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The Merante Trivia Maze


































The Merante Trivia Maze























The merante Trivia Maze









If you answer this question correctly, gain 1 Clue

If anyone can recite the Pledge of Allegiance before this question is answered, the turn ends

This question must include the name of someone on the answering team

You may choose the category of this question

Answer this question within 10 seconds or return to START

You may add +3 to your next movement roll.

If you don't answer this trivia quesiton correctly, you have one roll for your next turn.

+6 to your question roll. If you answer incorrectly, +3 to your next quesiton roll

You are read every other word of this question

-2 to your question roll if it's 5 or 6 +2 if it's 1 or 2

If you answer this question correctly, each team gets -1 on their question roll until your next turn. On that turn, you get -1 for each quesiton answered correctly while the -1 was applied.

-2 to your question roll

-3 to your question roll

You may answer a second question, same difficulty roll.

If you answer question 1 correctly, Dad joins your team until you give a correct answer.

If you answer question 2 correctly, Dad's entire team (including him) joins your team until you give a correct answer.

(If Dad is already on your team, nothing changes)

Everyone votes if Grandma knows the answer to this question.

If the majority votes incorrectly, or if everyone votes the same way, you gain a Clue.

+1 to your question roll

Say a sentence in another language. If you say it correctly, -3 to your question roll

I give two movies. Choose one, then guess if I hate it, am annoyed by it, am indifferent, if I like it, or if I love it.

If you guess correctly, you may choose to be asked any previously incorrectly answered question.

+2 to your question roll

-1 to your question roll

-1 to your question roll

-3 to your question roll

If you answer this question correctly, gain a Clue.

This question must be from the Academics category

If you land on or pass START during your next turn, gain a Clue

You may answer an additional question, same difficulty roll.

If you answer the addtional question correctly, gain a Clue.

If your token shares a color with this space, -4 to your question roll

If you answer this question correctly, every other token must move to the closest space (on the board they are currently on) that shares the token color.

If you answer this question correctly, you may switch your token's place with any token on this board.

Have a staring contest with a member of the next team to go. Whomever loses, loses their turn

No winking, squinting, tickling or sudden movements. If there is a dispute, grandma will adjudicate. Once grandma begins speaking, no other players may speak until the winner of the game is decided.

If this is the first time you've landedon this space, move back 2 spaces

After your team is asked the question, you may swap one word for another, and answer the changed question instead

Conjunctions count as two words. If the question becomes nonsensical after the swap, only nonsensical answers will be accepted.

Once your answer is given, the other teams may attempt to persude you to change your answer.

If you change your answer to a correct answer, all teams may move their tokens 3 spaces.

If you change your answer to an incorrect answer, all other teams move their tokens 3 spaces.

If you don't change your answer, and it's incorrect, all teams return to START.

Secretly predict the color of the space the next team's token will land on. If you are correct, +6 to their question roll

Gain 1 Protection against the next time you would change boards

A team can not hold more than 1 Protection at a time

A list of the Joyful Mysteries may be accepted as the answer to this question

Move back 1 space

If you answer incorrectly, return to your previous space

If you answer correctly . . .

The oldest person on your team must describe a fake Magic card. If approved by Joseph, then -3 to your question roll

If you answer this question correctly, gain a Clue

The next time your token lands on another token, they get +6 on their next question roll

If this question is answered incorrectly, switch spaces with another token. The switched token's team is asked two questions of an equivalent question roll. If either question is answered incorrectly, they return to their oringinal space.

You may choose to be asked any previously incorrectly answered question.

If you get this question correct, you may move 1 space to the right or left

If you answer this question incorrectly, you must answer at least three questions correctly before you can win

The next time the answer to any question is a proper noun, your team can yell out "Timofey Mozgov" and end the current turn

This only works for the next time (can't hold it all game)

If all other teams can cumulativley name 10 varieties of cheese, the turn ends

+6 to your question roll

-2 to your question rollORIf you get this question correct, gain a clue

You may add any number from 1 to 6 to your question roll. If you answer correctly, you may move that many spaces.

If you answer correctly, all tokens on this board move to this space.

Thomas joins the team to his left until they get a question correct.

There can be no written or verbal discussion of this question within the answering team

+6 to your question roll