Want to make creations as awesome as this one?


Author: Yasmin RipleyAdvisor: Zara B, Lily B

Event Planning Portfolio



Here is my guide on event planning, in here you can learn how to make a risk assesment, why evaluating is important and much more. Go to the next slide to experience a new interactive world and learn about event planning.

03. Unit 2

02. Unit 1

01. Introduction

06. Unit 5

05. Unit 4

04. Unit 3

09. Contingency Plans

10. Bibliography

11. Figures and tables

08. Tools to evaluate events

07. Event Evaluating

12. Annexes

Contents Page

Click each icon to see the outcome work

4. Unexpected situations5. Health and safety

01. Unit 1


1. Sectors2. Event coordinators3. Outline Plan


Click me to see Outcome 2

Click each group to see how they benefit!

Evaluation data can be helpful for partners to understand how their events ran out and exactly what happened, this will help them to make any future adjustments.

Evaluation data about an events successes can be valuable to other looking to do similar work.

The data is important to performers and participants because you can use feedback to identify any weaknesses, therefore being able to make your performance stronger.

Evaluation data is important to organisers because they can track whether all targets have been met, it also allows you to see how far your event was projected which can be helpful when organising future events.

Event Partners

Performers and paticipants

Audience/ spectators

1.3 how the following groups would benefit from the evaluation data:

An evaluation is the process of judging or assessing something using targets or a criteria. It is important to evaluate events because firstly you can then see if your event has met all of its measurable targets. It is also helpful because it can keep track of feedback and help to improve future success

Outcome 1

1.1 & 1.2 WHat is An EVALUATION and why are they IMPORTANT??


02. Unit 2

Marketing Methods

Outcome 2

Outcome 1

Initial Market Research

Market Research

03. Unit 3

Click me for Outcome 3

Click me for Outcome 1

Water Maintenance


Electrical team

Campsite Maintenance

Food vendors





Click me

Click me



Outcome 2

04. Unit 4


Click the grey buttons

Outcome 3
Outcome 2
Out come 1

Equality of opportunity


Customer Service

Communication & Customer serice

05. Unit 5

Communicating within our eventWhen communicating at our event we expect you to:Use manners, please, thank you etc. (Being polite to customers in general)If you have any problems occur please resort to the nearest member of staff, however if it can still not be resolved please consult someone from the event management team- Yasmin R, Zara B, Lily B to sort it out.If you're are confused at any point of what you can help out with or where you're meant to be please seek management team aswell, we have a lot of job roles that need covering so don’t fear as we will definitely have jobs for you!!

Problem solving Good problem solving customer service standard's involve approaching the issue with a proactive and solution oriented mindset Some good problem solving standards include ; 1. Identifying the problem - clearly understanding the issue at hand 2. Analysing the situation – gathering the relevant information and assessing the impact of the problem . 3. Generating solutions – brainstorming and considering different options to address the problem. 4. Applying the solution ; Taking action and putting the chosen solution in to practice. 5. Evaluating the outcome ; assessing the effectiveness of the solution and making adjustments if needed 6. Always remember it's important to be flexible ,communicate effectively and inform the relevant organisers

Equality of OpportunityGood equality of opportunity customer service standards involve:

  • Treating all attendees with respect,
  • providing equal access to services and facilities,
  • making sure that the event is inclusive to everyone (disabilities, ethnicity, sexuality, gender etc),
  • Being able to cater to diverse needs,and that staff are trained to recognise and prevent discrimination.

Here is a short guide on what how we expect you to Communicate, demonstrate Equality of Opportunity and resolve problems at our event.

Unit 5 Outcome 4

Click me to return to Unit 1

4.2Click the image to below to see a contingency plan covering 2 unexpected situations that could occur at our event.

Contingency plans are vital within event management because they help to ensure that you have a backup option in case anything goes wrong or anything unexpected happens. They can also help get a better view on the event as a whole to then in future make sure the event is run smoothly.


Contingency Plans


Why are contingency plans important?

Click me for Outcome 3!

Event revenue

Data records

Customer satisfaction surveys/ complaints

Staff debrief

Outcome 2

06. Event evaluating

2.2 Why can a be important when evaluating:

2.1 The importance of setting objectives

The best way to evaluate your event is by setting objectives, so that when your event is over you can look back at the objectives you've set and see if you have achieved them. By clearly defining what you want to achieve you can gain valuable insights. This cycle of ongoing improvements helps you continuously improve the event experience.

