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Georgie HiggsHCM Consultant10th January, 2024



4. Added Value

5. Q&A

1. Certification

3. Feedback

2. Project Experience


+ info

GenO Completion

Part 1


Certification: Learn

SCRUM Master

Part 2

Project Experience

Oxford Nanopore Technologies

Oxford Nanopore Technologies

South Yorkshire Police

The Guinness Partnership

Lead Role

Supporting Role

Project Evolution





Lead Role



Supporting Role



Lead role on 2 projects:

  • Problem Solving/Utilizing Network
  • Raising Risks
  • Decision Making
  • Influence/Best Practice

My Role

Recent Projects

Part 3


Feedback (SME & PM):
  • CSAT score of 10/10
  • SME: great delivery of process playbacks, highlighting preparation - little questions raised demonstrating it was presented in a way people understood at the right level of detail.
  • PM: Process playback sessions run to a high standard with an engaging delivery style - she is very knowledgeable and can articulate both what is possible but also when it is not best practice - highlighting she can deliver both good and challenging news to the customer.
  • Keeps the PM updated, raising upcoming issues at the appropriate time.
Area for improvementNothing directly to improve on but to keep the product knowledge up to date via release notes and training.
Project Manager:“Georgie, you really went above and beyond to solve the complex issue regarding the data migration load in DEV8 during a critical time in the project (go live stage). I can tell you’re committed to our clients and our team, and I really appreciate it. Thank you for taking the extra effort to check-in without the need to be prompted on the progress of each project milestone; it really helped me manage the client's expectations. It would have been easy for important details to slip through the cracks, but thanks to you, that didn’t happen. Keep up the fantastic work, and I look forward to working with you in the future.”


Part 4

Added Value

GenO Buddy – for cohort 4

Volunteering – Women in Tech Conference

HCM D&I Working group

Added Value

UK D&I Board

Thank you!

Any Questions?