to donate.

There are many reasons why security measures are important when planning an event. For example, security measures can maximise the amount of money we raise. Due to the fact that we are orchestrating a task that involves money, there could be potential threats from outside parties. If someone sees that we are carrying money around in Tonbridge, it may result in attempted theft. If we adhere to proper security measures and ensure that the money is safe by keeping it hidden until we need it, it will reduce the chance of getting our money taken and will mean we raise more money for the charity which is our main objective. Another reason why security measures are so important while planning an event is because it can determine the team's safety. Like I mentioned before, if we are spotted with money in Tonbridge, someone may do whatever they need to in order to get that money from us. This could be done with bullying or to a larger extent, force. As important as raising money for the charity event is, there is nothing more important than the safety of each team member so if we use legitimate security measures, nobody will assume that we have it and therefore we will be safe and we can deem the event as a success.

5.1 explain the importance of including security measures when planning the selected event

Unit 1 Outcome 5


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Outcome 2
Outcome 3

Unit 2


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Evaluations are so key when it comes to the success of an event so when I learnt what it is and why it is important, it allowed me to create and orchestrate a successful event partly due to the evaluation.

It is important to have an evaluation because it can help problem solve and make processes smoother by ensuring the success of the event.

1.2 describe why it is important to evaluate an event

If an organiser has an evaluation, it will let them know how they can improve their event and what they need to do in order to make it as successful as possible. Participants need an evaluation because it lets them know what they need to do in order for things to go well. If they don't have one, the event will be filled with mistakes and will be deemed a failure. Audiences will benefit from an organisation using an evaluation because they want to be entertained/informed so if things don't go well, they will complain and even consider not coming back. Event partners will benefit from the organisation having an evaluation because they want the event to succeed so if an evaluation plan causes success in the event, then the partners involved will also succeed.

1.3 outline how the following groups would benefit from the evaluation data: • organisers • performers and participants • audience/spectators • event partners

An evaluation is an assessment of what to do and how to do it to determine how successful something will be.

1.1 explain what is meant by the term evaluation

Unit 2 Outcome 1

Learning about different ways of gaining valuable information for evaluations has expanded my knowledge and helps me improve when setting up an event.

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Data records let you see everything you have achieved and what you could work on next time in order to make it more successful.

Knowing how much revenue you take in lets you know the success of your event and allows you to know if you should do something similar bnext time.

Customer satisfaction surveys are important because they let you know what other people think of your event as an unbiased opinion

Staff debriefings are valuable as it allows managers to address problems becfore the severely affect an operation in a negative way.

Customer satisfaction survey

Staff debrief

Event revenue

Data records

2.2 explain how each of the following can be a valuable source of information for evaluation purposes:

2.1 explain the importance of setting objectives for an event as a measure for evaluation

If you set objectives for an event, it will help you stay on track and achieve the desired result. It ensures that you know what you're doing and will help you have an event as successful as you want it to be.

Unit 2 Outcome 2


Finding out about the different ways to evaluate an event has let me use a varied assortment of methods and keeps my work interesting and more precise.

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If you have face to face interviews with potential customers, you can learn about what individual people want and build friend/partnerships.

Questionnaires can let you find out information about your target audience and help develop a unique selling point by finding a gap.

If you use a SWOT analysis, it will let you recognise your strengths and weaknesses and then you csn play to these and maximise your advantage.



SWOT analysis

3.2 outline how the following methods could be used to evaluate an event: • SWOT analysis • questionnaires • interviews

Informal feedback is when you have a conversation about someone and find out how you've been doing whereas formal feedback can be done via email and is very professional.

3.1 explain the difference between formal and informal feedback

Unit 2 Outcome 3


Outcome 2

Outcome 1

Unit 3


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Learning about how competition can be a good thing has made me realise that if someone is trying to compete against you, you can use it to your advantage.

You need to find the competition because if you know what other people are doing, you can do your event bigger and better. If your event is better, you will attract more clients and will lead to the competition getting less revenue.

1.3 explain the importance of identifying other events in advance, which may directly compete with one of the selected events

Sporting event- People that do sports in their free time for fun or exercise.Corporate- CEOs and Presidents of companies.Leisure- People that like music and listen to it a lot of the time

1.2 identify a potential target audience for a selected event in each of the following sectors: • sporting • corporate • leisure

Initial market research is incredibly important as you need to know whether your idea has already been taken and you also need to know what your target audience is and what their needs are.

1.1 explain the importance of initial market research

Unit 3 Outcome 1

Finally, equipment is also important because it's what makes the event. This is make or break for your event because it helps bring it all together. Whether its a seating area or even just a whiteboard, it is fundamental for the interactivity of your customers

Staffing is important because staff members are what will plan everything. They ensure that everything is in order and that nothing is missing. Without staffing, there is no event to host.

Budget is also important for event planning because it determines and controls whether you will make profit and ensuring you dont spend too much money.