Click each yellow button!

Click me for UNIT 3!

  • One electronic feedback method could be using email or teams just to write a summary of how the customer felt our event went.
  • You could also create an online survey to email out to everyone.

Electronic feedback methods


  • They could do this by:
  • handling/ emailing out a survey based off the event.
  • Face to face asking for feedback
  • leaving reviews on social media pages

SWOT analysis



Identifying threats


  • Social media
  • Face to face
  • In the moment (as soon as the incident you would like to report has happened)

Informal feedback Informal feedback is feedback given indirectly, this could be via:

Click me

Formal feedback Formal feedback is planned feedback. It is when the organisation slash event organisers have asked for review on how the customers felt the event went. They could do this by:

3.1 Informal and formal feedback

Tools used to evaluate events


Electrical team

Click to go back to the teams


More teams


  • Author's name (2013), Book title. Place of publication: Publisher.

Title book lorem ipsum

  • Author's name (2013), Book title. Place of publication: Publisher.

Title book lorem ipsum

  • Author's name (2013), Book title. Place of publication: Publisher.

Title book lorem ipsum



Unit 1





5.4 how to carry out a

5.3 please refer to my word prposal document

In order to carry out a risk assessment you need to look at the event as a whole and analyse any risks that you can see. For example: As were going to be selling food items we need to clearly label any ingredients that people could have allergens to. Then we write down the risk and look at the measures required to control the risk, and who the action needs to be taken by.

Incorporating health and safety requirements whilst planning our event is important because it can help to iron out any health and safety risks that our event may have.


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It is important to include security measures when planning an event to keep everyone attending safe. By putting security measures in place we can deal with the emergencies efficiently, prevent potential risks and provide a secure environment for everyone to enjoy the event. Lack of security measures can also heighten the risk of theft, crowd control issues and gate crushing. Ultimately there is a risk of injuries.

5.1 The importance of security at an event

Water Maintenance
Food vendors
Hover over each one

Click for more

Campsite Maintenance

Functions of the teams at events


They are able to give you ' the full story' and their honest opinions on your event.

Feedback via interviews can be beneficial because your client can give you a more in depth response

There are different ways to improve customer service for example you can take time to engage with your customers and find out what their needs are. As a result of this you will be able to fully meet the customer's needs, this will help to improve customer service standards. Another example is strengthen your communication skills because communication is essential for providing a positive experience for customers.

3.4 How can customer service be improved

We could run into a problem where a customer has complained that a staff member was rude, to address this issue we would apologise to them and look at the severity of the situation. In extreme case we would fire the staff member, however a talk with them should solve the problem.

3.3 A customer problem staff may face

Good customer service is essential at an event because it helps create a positive and memorable experience for the attendees. When event staff provide good customer service, it makes that attendees feel valued, heard, and supported throughout their time at the event. It can help address any concerns or issues, and build a strong reputation for the event.

3.2 Why is it important

Customer service means to the support and assistance customers before, during, and after their interaction with a company or organisation. It could include customer questions, resolving issues or concerns, and creating a positive experience. The goal is to meet customer needs and build a bond with the customer.

2.1 What is customer service?

Customer Sevice

Tourism and leisure sector refers to a broad category of the travel and tourism business, which includes lodging and hospitality, food and drink, entertainment, and attractions including theme parks, museums, and sports venues.


The sports sector is the market where companies or products that are sold to consumers have something to do with sports; these can be people, places, things, services, or ideas. There are three organisational sectors in the sport industry: public, non-profit, and commercial.




For this task i went around the college and and people for an event that falls into a sector. Heres what they came up with:


Sport, corporate and lesiure are the main sectors used in events. Some of these events could be:

  • Festivals
  • Weddings & personal events
  • Exhibitions
  • Confrences & coventions

Outcome 1


Main sectors within event planning:

Click the skills icons to see ours.

1.3 Skills needed to manage an event

Click image

Me, Zara and Lily are the event partners so we will be handling all the roles and responsibilities of the event, whether that's handing tasks out to staff, or carrying it out ourselves. As event managers we will be in charge of:

Yasmin, Zara and Lily

1.2 Our roles and respobilities

Outcome 1

1.1We are going to use a flat structure to manage the event. The three of us will be the managers of the whole event so that we can equally decide what roles and responsibilities we will designate to which students. This will work well as it will give us multiple opinions and inputs to help make the best decisions for the event.

