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On a daily average 15,000 petrol and diesel cars would be entering into chelmsford and 2,000 electric would be entering chelmsford.


How many cars enter Chelmsford daily

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Car emmisions have increased in the last 3 decades

On an average there has been a 33% increase since 1990 and 2019 due to the greenhouse emmisions from transport across the world.

£70,000 (yearly)

Office space

£100,000 (yearly)

£15,000 (yearly)



£100,000 (yearly)

Fine enforcement team


Camera installment


Constant camera checks

Cost. Initial cost(£361,500). Annual cost(£285,000)

  • Reduce traffic
  • divert cars to the A120
  • Increase in public transport
  • No blocking traffic for emergency
vehicles in Broomfeild
  • Crash reduction

Traffic will only increase with the high stats of new drivers, emergency vehicles will be blocked from traffic risking the lives of people in need. More safety for school children when walking to and from school. The carbon fuels will increase dramatically from the sheer popularity of chelmsford city

what will happen if we do not act now.

we wanted to ensure any transport other then public to be taxed with a fee when entering into chelmsord. With charging diesel and petrol cars £4 and electric £2. People living within the area can get a discounted yearly charge for the congestion charge.this can be the benefits from this change:

Our plan..


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Beat the traffic with stress free travel, affordable, easy to park, toilet facilities and help on hand if needed. By using our service you’re creating a better environment for everyone who lives, works, shops and goes to school in towns / cities and more convenient than parking in the town or city centre. Cost £1.50 a child and £3 a person we will also push and advertise pre existing cycle routes for people to use for the people who live in Chelmsford, to bring down carbon emmisions therefore Chelmsofrd will become more sustainable.

Park and ride & cycle routes

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Our end goal

The tax that'll be set in place is a fair, small fee that'll not only divert traffic to the A120 and push people to travelling in public transport but would also influence citizens to drive electric cars in order to reduce their tax while helping the city with greenhouse reduction increasing sustaiablity in Chelmsford.

Provide more safety within the community and begin the 'carbin clearup'. To also be one of the first small cities in England to get their foot in the door of restoring a clearer atmosphere around the city. Starting small and acting now will reduce the greenhouse gases and carbon footprint that has been admitted into Chelmsford, the percentage will drop and we can become on of the leading cities of traffic reduction and public transport users.


The rest of the money will be used in salarys and yearly expenses.

80% of the money will be invested in the re-development of chelmsfords economic and environmental schemes.



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