Time is very important while planning an event because you need it to have a thorough plan. If you rush it, your plan will be lacklustre and missing key points.





2.5 Why are the following important while planning an event:


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Learning about the 4Ps helped me discover how to make an event as successful as I want it to be.

Press me and test yourself!

What are the 4Ps?

The marketing mix is the factors that allow a company to grow more and be more successful. These are known as the 4Ps. You have Price, Place, Promotion and Product. Price refers to how much you set your product/service at. Place is where you hold your event and where you place your promotion. Promotion is how you let people know about your event and product is what type of product/service you will provide

2.1 describe what is meant by the marketing mix

Unit 3 Outcome 2


Outcome 3

Outcome 2

Outcome 1

Unit 4

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Knowing about the skills needed to manage an event will help me in the future when i want to set up an event and I will have the ability to successfully orchestrate a fully functioning event.

The skills needed to manage our sponsored walk charity event would be good communication skills to inform your team what they need to do, you need good leadership skills in order to assign roles, you need time management skills to make sure you aren't behind and organisation skills are needed so things are in order and everything can be done with fluidity and ease.

1.3 explain what skills are needed to manage the event

Unit 4 Outcome 1

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When I learnt about the different teams in an event, it made me realise that there are so many different parties in an event and it takes a lot of effort and time from a lot of people to make an event work.

Team work is very important at events because everyone needs to know what they are doing and how to do it and if they do then there won't be any issues. If there is no element of teamwork, There will be no fluidity and will result in a very bad event with no organisation.

2.3 explain the value of teamwork at events

The band are the main event, they will be performing and ensuring that the audience are getting their value for money. The venue people will make sure that The Forum is ready for the band is available for them without any overlapping performances. People in charge of the money will set the prices and handle the money and ensure everything is legitimate.

2.2 describe the functions of each team involved in the event

The teams that would be involved in the event are: The band, the venue people and the people in charge of the money.

2.1 list the teams involved in the event

Unit 4 Outcome 2


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Knowing about different responsibilities of people at events can help me if I want to be an event manager and need to know what each of my employees will do.

Event partners are people that have a link with the event. This is, in most cases, is where they invest a certain amount so they will want the event to go well.

This is someone that will have a contract to provide a specific service that you desire. This could be someone providing food and drinks or music, etc.

Volunteers will participate and help in any way that they can however they do this and expect not to earn a wage. They simply want to see an event do well.

Event personnel make sure that the event is going to schedule and is smooth. They will either participate or observe and make sure things are going well.

Event personnel


Contracted persons

Event partners

3.1 list the roles and responsibilities of each of the following at the event: • event personnel • volunteers • contracted persons • event partners

Unit 4 Outcome 3


Outcome 3

Outcome 2

Outcome 1

Unit 5

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This is all very important to know because briefing is a very crucial aspect of event planning, communication is the most important for team dynamic and fluidity and how you can deal with a lack of communication which is vital to know

  • One potential barrier to communicating at an event is the possibility that it could be a loud event so your personnel might not be able to hear you so to avoid this you could write a note to them so they can easily read it without being hindered by the sound.
  • Another barrier to communication could be if there was an argument between personnel. This would cause upset in the team and may make it hard to speak to people. To avoid this, you should resolve the issue and ensure that people know that the main priority is the success of the event

1.4 describe 2 potential barriers to communication at an event and how those barriers can be overcome

  • Verbal- this is used by talking to personnel and communicating with them via word of mouth.
  • Non-verbal- This could be done via body language such as a thumbs up.
  • Written- This can be done by writing a small letter and passing it to someone, this makes it more discreet and easier to distinguish if it is loud in the event.
  • Electronic- This will be done via email before or after the event.

1.3 explain how the following range of communication methods are used by personnel at an event: • verbal • non-verbal • written • electronic

It is very important to debrief personnel after an event because then they can find out how the event went and what they did well and what they could have done better.

1.2 explain the importance of debriefing personnel after the event

Before an event, you really need to brief personnel because everybody needs to know what's going on and what needs to be done. If nobody is briefed, everybody will be clueless and won't know what they need to do in order to provide a successful event.

1.1 outline the purpose of arranging for personnel to be briefed before the event.

Unit 5 Outcome 1



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Learning about discrimination is so important when it comes to event planning but most importantly, everyday life. It has opened my eyes to the ways in which we can avoid it as a whole.

The event I have chosen is the event that we are orchestrating for our event. The way in which we have avoided discrimination is by making sure that everybody does what they want and plays to their strengths. We will also include everyone in group discussions and make sure every feels like an equal.

2.4 provide an example from a selected event that shows how event organisers have made sure there is no discrimination

Discrimination is when you mistreat someone due to their appearance/personality. This could be either leaving them out of conversations and out of work social events, excluding them from team meetings and refusing to hire someone just because of what they look like.This makes people feel excluded and worthless just because they're 'different'.

