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French and African superstitions

Superstition- the belief that cannot be explained by reason or science. The belief that particular events good or bad luck.

According to the French, bread must be put "on the stomach", and not vice versa. It turns out that the bread that was baked for the royal executioner was specially postponed in this way: turning it over. It was believed that whoever inadvertently ate the executioner's bread would be his next client.

Incorrectly placed bread

The French are sure that if you meet a spider in the evening, then your day will definitely turn out well. But the morning spider leads to troubles and upsets. Le matin – chagrin, le soir–espoir, says the French folk wisdom.

An interesting sign is connected with the headdress of a French sailor: a white beret is crowned with an amazing red pompom (necessary according to safety rules: so as not to hit your head on the ceiling in low cabins). If someone, unnoticed by its owner, touches the pompom, he will be happy all day.

For example, some African tribes have a lively belief that if a snake crawled into a hut, then this... to the happiness and future well-being of the family! By tradition, such an honored guest should be met by the hostess of the house and offered to taste milk. If the snake accepted the treat, it means that she decided to become the patroness of this house and family.

In conversation, unlike Europeans, Africans try not to look into the eyes of a vis-a-vis, because they believe that if you look intently into the eyes of the interlocutor, you can become his enemy.

How to get the good news as soon as possible? In West Africa, they believe that if you knock on the drum, the good news will come the same day. Which drum and melody to choose for tapping and how long to summon good luck depends on your desire and intuition. Representatives of African tribes do not give out their musical motives.

How to get the good news as soon as possible? In West Africa, they believe that if you knock on the drum, the good news will come the same day. Which drum and melody to choose for tapping and how long to summon good luck depends on your desire and intuition. Representatives of African tribes do not give out their musical motives.

Ancient people tried to explain the world as they imagined it. This was the reason for the emergence of numerous superstitions and beliefs.A person cannot know everything, which means that he will continue to make guesses and hypotheses about how the world works. We're all a bit superstitious.
