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Similar, yet different

Informational Text Comparison

By: Sam Lechtenberg

"Right to Education: Situation Around the World

Better Education = Healthier Lives Infographic


Multimodal Elements

Text Structure



Multimodal Elements

Text Structure

These two text, while being very different in structure, communicate very similar messages. Both the article and the timeline convey the message that baseball has been extremely important in American history. The information in both pieces about how baseball has helped the country during times of intense tragedy, like war, and brought it together during times of social tension demonstrate how the sport is woven into the fabric of America. Where they differ is how they communicate this information. For example, "The History of Baseball" is a straightforward article that communicates purely through words and language. The timeline, on the other hand, communicates by allowing readers to see events in relation to each other and interact with the information by clicking on dates to find out more. Both are powerful pieces that are helpful to anyone who is remotely interested in baseball.

Thesis The lack of education is large and has many possible causes

Description In "Right to Education: Situation Around the World", the text structure is description. I belive this because the text is

Evidence 1. "In developing and developed countries alike, children do not have access to basic education because of inequalities that originate in sex, health, and cultural identity." Evidence 2. "Factors linked to poverty such as unemployment, illness, and the illiteracy of parents, multiply the risk of non-schooling and the drop-out rate of a child by 2." Evidence 3. "Today, it is girls who have the least access to education. They make up more than 54% of the non-schooled population in the world."

This is a traditional article, so it contains no multimodal elements to support it.

Thesis Being poorly educated has many major negative effects.

Cause and effect In the text, it shows us many examples of something like four years in collage and what the effect is, like a longer life span.

Examples used in the text include... The long-lasting effects to a poor education have been linked to the health of future generations. An additional four years of education reduces a range of health risks. College graduates can expect to live at least 5 years longest than individuals who have not finished high school.

This text had many different multimodal elements. It consisted of a number of different graphs and statistics.

The author's purposes differ by one trying to inform you of some possible causes of lack of education while "Better Education Healthier Lives" informs us as readers of the effects of education. In "Right to Education: Situation Around the World" it states "In developing and developed countries alike, children do not have access to basic education because of inequalities that originate in sex, health, and cultural identity" (Humanlums 1). This quote shows us an example of what some causes of less education are. In "Better Education Healthier Lives" it says "College graduates can expect to live at least 5 years longer than individuals who have not finished high school.". This quote shows an example of the effect of the lack of proper education.