2.3 explain discrimination

The main pieces of legislation include race, gender, age, religion and sexuality. It protects people from being discriminated in the work place and allows everyone, no matter what you look like or however you identify, to be treated as an equal. This is very important because it makes people feel safe at all times and happy to contribute with full confidence. The full list of legislation: The Equal Pay Act 1970, The Sex Discrimination Act 1975, The Race Relations Act 1976, The Disability Discrimination Act 1995, The Employment Equality, Religion or Belief) Regulations 2003, The Employment Equality (Sexual Orientation) Regulations 2003, The Employment Equality (Age) Regulations 2006, The Equality Act 2006, Part 2, The Equality Act (Sexual Orientation) Regulations 2007

2.2 list the main pieces of legislation relating to Equality of Opportunity

Equality of opportunity is the right for everyone to be able to have the same possibility of having opportunities.

2.1 explain Equality of Opportunity

Unit 5 Outcome 2

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At an event, customer service is essential because it will make sure that they donate and maybe even tell their friends about it. Good customer service is vital for success and repuation of an event.

3.2 outline why good customer service is essential at an event

Customer service is dealing with customers if they need to ask a question or need help with something. They ensure customer satisfaction is met and helps the fact that they might come back again.

3.1 explain what is meant by customer service

Unit 5 Outcome 3

Room 2

Room 3

Room 1

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1.3 Explain how the following range of communication methods are used by personnel in this room: • verbal • non-verbal • written • electronic The picture is of a woman on the phone so the communication would be verbal because she needs to talk to people over the phone and it is also electronic because it is over the phone. 1.4 Describe 2 potential barriers to communication with this room layout and how those barriers can be overcome.One barrier that could affect communication is a bad landline meaning it is difficult for clients to hear you. To resolve this you can improve your landline by spending more money. Another barrier is that some people may be from other areas of the world and will therefore be unable to understand you. To resolve this, you can hire personnel that speak multiple languages so these issues don't occur.3.2 Outline why good customer service is essential at an event – write down how this would work in this room. Good customer service is important at an event because it helps with your company's reputation. For this situation, this could work by the woman speaking with a positive voice and being as helpful and polite as possible. 3.3 Identify a potential customer problem that personnel may face in this room and explain how that problem can be overcome. A potential customer problem that may occur is them being angry and having no patience which can be stressful for the staff and it can be overcome by keeping calm and being as polite as possible.3.4 explain how customer service could be improved in this room.Customer service can be improved in this room by teaching the personnel different languages to accommodate to the customers' needs.

Room 1

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1.3 Explain how the following range of communication methods are used by personnel in this room: • verbal • non-verbal • written • electronic Verbal communication is used as there are multiple people in the room that can speak together electronic can be used as there are computers and they can use email to communicate with people outside of the room. 1.4 Describe 2 potential barriers to communication with this room layout and how those barriers can be overcome.2 barriers with this room layout is the fact that the people on the computer's backs are towards the people on the table so it may be hard to communicate and work at the same time. Another barrier is that the computers could crash and therefore they may have to relocate to another room.3.2 Outline why good customer service is essential at an event – write down how this would work in this room. Customer service would work well in this room because the people on the computers can answer any questions about the event via email, the people on the desk can answer the written letters and the whiteboard can be used to write ideas to facilitate the fact that they know what they are doing and can help if anyone has any questions. 3.3 Identify a potential customer problem that personnel may face in this room and explain how that problem can be overcome. Customers may not fully understand the concept of the event and the team will need to collaborate to solve these isses.3.4 explain how customer service could be improved in this room.Customer service can be improved by changing the layout of the room so everyone on the outside pf the room faces the centre which will be good for optimal communication.

Room 2

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1.3 Explain how the following range of communication methods are used by personnel in this room: • verbal • non-verbal • written • electronic This appears to be a help desk so the only form of communication would be verbal because people will come up to you and ask questions. 1.4 Describe 2 potential barriers to communication with this room layout and how those barriers can be overcome.The issue with this layout is the fact that there is no computer so if you need to google something, you will have to use your phone which looks unprofessional. Another barrier is a language barrier could be an issue because there is no computer so it will be difficult to translate and the customer will remain confused without aid. To overcome this, you should add a computer.3.2 Outline why good customer service is essential at an event – write down how this would work in this room. Because this is face-to-face, good customer service is essential so you need to smile and be expressive while being helpful and the customer will feel like they've been taken care of. 3.3 Identify a potential customer problem that personnel may face in this room and explain how that problem can be overcome. The room seems to be quite small so it may be difficult if the customer gets angry and isn't calming down, there isn't really an escape if necessary. A way to overcome this is by making it bigger or adding an exit. Furthermore, hiring a security guard could work and also learning how to defuse situations if need be.3.4 explain how customer service could be improved in this room.Cuatomer service can be improved by adding a sign to your event giving information about it and adding welcoming messages to make it seem more approachable and less intimidating. Signs will also let customers know who they are speaking to.

Room 3


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The 4Ps are: