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Digital innovation and the change in relationships between workers and their work

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While digital innovation can increase efficiency in numbers of industries, such as reducing human error and labor costs, it also alters the relationship between workers and their work. Is the increase in efficiency empowering workers with more autonomy or alienating them as tasks completers? I personally believe the trend is leading to the latter.




This post will be focusing on this dynamic of change with these readings1. the concept of “micro entrepreneurs” by Davis (2015) under the rise of gig platforms2. a case study of implementing robots in pharmacies by Barrett et al. (2012)3. Faraj et al. (2018) on the consequences of how learning algorithm interact with workers.

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Are workers now micro entrepreneurs?

In the study of Uberization (Davis, 2015), Uber drivers are able to arrange their own working schedules. According to Davis, having the autonomy on when and how workers want to work makes them “micro entrepreneurs”. However, these “micro entrepreneurs” are not nurturing a career but completing jobs. For instance, whether or not Uber drivers are likely to get more jobs is based on the calculation of the algorithm and the rating system instead of their creative capacities or their ability to seize opportunity like the traditional concept of entrepreneurs. For Uber, these workers are presented as performance scores lacking individuality. Their likelihood is also largely dependent on the platform’s mechanism, which many drivers reported having limited understanding of according to Möhlmann and Zalmanson (2017).

I would argue, with the rise of gig platforms, instead of gaining more autonomy, these workers are now less in control of their career.



Workers losing autonomy while tuning innovations

An example of workers having less control is a study of pharmacies introducing robots by Barrett et al. (2012). Robots changed the dynamic of work relationships between technicians and assistants, with the former gaining higher status by being the “carers” of robots and the latter struggling to work according to the robots’ schedules. The assistance reported feeling frustrated and belittled at work (Barrett et al., 2012). This could apply to a broader scenario in which workers in different industries may also organize their work around the priorities of new technologies rather than being served by or work along with them, ironically making their work less efficient.


Workers being limited by technology


In the study where Faraj et al. (2018) looked into working and organizing in the age of learning algorithms, it is observed that one of the consequences of this is curated knowledge. Algorithms curating which knowledge workers pay attention to could lead to limiting the recombination of information. If workers’ ability to recombine knowledge is decreased, the possibility of creative thinking and innovating is lessened.

Moreover, if all workers acquire the same knowledge and information, would workers be standardized, worsening the lack of individuality?


Managing and solving problems responsibly


In the pharmacy case where robots slow the working process down, it is the unintended consequence that undermines the integration of technology. An implementation of innovation sandbox could be a solution. With an innovation sandbox stimulating the real-world environment, players can predict and explore the possible outcomes of a new technology, further minimizing the possibility of unintended consequences.


Managing and solving problems responsibly


In terms of workers being dehumanized as task completers, Uber aims to solve this by showing the drivers’ names and personalized messages. Uber drivers or deliveries can now add personalized messages of “Why I Deliver” to increase empathy from customers and increase individuality. Some delivery drivers would disclose that they are supporting their families or even under financial distress as the picture shown.

Source: TikTok Search https://rb.gy/gli0up


Managing and solving problems responsibly

Encouraging empathy can bridge trust between individuals and narrow the distance under the age of digital innovation when human interactions are minimized.



Our possible future

Workers accommodating to new technologies and operating accordingly is the current trend. Furthermore, workers within the same industry may be fed the same information by the algorithm. If continued, workers with no distinctive skills and broader understanding could be working for the technology instead of leveraging it. Workers’ jobs could be downgraded as task completers, accomplishing tasks allocated by algorithms. If workers lack the unique traits only humans possess, such as empathy and the ability to recombine information to generate novel ideas, they are more prone to be replaceable. If our technology advances to the point where robots can do what task completers do, these workers will face the risk of job loss.



Our possible future

On the positive side, new jobs and industries will also emerge along with new innovation. New expertise will be required in different stages of innovation.


At the start, builders of tech facilities will be needed.

Before implementing, regulators and experts will have to tackle ethical issues.

Technicians and regulators would also maintain the technology and address accountabilities later on.

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Our possible future

Some may hold a pessimistic or worrying view towards new technology due to unintended consequences and negative impacts observed and discussed in this post. But I adopt a more curious attitude towards current trends. More creative job roles and industries can emerge without people having to deal with obligatory minutiae of work, allowing the shift of focus to more important and major tasks. Staying curious can also allow us to look at the system change as a whole, and to stimulate creativity while embracing the change of digital innovation.
