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Film and Financial funding


in film industry


american film studios

  • The Hollywood studio era involved the Big Five studios controlling all aspects of their movies, with owning their own movie theaters being the most notable. In this way, if you lived in a town with a Warner Bros. and Paramount theater, you would have no trouble checking out their latest movies.
  • These were five major film studios that were responsible for the classical Hollywood system. They included Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer, Warner Bros., Paramount, Fox, and RKO.
  • As it was, by 1930, 95 percent of all American production was concentrated in the hands of only eight studios.

amerian fillm studios

The cinema of the United States, consisting mainly of major film studios along with some independent films, has had a large effect on the global film industry since the early 20th century.

What is american film?

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Contemporary Cinema is a major study of key developments in the cinema over the last thirty years. It reworks Pasolini's landmark concept of 'the cinema of poetry' to look at the transformation of film form in its encounter with society, the sacred, the subjective and the presence of the camera.

Classical Hollywood cinema or the classical Hollywood narrative, are terms used in film history, which designate both a visual and sound style. Its for making motion pictures and a mode of production used in the American film industry between 1927 and 1963






how are they different

The main differences between classical and contempary hollywood are that

In my personal opinion i can't choose between the 2 as with the classical you have the original form of the begining middle and end which allows you to have clarity on where things may be going but there is still a sense of mystery as you dont know how it will happen; where as with contemporary there is a message behind it and in some cases the messages change peoples lifes so i would say they are both good.

personal conclusion

At the heart of Pasolini's film language and visual style reside several intertwined concepts underpinning what he called the “poetry of cinema.” They include contamination, the sacredness of the real world (re-sacralizing of life), and cinema as “writing with reality.”