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The Deloitte Gazette

12th Dec, 2023

Breaking News: Deloitte employees compete in fictional coffee shop challenge

How to (not) run a business

Among a game of 10 teams, The Study Break immediately fell behind after one wrong move- their story, Page 2.

The Deloitte Gazette

What happened?

12 Dec, 2023

Wrong Coffee Machine?

Exclusive Interview with The study break

My opening question to the team is what they regret most. 'Definitely not spending more the first week,' replies Amaan, a member of the accounts team. 'Yeah, I definitely agree, we should've bought the better coffee machine,' says Shafee, a key collaborator on the creative side.

The Deloitte Gazette

After a few weeks in, things started to look up for the team at the Study Break. Their ads were looking better, they had a completely new logo, and they were finally getting somewhere with customer satisfaction and weighted score.

12th Dec 2023

But... were things looking up?

A few failed ideas later

However, they were still dead last in terms of Net Income. It was time for a change in strategy- one they hoped would pay off...

The Deloitte Gazette

12th Dec 2023

A new strategy

Ditching revenue, increases cup sales

'We decided to try and sell as many cups as possible,' says Amna, part of operations. Rithika and Nahom both nod in agreement. 'We all realised we were going further and further into debt,' imparts Isabel, the team's leader. 'The smarter thing to do was to ignore our revenue and instead focus on a different way to win.'

'While trying to increase our cup sales, we also really hammered home our creativity,' explains Rithika. 'Shafee and Nahom really came through on the marketing side', responds Amaan. 'The adverts and website they worked on were great.'

They knew it was unlikely that they would win, but they didn't want to be last.

The Deloitte Gazette

For this team, any improvement from the beginning was one to be celebrated. By week 8, their customer satisfaction had grown, capacity utilisation was consistently in the top three, and cup sales were on the rise. So, what did they get out of the competition?

12 Dec 2023

The Study Break's Final Thoughts

Not first, but not last either

  • Isabel: I loved meeting new people and working as part of a team. It was fun to share ideas and commiserate with each other.
  • Amna: I liked trying to increase our rank and competing with others. I felt like the experience improved my management skills, and helped me understand team environments.
  • Shafee: I liked debating and arguing the pros and cons of ideas with other team members.
  • Amaan: I liked using our creativity to design a professional looking logo.
  • Nahom: I took away a sense of pride after I made our website. I was really proud of it and was pleased with how it came out.
  • Rithika: I enjoyed working with everyone, and pushed me out of my comfort zone. It was something different for me, and helped develop professional skills that I can use in the future.