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TEXT 2THE OPEN WINDOW (by Hector Hugh Munro,SAKI)

Hector Hugh Munro, known as Saki, was a British writer whose short stories satirized Edwardian society and culture.They were raised by their grandmother and two very strict aunts.Aunts have a lot of rules. Saki didn't like the rules, but he had to obey. He wasn't often allowed to play outside.He has written numerous short stories that have been published in newspapers and magazines.His pseudonym "Saki" was a reference to the wine from Omar Khayyam's Rubai.Munro was known for his short stories, which were witty and ironic.He has also written several plays, novels and short story collections.In November 1916, he was hiding in a shell crater near Beaumont-Hamel, France, during the Battle of the Ancre, when he was killed by a German sniper. According to several sources, his last words were "Put out that damn cigarette!"

The lesson we can learn from this short story is that we have to verify the veracity of the story before fully trusting.So, wherever we are and in whatever person or society we live, we must make sure that the story is true before we believe them and form our own opinion about the story.

Weather: Warm

Mood or Atmosphere: quiet, somewhat ghastly and creepy

Time: October evening

Place: In a countryside house


VeRA - Self-possessed confident, intelligent and allert, shrewd, creative and imaginative, a fine actress. Vera is the major character or she is the center of this story because she is the one who sets this story from beginning until the end. And the theme of this story matches with Vera’s role in this story.

Framton Nuttel

A shy, nervous man due to both his medical condition and having to meet many people he doesn’t know. He is a dynamic character because in this story his characteristic is changed after he faced an event. Nuttel has neural problem which makes him cannot think logically and makes him easily believed in Vera’s story.

Some of the characters demonstrate a mirror image of their names and their personalities. On the other hand, other character’s names are the complete opposite of their personalities.Vera’s name comes from words that mean truth or honesty, while in reality Vera lies and manipulates the truth due to the circumstances of her situation. Mr. Nuttel’s name on the other hand is ironic in the sense that it comes from words that mean crazy, mentally unstable, nuts, etc. and that is exactly how his character is described in the story.

In this story Saki uses irony.

Mr. Nuttall first came to Mrs. Appleton's house to find “peace" or to be cured of it. However, instead of finding a cure, his condition worsened when Vera deceived him.


Framton finds it paradoxical that the rural countryside should be anything but a retreat. When he learns of the supposed tragedy Mrs. Sappleton experienced, he thinks, "somehow in this restful country spot tragedies seemed out of place"

Repetition: «pour aunt» in different part of the text. Used to cause regret in Framton Nuttel.Epithet – restful country, self-possed young lady , creepy feelings, dreadful wet summer, tolerably white delusion. USE to give a certain semantic coloring to each of the objects.Personafication: Treacherous piece of bog.

The Open Window is a good story because not only provides good tone but also gives an unpredictable plot. As we will see through the analysis of the plot, this story is a striking example of the right way to use irony. We may think the story in some way, but in the end it turns out to be different than we originally thought.