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This is a presentation on the different ways in which films are financed and funded within the industry.

Task 4


4. Independent UK films

3. British film industry

2. Comparison

1. Film studios in America

This is an index

Films tend to go through four phases for production. These phases are development, pre-production, production and post-production.

How film studios are organised today in America.

Each studio focused on their own genre for films. The studio system was vertical integration which was production to distribution to exhibition . Warner bros fitted all the sound technology into cinemas. There were negatives such as actors had no agents. Actors could get swapped/ traded with no say into the matter.

Classical Hollywood

There was a massive case called the Paramount case and it was about how the big 5 studios (Rko,Universal, Paramount,Warner bros and 20th century Fox) violated anti-trust laws. This meant that foreign/new studios were able to put their films in the cinemas. However, Paramount lost a lot of money.

Contemporay Hollywood



Film in the british industry needs to be regulated. For example any inappropiate content will need regulations to it. The BBFC who are the British Board of Film Classification, they fund the film industry in the UK. Also, the film industry tends to be funded by private companies. For example, Warner Brothers have earned their money from the turnover of films they have invested in. The british film industry has a skilled and versatile workforce, which is a strength. Weaknesses are that the budgets are failing to grow and costs are increasing.

The structure of British Film industry and it's strengths and weaknesses

There are multiple ways independent UK films can gain funding. For example, find investors, look for grants, loans, product placement and crowdfunding. In my opinion I think crowdfunding is the best mehtod in terms of how easy it is to set it up. They would need to set up a campaign on the varity of websites that offer crowdfunding, like Kickstarter. They can get a lot of backers which is a strength. A weakness is that if you do not get any backers and the deadline time for it is coming up means that you will not get any type of finance to help you. There is a risk that nobody donates money. Grants is another good option in my opinion since a lot of small filmakers in the past have been able to get a grant to help with the prodcution phase of the project.

Independent UK films

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