Management structure for our Christmas event

Water Maintenance
Food vendors

Click for more

Campsite Maintenance
Hover over each one

Functions of the teams at events

Click for examples

1.4 Communication barriers

1.3 Hover over each communication method



Non- verbal


1.2 Debriefing staff is a time for reflection, feedback and a performance evaluation. It helps identify what went well and what could be improved for future events.

1.1 It's important to brief staff members before an event to make sure everyone is in understanding of their job role and where they need to be.


Identifying the threats of your event can open up the doorway to new opportunities for you to make your event different or better in the future.

  • Communication – they need to be able to communicate with the customers that come to the stall
  • Leadership – they need to be able to direct the customers what they need to do when their at the stalls ,they also need to take control because they are in charge.

Stall Staff -

  • Organisation – they need to have everything planned for the event
  • Communication – they need to discuss everything between each other so that they are all up to date.
  • Problem solving – they will need a backup plan for everything planned
  • Creativity – they need to create plans that are creative and unique so that they are different from the rest.
  • Time management – they need to have everything planned in time for the event.

Event management -

Skills needed for the 2 main job roles



Stall Staff-

Event Management-

2 Main job roles & No. of people required


Contracted Persons


Event Partners

Hover over each job role to see their responsibilities

Event Personnel


Responsibilities of the following at events:

Identifying other events in advance that my directly compete with one of the selected events is very. Important as it will allow you to assess the potential impacts on attendance, sponsorship opportunities etc. If you understand the competition, you can make strategic decisions to differentiate your event, attract attendees, and utilising this and maximising its success.





1.2 Potential target audience

Initial market research is important because it helps you understand your target audience, competitions, market trends. It ensures you make informed decisions and increases the chances of success for your business or project.

1.1 Why is it important??

As well as that you can ask specific questions that you need answering, this could be about future events you're looking to hold or the event attended.

A questionnaire is one quick way to get feedback seeing as they could have yes or no answers, which is handy for customers that don't want to write a lot


Click the image to see what an event planners CV looks like

Communication skills

Budgeting skills

Good note takers



Hover over the skills required to be an event organiser to see why they're important

  • Work personally with customers to find out their needs and ensure customers satisfaction.
  • Organise facilities, decorations, food & drinks, entertainment, transport, location, special guests, equipment etc.

To be a good event coordinator you need to be able to:

Responsibilities of an event coordinator


Being an event coordinator

Equality of opportunity means that everyone should have the same chances and opportunities in life, regardless of their background, characteristics, or circumstances. It promotes fairness and ensures that individuals have an equal shot at reaching their full potential. It's about creating a level playing field where everyone has an equal chance to succeed.

Discrimination & Equality of opportunity

2.1 What is Equality of opportunity
2.2 The Human Rights Act of 1998, the Equality Act (Sexual Orientation) Regulations of 2007, and the Equality Act of 2010 are some important pieces of legislation related to equality of opportunity. These legal measures want to defend people against discrimination and promote equal opportunities for everyone. It allows you to defend your rights in UK courts and requires public institutions, such as the government, police, and local governments, to treat everyone fairly, respectfully, and equitably.

For 2.3- 2.5 please refer to my christmas proposal documents

2.1 What is the marketing mix?

The marketing mix or the four p’s is a combination of a companies products, pricing, places, and promotion, they uses to differentiate themselves from the competition.

Weaknesses on the other hand or what you will use to look at any improvements that could be made and to give you ideas on what you could do to stand out from your competition.

SWOT analysis's are useful when evaluating because it breaks your feedback into strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and you can assess each category individually. the strengths is all the positive feedback, so everything you have done well on and things that you should continue doing.

Lastly working together can help to quickly solve any problems that may arise. Having multiple perspectives on the task at hand will help to get it solved quick and efficiently.
Working in a team can reduce stress on any or all team members, being able to share out tasks amongst event staff takes pressure off the main organiser and helps each task to be done to a good standard.
Organising an event is a lot of work and very difficult to manage on your own. When it comes to running an event you need a motivated group of people to ensure your event is run to the best of its ability.
